Obama to Announce New Executive Action concerning guns:

Remember bummer said something about white people turning to their guns and their bible in a crisis. Looks like he will get rid of one then the other if he gets his way.
Remember bummer said something about white people turning to their guns and their bible in a crisis. Looks like he will get rid of one then the other if he gets his way.

Amazing that the leader of the nation singles out white people again and again and he can't be called a racist without the progs going postal
2A civil disobedience won't happen until after we've lost a hell of a lot more than we have. Most people are much too comfortable, fat and happy today and will take it up the behind a bit if they have to keep from disrupting their and their family's lives. That includes me and the rest of us in MA, CT, NY. Sad but true because we still live where we do despite all the freedoms that have been stripped away from us over the past couple of decades.

We as a society haven't reached the pain point yet. Individuals don't feel strongly enough that their way of life, security, livelihood and their' children's future is being irreparably threatened. The only reason we reluctantly got into WWII was because of the (gov't desired) attack on US soil. The only way Go Time will come about is by excessive and continued use of force by the Gmint against The People. That isn't going to happen until the majority of The People have been disarmed.
2A civil disobedience won't happen until after we've lost a hell of a lot more than we have. Most people are much too comfortable, fat and happy today and will take it up the behind a bit if they have to keep from disrupting their and their family's lives. That includes me and the rest of us in MA, CT, NY. Sad but true because we still live where we do despite all the freedoms that have been stripped away from us over the past couple of decades.

We as a society haven't reached the pain point yet. Individuals don't feel strongly enough that their way of life, security, livelihood and their' children's future is being irreparably threatened. The only reason we reluctantly got into WWII was because of the (gov't desired) attack on US soil. The only way Go Time will come about is by excessive and continued use of force by the Gmint against The People. That isn't going to happen until the majority of The People have been disarmed.

Think it depends on what part of the country you are in. Them folkes that helped at the Bundy ranch sure looked like they were up to a fight....
Marshall Law could very well give that bastard what he needs to cancel the election and keep him in power, Don't underestimate that Mother ****er.

I used to half believe that conspiracy, but I don't think he wants to be in the Oval Office anymore.

Yeah he is enjoying the top notch golf courses and world vacations on the people's dime, but I think he'd rather call it a day and then start making real money doing a speaking tour and writing books.
It's probably due to the fact that they have nothing to go with.

Honestly, if it's not Go Time in Europe then it won't be here for a long time. My hat's off to the Ukraine but Paris and Brussels are ****ed and nobody's Going yet.
It's probably due to the fact that they have nothing to go with.

Not necessarily true. I know native Europeans personally and according to them, there are plenty of guns floating around, they are just kept on the QT. Similar to the US, guns are more likely to be possessed by rural residents than city dwellers. The problem seems to be the cities are where the issues seem to be coming to a head.
Violence has solved ALL of history's major disputes.

Well, that or the fear of violence. Wars have ended because a light went on and both sides decide that it would be mutually detrimental to continue... although a few of these are stalemates, too... but they did stop the war.
Im just hoping they're not the same handful of guys buying yet another AR every time this b.s. rolls around. A bunch of gun owners, each with an AR is infinitely better than one gun owner with a bunch of AR's.

Newest estimates = 340 million guns in US, but same estimates say 80 million gun owners...I'd rather have 340 million owners....Think Barry and Hillary might reassess his/her position if that were the case?...And here in SuckaChusetts if even half of the 5 million adults in MA desired to own a firearm, think the "police chief suitability" BS might be just a bit different?

This. I was going to actually mention something in my previous post regarding liberals arming up. The "I have a revolver at home with one box of ammo and thats all anyone needs" type of gun owner is doing us more harm than good.

If the towelheaded Kenyan filthbag-in-chief has his way, we'll be lucky (and thankful) to have even that.
You wouldnt even need large numbers. Very recent history has shown how one or 2 untrained buffoons can hem up an entire city, and how 1 mildly trained buffoon can shut down a state.
Launch one or two complex ambushes on the powers that be, and decimate them.

You mean the one or two buffoons - one of whom was run over by his brother after being shot by seventeen Glock 17s and the brother who was wounded by cops and maybe would've bled out had he not raised his arms to surrender, etc etc...

Yeah, I can foresee a sh*tload of MA pampered folk rising up and revolting like that, leaving work where they earn a handsome living, driving their Escalades home to their extremely expensive homes with all the equity they've built up over the years (just down the street from the high-end shops and the restaurants where a dinner costs $150 for two), showering up, watching the Pats on cable on their 65 inch LED TV, etc etc, then getting SO FED UP that they jump back in their Escalade and head out to Watertown screaming "HEY BARRY - COME AND TAKE EM" etc etc....

Yeah, I really see that happening very soon. The volunteers are probably lining up for "Go Time" as I type this.....
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You mean the one or two buffoons - one of whom was run over by his brother after being shot by seventeen Glock 17s and the brother who was wounded by cops and maybe would've bled out had he not raised his arms to surrender, etc etc...

Yeah, I can foresee a sh*tload of MA pampered folk rising up and revolting like that, leaving work where they earn a handsome living, driving their Escalades home to their extremely expensive homes with all the equity they've built up over the years (just down the street from the high-end shops and the restaurants where a dinner costs $150 for two), showering up, watching the Pats on cable on their 65 inch LED TV, etc etc, then getting SO FED UP that they jump back in their Escalade and head out to Watertown screaming "HEY BARRY - COME AND TAKE EM" etc etc....

Yeah, I really see that happening very soon. The volunteers are probably lining up for "Go Time" as I type this.....

You just described the victims of a mass revolt [rofl]
So what are some effective ways in which the average person can engage in civil disobedience? Something that .gov will feel.

You mean criminal disobedience. Anything liable to actually piss the .gov off at all these days is probably a felony of some sort or another at this point.

Serious question...why is it bad to require background checks for personal sales?

Because first it's backdoor registration meant to go after law abiding citizens.

Second, criminals by definition don't follow laws. So what good would mandating background checks do to stop criminals?
Better mental health services that allow someone with all types of insurance and no insurance to get the care they need and the privacy they need is what the main problem is if the .gov makes it a mental health issue.

It will not be good what ever executive orders he issues... Probably increased back ground checks. Directing the atf to enforce the laws on the books and be "more aggressive".

The media isn't helping either every time someone gets shot they are reporting it..

If the president had a brain he would stop trying to restrict our access to fire arms and either be quiet or make access easier due to the recent terrorist shootings.
Because first it's backdoor registration meant to go after law abiding citizens.

Second, criminals by definition don't follow laws. So what good would mandating background checks do to stop criminals?

And the fact that the DOJ itself in 2013 authored an internal memo in which it concluded background checks of private transfers would do nothing to deter criminal activity with guns. Thus, background checks for private sales is a lie propagated by gun control activists who simply want to ban gun ownership by lawful citizens (as opposed to criminals).
You only need like 25% of the population to go along. I'm sure there were a lot who sat out the Revolutionary War out of cowardice or being on the wrong side.

It's was actually 3% of the population during the revolution. Hence:

Whos with me with an 80% lower group buy, and we all share the jig like a party just mpte fun without alcohol. Upper in one safe lower in another. Shtf noone knows how many ars you have. Am I crazy? Only have to fa10 when it is able to fire...

I'm in. I saw a deal on some FB page, 2 80% lowers and a jig for $150
You do realize that they won't bat an eyelash to come and arrest the people who choose to disobey the laws. This isn't CT we're taling about. This is the Feds and they don't have any issue hitting and hitting hard. While I'm right on board with ya but don't forget there are repercussions to deal with along the way. It will be tough, painful and eventually bloody so be sure you go into it with your eyes wide open

Let them hit as hard as they want. I, and many who stand beside me, will hit right back. I have no problem being the first patriot to die over unconstitutional laws to pull people's heads out of their asses.
You mean the one or two buffoons - one of whom was run over by his brother after being shot by seventeen Glock 17s and the brother who was wounded by cops and maybe would've bled out had he not raised his arms to surrender, etc etc...

Yeah, I can foresee a sh*tload of MA pampered folk rising up and revolting like that, leaving work where they earn a handsome living, driving their Escalades home to their extremely expensive homes with all the equity they've built up over the years (just down the street from the high-end shops and the restaurants where a dinner costs $150 for two), showering up, watching the Pats on cable on their 65 inch LED TV, etc etc, then getting SO FED UP that they jump back in their Escalade and head out to Watertown screaming "HEY BARRY - COME AND TAKE EM" etc etc....

Yeah, I really see that happening very soon. The volunteers are probably lining up for "Go Time" as I type this.....

Those people will be unemployed and broke due to the depression. With creditors coming to take the TV and Escalade, and the Feds coming to take their guns.
And the fact that the DOJ itself in 2013 authored an internal memo in which it concluded background checks of private transfers would do nothing to deter criminal activity with guns. Thus, background checks for private sales is a lie propagated by gun control activists who simply want to ban gun ownership by lawful citizens (as opposed to criminals).

Yup. It has zero to do with deterring any criminal activity and everything to do with politics. The sheep don't "feel safe", so the .gov realizes they need to get the sheep to feel safe. How? By doing the "dirty work" and going into the ghettos, slums and "unsafe areas" and confiscating the ILLEGAL firearms? And risk getting hurt, killed, shot, stabbed, "pelted with rocks and bricks" (as the distinguished city councilor in Mississippi just implored the masses to do to the police there), etc etc? That's a sh*tload of work, y'know?

Much MUCH easier to place onerous (and unconstitutional) restrictions on law abiding (i.e. not "dangerous" and "neither violent nor threatening") taxpayers, the Dads and Moms in the land who own legal firearms, than it is to go into da hood and root out the scum motherbleepers (who will all be voting "D" in November, coincidentally). Nah, don't wanna do that nasty sh*t when you can just crack heads at Four Seasons and raid the Marlboro gun show, etc....Just like it's easy and less "nasty" to raid or scare the bejeezus out of a Dracut gun shop owned and operated by pretty much two of the nicest people on the planet.

It's all politics, and, in the end, it's not about keeping ANYONE safer nor preventing ANYTHING evil from happening. It's about making the sheep FEEL safer and THINK that evil has been averted. Now just do as we say and we'll "take care of you"...
Pay really close attention when the .govs and the LEOs are talking about the sh*t hitting the fan, or escaped felons, ISIS, whatever..You always hear them stumble and blurt out at least once about how "people need to feel safe" etc...Not BE safe (as in safe with their Glocks and S&Ws locked and loaded). But, rather, "FEEL safe". Listen closely - they all do it, some saying it by design, others accidentally blurting it out, admitting what we all realize is the REAL truth.

That as long as the Buckingham, Brown & Nichols School/ Abercrombie & Fitch kids and their soccer mom's FEEL safe, and will deem the do-gooders to be their "heroes", that's all that truly, really matters. That and the $75k extra in details, OT, perks, ability to buy items marked "LEO only" etc etc etc. Those brand new G17s and the suppressed, folding stock, pistol grip A/Rs really make the public "feel safe", y'know?

Plus they "look macho and sexy" too.
Maybe 3% shooters, I think you would need a lot of support/sympathizers.

Yes you would. But it's also a lot easier to get someone to provide partisan support(food, water, ammo, safe house) for the shooters than it would be to get them to pick up a gun.

awrm.org lots of good info on there, both for prospective warfighters and partisans
You mean the one or two buffoons - one of whom was run over by his brother after being shot by seventeen Glock 17s and the brother who was wounded by cops and maybe would've bled out had he not raised his arms to surrender, etc etc...
Yeah, I can foresee a sh*tload of MA pampered folk rising up and revolting like that, leaving work where they earn a handsome living, driving their Escalades home to their extremely expensive homes with all the equity they've built up over the years (just down the street from the high-end shops and the restaurants where a dinner costs $150 for two), showering up, watching the Pats on cable on their 65 inch LED TV, etc etc, then getting SO FED UP that they jump back in their Escalade and head out to Watertown screaming "HEY BARRY - COME AND TAKE EM" etc etc....
Yeah, I really see that happening very soon. The volunteers are probably lining up for "Go Time" as I type this.....
Those people will be unemployed and broke due to the depression. With creditors coming to take the TV and Escalade, and the Feds coming to take their guns.
That's true too. But as long as they can still Facebook,they'll probably be satisfied and content...[wink]
I proposed this years ago on here and was met with understandable apprehension. But if you think it hasn't been time to start organizing ourselves and training in the ways of unconventional and guerrilla warfare, you are a fool.

Stock all the guns and ammo you want, shit load of good they'll do you when they come to take it and you have no one to help you.
I'm not going to get my knickers in a twist just yet.
I just don't see that he has anything left up his sleeve.
The green tip ban I believe was the trial balloon and it hit the power lines and burned.
Congress is getting tired of his shit.
Even the ones that don't care about 2A don't like being walked over.
I think the threat to defund the ATF over the green tip fiasco got some folks attention.
Till I see something with teeth, it's just hot air to keep us wound up..
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