Common sense went out the window with zero tolerance.
That's what happens when you create a population totally dependent on government.
Locking down the school is completely stupid. It is exactly the WRONG thing to do.

In the event that there is a real threat , and a few bullets is not a real threat - the lockdown plan equals a target rich enviroment for a mass murderer. I believe the official response to a school shooter is : Take Attendance.

I'm sorry but that's not good enough for me. As a matter of fact , if the government requires me to turn my children over to them for 40 hours a week , I expect the representative of the Government to be the first to die defending my kid. It's no more than we demand from a fireman , LEO , or 18 year old infantry man.

Until we arm our teachers , ( and why not ? ) I am forced to explain to my child that the Government , the School - is not to be obeyed automatically.

I have instructed and drilled my child to do the opposite of what she is told if she ever hears gunfire in her school : Pull the fire alarm and jump out the window. The conditioning kids have to the fire alarm will move tham ALL out of the building , where they will be safer.
Locking down the school is completely stupid. It is exactly the WRONG thing to do.

In the event that there is a real threat , and a few bullets is not a real threat - the lockdown plan equals a target rich enviroment for a mass murderer. I believe the official response to a school shooter is : Take Attendance.

I'm sorry but that's not good enough for me. As a matter of fact , if the government requires me to turn my children over to them for 40 hours a week , I expect the representative of the Government to be the first to die defending my kid. It's no more than we demand from a fireman , LEO , or 18 year old infantry man.

Until we arm our teachers , ( and why not ? ) I am forced to explain to my child that the Government , the School - is not to be obeyed automatically.

I have instructed and drilled my child to do the opposite of what she is told if she ever hears gunfire in her school : Pull the fire alarm and jump out the window. The conditioning kids have to the fire alarm will move tham ALL out of the building , where they will be safer.
Good points fubar. FYI, it is legal to teach you children at home: No need to turn your children over to somebody else for +40 hours a week and the myriad of risks thereof.
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