OC in CT. Guy is asked to leave Subway...

I wonder if the subway bot would have asked 30 open carriers to leave the store and not order food.
Hardly.... LOl! look I've never had any problems with cops (I have a few real good friends that are cops) , I don't look at them like they are the enemy, most of th etime treat them with respect and act accordingly

is that like "I have a black friend?"

I've got a great wife and kid, a job I love that I'm good at, a home etc, the last thing I personally need is my "bravado" standing up for my rights when a "here you go" 5 second flash of a card keeps me out of any
nonsense with a cop that could be a "dick" and basically ends it right there.

I'm not going to pile on, others here already have. Everyone has their line that they are willing to bend to, and situations differ on where you may raw the line. If I'm with my kids in an unfamiliar area I may bend little so they aren't taking the ride with me if things go south.

That said...where would the cop stop? and when would "you" stop?
Answering the question of if you have a permit seems "easy enough"
can I see it?
I'm going to disarm you for my safety
now he has your gun, he's running the numbers on it
while he's doing that he's also running you "through the system"
you're now being detained (although I guess not by the legal definition) because he has your id, and gun and waiting on results of his search
and this doesn't happen fast....so even if you're 100% clean (I still recommend, if you haven't seen it you take some time and watch the video below) you're inconvenienced for a while you just wanted to end your interaction.

or you could just ask if you're suspected of a crime? and say that by law you are not required by law to answer the question.

long video, but well worth the 48:39 of your time

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oh, and welcome to the forum
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Just curious do people get harassed in NH for open carry? I am told they allow it. I spend alot of time in NH and have rarely seen someone open carrying in nh

The answer is unequivocally: No.

I nearly exclusively OC and I've never been even approached by anyone other than people interested in knowing more about firearms.

When I lived in CT I also pretty much only OC'd and I was never approached by an officer.

Only in the giant shithole cities like Bridgeport or New Haven (read I95 south west corridor) will this crap happen. Even Hartford isn't that full retard because again they don't want headlines about gun owners winning huge civil suits.
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I'm thinking Sergeant Webb lied when he said he wasn't related to the other sergeant Webb:

"Webb's wife, who is also a sergeant in the Bridgeport Police Department, pinned the gold badge to her husband's chest with the assistance of their daughter."

You and Kmanick should get together and start a club. I like guns but I will let someone else fight my battles club. People like you and Kmanick are the problem not the solution.

Part of the Problem?? I don't let other people fight my battles , I pick my battles wisely. Mass is an open carry state , do you open carry?
So much fail going on in this thread...when I watched the video all my brain kept on in replay mode was "hope piggy can run"...we all know that answer when Sgt Fag A$$ comes into play.

Cops got called there and didn't have enough sense to see that it was a hungry dude trying to get himself a foot long...should have been "unfounded" with the cop moving along. So much for "should"
Because CT law was specifically written to prevent what those cops are trying to do. It is illegal for them to ask for a permit unless you are committing a crime.

This is very false. While they might do what you saw in the video they specifically never threatened arrest because there are multiple cases in CT already where the police and towns got their asses handed to them for false arrest. In MA you could technically have your permit revoked for an officer seeing you OC and calling it threatening. No such authority exists in CT and the protections against having a permit revoked are numerous and effective.

Example, here is a letter the Hartford police distributed to the officers there explaining exactly what I'm talking about because they don't want the lawsuits that would follow:

http://www.ccdl.us/attachments/100_Memo re Rally on 4-10-10.pdf

Read the 4th bullet point in that document.

I'm not saying CT is a gun rights bastion. I left because of the new AWB. It is however far more protective of the citizens with respect to licensing than MA is.

It would be funny as hell to see their heads explode if he politely handed them that document, with the appropriate section highlighted for emphasis. .. [rofl]
I'm thinking Sergeant Webb lied when he said he wasn't related to the other sergeant Webb:

"Webb's wife, who is also a sergeant in the Bridgeport Police Department, pinned the gold badge to her husband's chest with the assistance of their daughter."


Of course he lied, last thing he wants is his wife on his case for something stupid...

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I wonder if the subway bot would have asked 30 open carriers to leave the store and not order food.

My guess is the subway bot just wanted it to end, nobody is gonna come in that store if a bunch of cops going FR are in it.
Just curious do people get harassed in NH for open carry? I am told they allow it. I spend alot of time in NH and have rarely seen someone open carrying in nh

Not usually a problem, you may be pinged for ID but i believe the only legal requirement is to tell them your name. Years ago people used to get detained in NH periodically but all that shit ended once the AG at the time (it was Ayotte, or her predecessor, i forget) issued an edict that LE was not to harass people openly carrying guns. Some pds will "observe" you but that's usually the worse that comes from it. Various groups like FSP types have done it so much in NH that the policevare desensitized to it to a degree. I still see vague references to people being harassed in Portsmouth but thats mostly an issue of businesses not liking OCers in their business. They obviously have the right to kick you out if they want. If you get asked to leave a prive premises you must do so, otherwise it's easy for the PD to arrest you for trespassing at that point. There are obvious no-go zones in NH like the malls, etc, where the mall cops will kick you out, as simon malls bans guns in tiny print on their rules. [rofl] Market Basket and other big stores don't seem to care much, though.
Two sides to that. Video allowed him to basically call their bluff and get out without an arrest. No video may have resulted in an arrest, but the final result would have been him winning a civil suit against the city.

No video for that guy would have been a severe beat down or a nightly news clip about a guy in subway attempting to grab the cops gun and they had to respond with deadly force.
There's a major difference between MA and CT... in MA, a condition of your LTC is that you must provide to law enforcement when it is requested.

Any person who, while not being within the limits of his own property or residence, or such person whose property or residence is under lawful search, and who is not exempt under this section, shall on demand of a police officer or other law enforcement officer, exhibit his license to carry firearms, or his firearm identification card or receipt for fee paid for such card, or, after January first, nineteen hundred and seventy, exhibit a valid hunting license issued to him which shall bear the number officially inscribed of such license to carry or card if any.

Part of the Problem?? I don't let other people fight my battles , I pick my battles wisely. Mass is an open carry state , do you open carry?

Yes, introduce a legal equivalent of a *Durian fruit (MA) into an argument comparing radishes and carrots. That'll do it. Places like CT and NH have a substantial amount of legal padding against suitability issues, MA does not, other than Simkin, which really isn't an OC case. NH and CT probably have numerous cases (and legal screeds from people like the SFLU in CT) backing up someone's right to carry openly. I don't see how MA is relevant in this discussion. You're just introducing it as a diversion to change the subject.


*for those that don't know what a Durian is, it's an exotic fruit with spikes on it that smells like shit, pretty much.

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There is no such thing as a tactical advantage in a defensive situation where you are drawing your gun in response to and already unfolding situation presenting threat of bodily harm.

There are lots of arguments for and against it but lets not turn this into an OC debate thread. I wonder if there is any followup from this guy to see if he is going to try to go anywhere with it.

No no no no ****ING NO!

The reason that Open Carry is a defacto ban in Mass is because everyone subscribes to this theory and the sheep bleat everytime they see a gun.

Exercise your rights to have your legally owned property on your person HOWEVER YOU CHOOSE TO and stop telling other people how to exercise their rights.

I never told anybody how to exercise their rights. All I'm saying is that if you open carry in certain states or cities, someone (a sheeple) is very likely to call the cops on you. That said, concealed means concealed and if you like blue lights and uniforms, open carry in downtown Boston and see what happens. Feel free to exercise your rights wherever you choose.
The only time I had a cop mention something about me carrying a gun was in Murderpan. I bent over to pick up a newspaper and my jacket rode up exposing my pistol. He just mentioned that i might want to fix my jacket. No problems, no asking for id. He was polite and I thanked him for the heads up.
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