Oprah for President

If she can find a way to make a boatload of money out of the process she will at least run. ISIS supporters will be lining up to fund the Oprah Winfrey Foundation.
I'm not so sure Oprah is going to have the coach potato demographic locked up. They have a very short attention span. Her cable TV network and publishing empire have been struggling to tread water for the most part. The potatoes move onto the next fat blabber blubbering on TV as soon as the previous one retires.
The big thing I think that keeps women out of the oval office is when they make trips to countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, maybe England and Sweeden in the future, they have to wear hijabs.

Can u imagine Oprah walking off Air Force One in a fugging Burka? What an embarrassment that would be.
Oprah is also supposedly a lesbian (Gayle King is her Huma) or bi and I'm not sure that's going to go over too well with her base when that does get batted about during a campaign.

Gayle King says best friend Oprah will 'never' run for president

“I was in the audience that day and it was clearly a joke… She was playing with David because they have such a great rapport,” said Winfrey’s best buddy Gayle King back in March, referencing an interview Winfrey did with with Bloomberg TV in which she commented that the recent election of TV star Donald Trump made her reconsider whether she, too, is an eligible candidate. “I would bet my first, second-born and any unborn children to come, that ain’t never happening. Never. I’ll say never on this one. Nevah, N-E-V-A-H. Nevah.”
If Trump looses to a liberal democrat the stock market will drop 15000 points. Will make 2008 look like a bump in the road. Talk about go time?
I’m just wondering what the hell would she run on. Trump has been hitting every single angle (supporting military, farmers, law and order, medical staff, etc.) and fighting for the American worker. Is she going to cut abuse of entitlements, support the Bill of Rights? Stand up to NK, Iran, terrorism? Illegals?

I don’t see her making it happen as she doesn’t have any position she can support that Trump has not already moved on. If most people really do see an increase in their weekly pay this February, then there’s no way she can win. People want to keep their money that they work so hard for.
I have not seen this one posted yet on the forum.

The liberal media is wet over the thought of thought of this. Just a matter of time until Chris Matthews' leg starts to tingle again. Maybe Pocahontas will be her running mate. Hillary could be Secretary of State of again, and Bernie the UN ambassador. Oh, and Al Gore the climate Czar. Al Franken would be the Woman's Empowerment Czar.

Sorry, I had a bad day. Feel much better now.
She is a danger. She is smart, cunning, manipulative and knows how to control the lemmings. The Dems will vote for ANYONE they believe has a chance to remove Trump. She will initially get the female vote, the black and hispanic vote, lgbtlmnop vote, the free-shit for me cause I ain't gonna work vote, the illegals vote, and with those polls the mainstream left and remaining alt-left will fall in line.
Gotta agree with the last two posts. While us normal folk will get sick of her race baiting and feminist overtones, she'll motivate the base and she'll also get the Bernie crowd that stayed home in the key states and is much more of a threat than Hilary is.

But, it comes down to people in PA, OH, FL, and NC. Working people, especially Independants, maybe even Democrats, are not going to buy into her because those few none Progressive Dems are going to sit back and think to themselves, "Trump's been President for 4 years, the world is still turning, why take the chance on this woman who has only ever had a TV show and never really done anything other than talk into a camera?"

At least Trump, after 4 years, will have several accomplishments and Trump is anti-politician, anti-Swamp where Oprah is going to have Nancy Pelosi on her hands and knees worshiping the ground she walks on.

Once the fake Russian conspiracy bullshit gets proven false, a conspiracy theory that new media ran with as truth and news, the Independants and working world are going to turn them off for good. It's not gonna matter what goes up (or down) Chris Matthews pant legs anymore because nobody's gonna be watching who isn't already going to vote for Oprah.
Obama screwed all future black Presidential hopefuls with his first month in office calling white people who voted for him racist and the country as a whole racist. People in the center politically that's needed to win will not forget
She's not fully Black, but I thought Kamala Harris was supposed to be the next chosen woman by the Democratic central party.

Neither was Obama, but that didn't matter to anyone.

Anyway, yeah, I think she's still the next anointed one, but she's almost as batshit crazy as Lieawatha. o_O
Cant wait until stuff like this gets headlines...That said, I think she is a classy gal....I think Oprah will, in her actual smart and professional self, Not Run...

I agree that she won't run.. If she does it's because Killery won't.. but i'm pretty sure Killery will so I don't think Oprah would run against her. They are besties as we all know..
She has a several things going over Trump:
Woman, Black, Not hated by close to 50%, Not believed to be a liar by close to 50%

I could see her beating Trump if the economy tanks or if the FBI and Mueller decide to effect the next election by filing charges in October (conviction not required).

Sadly I disagree. Most voters have the attention span of a housefly. By election time they won't even remember who Harvey "who" was.

She won't run. Think: legacy. Why give up everything she has now for the ugliness, risks and pitfalls of national politics.

I thought the same about Trump. It seems that ego and continual limelight trumps any common sense.

Obama screwed all future black Presidential hopefuls with his first month in office calling white people who voted for him racist and the country as a whole racist. People in the center politically that's needed to win will not forget
Wrong. All those folks have been replaced with the illegals who get bused in to vote for whom they are told to vote.
The libs are off the rails their party is no way open enough to pass the ball to an outsider.
All sorts of hullabaloo about nothing. We are THREE YEARS (well, 2.x) from the next Presidential election. A good 18-20 months from any candidate bothering to make themselves known without peaking too early.

Let the Dem's have this day. WTF cares??? They'll long forget it in 18 months. Orca is not President-worthy. Nor is she electable by a majority of Americans. Sure, she'll get the Yenta vote. Outside that, you'll get the lowest D voter turnout in the history of elections. "Oh, I thought YOU were voting. I stayed home to watch her on TV."

BOTH parties need to come up with someone who can actually lead with dignity. That's how to win the next non-Trump election. One-upping Trump, as Trump one-upped Obama, (and Obama one-upped Bill "Sexaphone" Clinton), is only going to lead to utter failure.

Oprah will step on her d#ck in due time. She'll be asked about some sort of foreign policy and shoot from the hip and totally blow it.

I've never got why people like her. From 25 or 30 years ago, I was always ???? about her. She's not a compelling interviewer. Gimme Mike Donahue or Merv every day over her.
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