Oh boy, Seth Moulton for President???

What is it with ma**h*** pols. Seems every election cycle since the 60’s some ma**h*** Dufus thinks they are important.
Never see this from other states besides NY, MA & CA.

Because they are in comparison to pols from other states. To be a successful presidential candidate, you need to check off a few boxes:

*Able to bring in donations or self-fund
*Able to rally a voter base together
*Able to generate and receive national attention

Remember when Lincoln Chafee huffed glue or gasoline and decided to run for president? The reason he lost is because he couldn't raise money, he had no voter base (everyone in RI either hated or ignored him because our state economy was more or less on fire at the time and even if we gave him 100% approval ratings, RI is too small to make a significant difference in national elections), and if you said the name "Lincoln Chafee" to anyone outside of RI, the response would probably be "who?" Chafee has a personality similar to Joe Biden except Chafee is a blue blood progressive that was originally a Republican because his senator dad (John Chafee) was a liberal Republican.

Mass has a strong economy, has been a linchpin of liberalism/progressiveness in America since 1630, and has plenty of influence through education, science and technology, and formerly manufacturing. If you were to poll all NESers about which former president was best, you'd probably get the answer of Calvin Coolidge, at least from the libertarians. Coolidge "used" the attention he received from opposing the Boston Police Strike as governor of Mass to become the safe VP ticket with Harding. So using Massachusetts's clout and influence for political advantage is nothing new. It goes right back to John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster (who ran and failed as a presidential candidate at least twice: 1836 and 1852), and Charles Sumner (who never ran for president AFAIK but used his seat as a progressive bully pulpit, similar to Chief Lying Bull Warren).

As for Seth Moulton, its obvious that he's grandstanding and jumping on the #MeToo 2020 Dem presidential candidate fiasco because he's overtly ambitious and everyone else is doing it. He won't win because he's: 1) white; 2) male; 3) a veteran (hardcore lefties don't like veterans) who does nothing to engender any positive feelings from right-wing or centrist veterans; and 4) cannot satisfy any of the three requirements I mentioned above.
As much as I despise Biden, he is a relative centrist compared to many of the other Democrats running, like Sanders, Warren, etc.

We do realize that Sanders/Warren/AOC etc are only placed there to make the hardcore lefties look centrist, right?
Will they? Because they surely didn’t when he got voted in. This bastard never should have got into office he is just a male version of Warren[
Because they are in comparison to pols from other states. To be a successful presidential candidate, you need to check off a few boxes:

*Able to bring in donations or self-fund
*Able to rally a voter base together
*Able to generate and receive national attention

Remember when Lincoln Chafee huffed glue or gasoline and decided to run for president? The reason he lost is because he couldn't raise money, he had no voter base (everyone in RI either hated or ignored him because our state economy was more or less on fire at the time and even if we gave him 100% approval ratings, RI is too small to make a significant difference in national elections), and if you said the name "Lincoln Chafee" to anyone outside of RI, the response would probably be "who?" Chafee has a personality similar to Joe Biden except Chafee is a blue blood progressive that was originally a Republican because his senator dad (John Chafee) was a liberal Republican.

Mass has a strong economy, has been a linchpin of liberalism/progressiveness in America since 1630, and has plenty of influence through education, science and technology, and formerly manufacturing. If you were to poll all NESers about which former president was best, you'd probably get the answer of Calvin Coolidge, at least from the libertarians. Coolidge "used" the attention he received from opposing the Boston Police Strike as governor of Mass to become the safe VP ticket with Harding. So using Massachusetts's clout and influence for political advantage is nothing new. It goes right back to John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster (who ran and failed as a presidential candidate at least twice: 1836 and 1852), and Charles Sumner (who never ran for president AFAIK but used his seat as a progressive bully pulpit, similar to Chief Lying Bull Warren).

As for Seth Moulton, its obvious that he's grandstanding and jumping on the #MeToo 2020 Dem presidential candidate fiasco because he's overtly ambitious and everyone else is doing it. He won't win because he's: 1) white; 2) male; 3) a veteran (hardcore lefties don't like veterans) who does nothing to engender any positive feelings from right-wing or centrist veterans; and 4) cannot satisfy any of the three requirements I mentioned above.
drop the mic my friend!
Seth was quoted on boston.com as follows:

And when Trump claimed to be the target of the “single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history,” Moulton responded that “as the Representative of Salem, MA, I can confirm that this is false.”

For everyone that lives in his district (6th District of MA), contact him and ask for his confirmation to show it was false. I called him on it and said that if he can't confirm it, then he is just another leftist liar!

Seth Moulton joins 2020 presidential race | Boston.com
He can't even trade on the "I'm a veteran" angle since Pete Buttigieg already beat him to the punch.
We do realize that Sanders/Warren/AOC etc are only placed there to make the hardcore lefties look centrist, right?

No, they’re not. There isn’t some grand plan by the party powers to create stalking horses. Pelosi would much rather have had Crowley in Congress than AOC.

The “progressives” are running because they are dissatisfied with what they call the “corporate” Democrats. The centrist Democrats were (and likely remain) pissed at Bernie because they blame him, in part, for Hillary losing the election and Trump winning. The Democratic leadership can’t control who runs for president any more than the Republicans can.

Since there isn’t any clear heir-apparent this time around, they have a crowded field of political midgets like Moulton running. The same thing happened on the Republican side last time around.
In the left lane with the handbrake set and the left turn signal on.

Into the ocean off the coast of Chapaquiddick Island:

Bam firearms on checked bags for travel? Wtf that kills any chance to hunt in other states that you cannot drive to easily? Why is this even a damn topic for this asshat.

He just committed suicide with that list. He'll crash and burn before leaving the hangar.
He can't even trade on the "I'm a veteran" angle since Pete Buttigieg already beat him to the punch.
He’s a vet? You don’t say? Who else said that? Let me think...oh yeah Seth said it 8,000,000 times since yesterday alone. I can just hear it now “I’m Seth Mushmouth and Im reporting for duty derp derp” john Kerry jackass wannabe 2.0. He sucks.
Seth "Did you know I'm a veteran? " Moulton.
You're still an oath breaking sellout pos.
No amount of polish will shine that turd.
Hopefully there is a mile long line of men who died to uphold that oath waiting in the afterlife to dick punch him.
regardless of party affiliation, no person who has served in any branch of the U S Military and advocates any form of gun control or infringement of 2A rights should be considered for any public office. They can run, we can't stop it, but we can be vocal in our opposition and work to elect someone else.

Seth Moulton is at the top of that list.

How the eff did he ever win an election over the most liberal Republican I know (Richard Tisei) ? I never figured it out.
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