Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

You do realize that they won't bat an eyelash to come and arrest the people who choose to disobey the laws. This isn't CT we're taling about. This is the Feds and they don't have any issue hitting and hitting hard. While I'm right on board with ya but don't forget there are repercussions to deal with along the way. It will be tough, painful and eventually bloody so be sure you go into it with your eyes wide open
Eventually all guns will be ON the books. It may take decades but eventually people sell their guns and will be required to document the transfer at some point. They aren't in a hurry to have the nation gun registry....baby steps, they have all the time in the world!
This. The goal is to implement a nationwide gun registry, to be followed shortly thereafter by confiscation. I don't believe that "go time" will ever hit. They'll take baby steps that people will comply with or ignore, but the end result will be the same: people won't have any firearms, or they'll be too scared to even take them out of the house.
Violence, even when justified, has been bred out of a majority of Americans. Too many generations of easy living and being told "violence never solved anything." GO TIME is a fairy tale. We prove it to be true every time some b.s. is enacted with zero repercussions for the dirtbags who are responsible for it.
Serious question...why is it bad to require background checks for personal sales?
You do realize that they won't bat an eyelash to come and arrest the people who choose to disobey the laws. This isn't CT we're taling about. This is the Feds and they don't have any issue hitting and hitting hard. While I'm right on board with ya but don't forget there are repercussions to deal with along the way. It will be tough, painful and eventually bloody so be sure you go into it with your eyes wide open

Of course I realize that. Civil disobedience is not for the faint of heart. You can expect to be made an example. Totalitarian regimes work that way.

How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?
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This. The goal is to implement a nationwide gun registry, to be followed shortly thereafter by confiscation. I don't believe that "go time" will ever hit. They'll take baby steps that people will comply with or ignore, but the end result will be the same: people won't have any firearms, or they'll be too scared to even take them out of the house.

You do realize that old farts like myself will pass our guns to you young turks without a paper trail, We old farts have tons of guns and there will be no way for them to trace where they went.... we'll be dead and no one will know where they went. See Civil disobedience can work.
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You do realize that they won't bat an eyelash to come and arrest the people who choose to disobey the laws. This isn't CT we're taling about. This is the Feds and they don't have any issue hitting and hitting hard. While I'm right on board with ya but don't forget there are repercussions to deal with along the way. It will be tough, painful and eventually bloody so be sure you go into it with your eyes wide open
And this is the debated subject as to who already realizes that death is the final outcome, regardless if it is early on on the long plane. One has to make the choice, my choice is made as well as many others in my part of the country. The .gov does not know how hard the people will hit. I love my country, don't keep pushing my and the same rights of those that don't want them that I will fight for, they may want them some day in the future. It's pretty ironic isn't it!!
Remember this please. His initial actions will be trial ones. That is to gauge push back and legalities. If he gets away with it, untouched, he will then unleash gun EA from hell that will make next weeks EA look like a cake walk.
Serious question...why is it bad to require background checks for personal sales?
Serious answer: because 99.99% of the "trouble" in this nation is perpetrated by individuals with little or no regard for life, quality of life, morals, or anything else that "we" treasure as American citizens.
And none - ZERO - of those individuals give a flying rat's f*ck about their background records nor their foreground records.
Maybe a lot more legal gun owners would at least pay attention and/or respect (although this filthy maggot and his despicable bride don't deserve the respect of law-abiding, true Americans ) what this ultra-liberal, subversive f*cking scumbag has to say about guns and the "control" of them he craves, if we weren't busy worrying about defending ourselves daily (depending on where one resides) from the absolute criminal trash that roams our streets.
But, according to this filthy maggot we're the problem, we're the issue, and we're the ones that need to "stay calm" while he helps to secure the rights and liberties of the animals that don't deserve any rights nor liberty..

"Check the backgrounds" of the most vile, vicious scum, remove THEM from society, guarantee our families the protection from robbery, rape and murder that the Secret Service provides your despicable family and maybe - just MAYBE - more of us who cling bitterly might at least wanna hear "your side", Mr. Hussein and Mrs. Anointed Successor to his "throne".... But until we receive such a guarantee in writing, we'll still be preoccupied with our, y'know, "daily lives" dealing with all that your disgusting administration has helped to foster.

And THAT is the "serious answer" to your "serious question". But, Vagrant, you already knew this and your "serious question" was actually rhetorical, I'm sure.
I'd continue, but I have to go to work now, so that I can provide for my family and also pay taxes to provide for the "greater good" also. Plus, a good job will continue to good on my "background" record when my "Massachusetts 2A Permission Slip" renewal time comes up again in a few years... If, that is, I'm still "on this side of the dirt" as my World War II hero dad would say...

"Serious question: should I mention my Dad (USN, WWII Japan), or my Uncle (USMC, Vietnam), or my brother (USArmy, Vietnam), etc etc etc in my "expanded background record check" if our subversive, terrorist-sympathizing, filthbag "Commander in Chief" Hussein asks to see it??
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Remember this please. His initial actions will be trial ones. That is to gauge push back and legalities. If he gets away with it, untouched, he will then unleash gun EA from hell that will make next weeks EA look like a cake walk.
"Push back"? By whom? The very people that the despicable maggot doesn't give a damn about?...
"Legalities"? If there's one thing I've learned about this administration (and others), it's that they absolutely, positively, definitely don't give a rat's ass about what's legal and what is not, and if Swillary is elected "they" will care even less... though the definition of what is "legal" will change dramatically the day after one Supreme Court Justice retires or passes away anyways..
"Push back"? By whom? The very people that the despicable maggot doesn't give a damn about?...
"Legalities"? If there's one thing I've learned about this administration (and others), it's that they absolutely, positively, definitely don't give a rat's ass about what's legal and what is not, and if Swillary is elected "they" will care even less... though the definition of what is "legal" will change dramatically the day after one Supreme Court Justice retires or passes away anyways..
At some point that straw that breaks the camels back will fall...until then we sit back and watch the country go to shit being led by the communist bastards in Washington
At some point that straw that breaks the camels back will fall...until then we sit back and watch the country go to shit being led by the communist bastards in Washington
So... The straw breaks the camel's back and... Then what? Is this another "Go time" suggestion? Cuz that's ALL bullsh*t. Legal law-abiding citizens will never, ever, ever "go" when the "time" comes.
Cuz they care too much about their livelihoods, families, wealth, etc etc, and this despicable dirtbag in power - and all of his brainwashed or social-program-bribed minions know fully well that "Go time" is just a bunch of BS and that the power and might of their ultra-liberal .Gov would squash "Go timers" like bugs.
ETA: not to mention, the only guns/firearms that most law abiding legal citizens in many parts of this land have the words "Airsoft" or "Nintendo" printed on the side. Hand the pretty boy wimps a Sig or Glock and most of them would wet themselves - while those of us who do own and use guns would be left to "Go" at "Go time" and fight the wimps' battles for them. That's why most prefer to "Just call 911" rather than risk a "boo boo" and fight (or join us at "go time").

That "Go time"expression is getting old...fast... like most of us are (while the youngsters attend their "gamer" conventions and eat junk food by the cartons).
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So... The straw breaks the camel's back and... Then what? Is this another "Go time" suggestion? Cuz that's ALL bullsh*t. Legal law-abiding citizens will never, ever, ever "go" when the "time" comes.
Cuz they care too much about their livelihoods, families, wealth, etc etc, and this despicable dirtbag in power - and all of his brainwashed or social-program-bribed minions know fully well that "Go time" is just a bunch of BS and that the power and might of their ultra-liberal .Gov would squash "Go timers" like bugs.

More or less true. People are way too comfortable. Think of how things need to be to get one of your mild-mannered co-workers or buddies to pick up a rifle or be willing to head out into the street and throw rocks at people holding rifles. How bad do things need to get so that the guy with the wife, two kids, mortgage, good job, food on the table, money in the bank, etc, who hasnt so much as thrown a punch since sophomore year in high school is willing to risk his life resisting?

If .gov were smart, they would leave the 2A alone, policy-wise, and just focus on brainwashing kids in school regarding guns and demonizing gun owners in the media. They'd eventually have their gun free society without having to lift a finger.
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It's actually reality. Just look around. Look closely, look around. It's simple reality.
"Go time?".... Please. Give that a rest. YOU are more the enemy than Muslim scumbags are, according to (apparently) a majority of young America...
Just look around. The country is completely f*cked, period. I'm not being negative. I'm a realist, period.
Example : two of the toughest, most brave young men I know returned from serving in Iraq/Afghanistan and have been informed that they are "unsuitable" to exercise their 2nd Amendment Constitutional Right.

These heroes are now a "problem" according to the Muslim filthbag Commander in Chief and his followers...
"Go time" is pure fantasy, sorry.
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If .gov were smart, they would leave the 2A alone, policy-wise, and just focus on brainwashing kids in school regarding guns and demonizing gun owners in the media. They'd eventually have their gun free society without having to lift a finger.

They're working THAT angle too

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It's actually reality. Just look around. Look closely, look around. It's simple reality.
"Go time?".... Please. Give that a rest. YOU are more the enemy than Muslim scumbags are, according to (apparently) a majority of young America...
Just look around. The country is completely f*cked, period. I'm not being negative. I'm a realist, period.
Example : two of the toughest, most brave young men I know returned from serving in Iraq/Afghanistan and have been informed that they are "unsuitable" to exercise their 2nd Amendment Constitutional Right.

These heroes are now a "problem" according to the Muslim filthbag Commander in Chief and his followers...
"Go time" is pure fantasy, sorry.

I happen to agree with you. Just pushing out some sarcasm to help relive the stress of the day [smile]
Yup, I'm not getting any younger. If even 1 to 3% of the approximately 80 million gun owners practice civil disobedience they're gonna have a hard time hitting all of them hard and once they start they will most likely get hit hard too. It's a shame that the 80 million won't stand together but unfortunately there are many that actually support gun control.

You do realize that they won't bat an eyelash to come and arrest the people who choose to disobey the laws. This isn't CT we're taling about. This is the Feds and they don't have any issue hitting and hitting hard. While I'm right on board with ya but don't forget there are repercussions to deal with along the way. It will be tough, painful and eventually bloody so be sure you go into it with your eyes wide open
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