Open carry on one's own property

How insane is it that a law abiding citizen who is breaking no law, not being a threat, not in any way involved in a crime, would have to pay out all that money in court to recover their access to guns. It's nuts. Our government has let it get very far out of control.

That's enough evidence for me. I'll keep it ultra concealed until I make it out.
How pathetic is it when you choose not to do something that is completely legal on your own property b/c you are afraid the state will screw you? Doesn't sound like democracy to me.

No, democracy it is not.

Maybe tonight is the night I hit the lotto and get the hell out of here.[rolleyes]

I played Mega Millions Tuesday night. [sad] Will keep trying.
How pathetic is it when you choose not to do something that is completely legal on your own property b/c you are afraid the state will screw you? Doesn't sound like democracy to me.

Actually it sounds exactly like democracy.
While I realize that there are no laws against open carry in M-ass-achusetts, getting caught in public with your gun hanging out in plain view could spell trouble....

This is mostly internet conjecture, with only one case I've heard of (the guy with windbreaker at pizza place) anything negative ever happening.

Just this week, I was talking with a police officer, and asked about his holster. It had a locking thing on it you flip with your thumb before you can draw it. I said "Hey, that's a pretty good idea." and he said I should get one and gave me info on who to ask about it. I said, "Yeah, but I'm not one of you guys, and it would probably get me in trouble, as it pretty obviously sticks out." His answer was "Do you have a permit?" to which I answered yes and he said not to worry and I'm all set then. This is at least the third or maybe even fourth time police officers have told me this.

I have no immediate plans on doing anything like this, but do not live in fear of breaking non-existent laws.
it was probobly a double retention "Safari Land" holster.

Its the same one we use at work and they work great.

I love mine. Very effective holster in many ways..
Actually it sounds exactly like democracy.

Yep. That is one reason that our country was founded as a Constitutional Republic. So that no group may infringe on another by simple majority vote.

the rights of the individual used to trump the overwhelming will of the majority.

Of course, the liberals have been able to completely nullify that for the most part.

I've always found it interesting that the Democrats like their party name. You would think that adults would abhor the idea of Mob Rule.
I've always found it interesting that the Democrats like their party name. You would think that adults would abhor the idea of Mob Rule.

They would . . . if they were adults!

They never matured, still demand to be fed, clothed and protected at the teat of big gov't . . . from cradle to grave! [rolleyes]
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