now this is entertainment!!

Ryan Smith "so this is the type of riffle where you'd actually be aiming intending to hit something?" WTF yea buddy cuz everything else is used to scare wild dogs and tickle clouds with. what an idiot
I like "I don't care what anybody tells me..."

This reminds me of being on a jury a few years ago. We were having a debate w/ one of our fellow jurors and he blurted out "I don't care about the evidence, I think.....". Between that and guys like this serving as "experts" I realized just how critical it is to stay out of the criminal justice system.
Ryan Smith "so this is the type of riffle where you'd actually be aiming intending to hit something?" WTF yea buddy cuz everything else is used to scare wild dogs and tickle clouds with. what an idiot
So your telling me when people go hunting they don't use the noise of the rifle to scare the animal dead but they actually SHOOT it?
Can kill lions, tigers, bears, and elephants. Shoots where you aim it. Bullet travels faster than sound. Has nifty trigger guard.

I want.
It should only be cleaned by a professional in a bullet proof, sound proof, child proof room in the daylight with proper licensing. [rolleyes]
I think we should take the "expert" put him in a large cage with a real hungry bear, Lion and a elephant for good measure and give him the rifle and say just to be fair 6 rounds that would be two for each animal and see who he does. I also think CCN should cover it live while playing this vid in the background.

Once again the liberals prove that facts and truth and no place in the news.
At first I thought this was one of those fake news things from the onion. Then I saw it was from CNN its not surprising though.
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