NH Anti-gun bills in the Senate...

I wouldnt count on any particular outcome at this point and everyone needs to keep up the pressure/calls to sununu

The gov needs to be reminded that the people throwing a hissy fit didnt vote for him and WONT vote for him even if he signs/allows these three bills to become law.

The reason he needs to hear from all of US is to remind him that IF he allows these three bills to become law that he WILL lose votes as the base abandons him for going back on previous statements and being the first NH Gov to preside over any sort of gun control in decades.

I dont think thats a badge that sununu wants nor is it one that will further his re-election or future aspirations for higher office.

I have inside info...he's not signing them
Make two calls. Call the Governor and THEN call a friend and ask him/her to call the Governor. Text them the cell phone number
From the UL:
NHGOP Communications Director Joe Sweeney released the following statement: “Democrats are disgustingly politicizing a tragedy by sending the governor these anti-Second Amendment bills immediately following terrible acts of violence in Texas and Ohio. None of these bills would have prevented those tragedies. But, by purposefully withholding the legislation for months until tragedy struck, Democrats made it clear that they are only here to play politics and they should be ashamed of themselves.”
Two anti-gun state reps physically block someone from holding a sign in a public space.

Sir, stop harassing and assaulting me, or you'll force me to defend myself. Or even better: involve the ACLU. After all, there's 2 elected officials infringing on your right to peacefully protest and petition your gvt. If that doesn't work (because ACLU and stuff), then put this video on go fund me and see if you can get the money for a premium lawyer together. Then, sue the whole commy bunch.
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After Sununu vetoes the bills we have to stay alert and make sure to remind all the reps who support the vetoes to show up for any session the antis call for an override. They can get a quorum without the full house and with 2/3 of those present in support, overrride the vetoes.
Just called. Also sent an email via: Contact Governor Sununu | Governor Christopher T. Sununu.

As has been said remember, when all of the dust has settled and, God Willing, he has vetoed the bills to be sure to call and email to thank him. It would also be good to send a personal letter in the mail. I do not have direct knowledge of this but have read on this board or one like it that a politician pays as much attention to one real letter as to a hundred emails.
I heard on a NH radio station yesterday an ad from Everytown for Gun Safety urging people to call Sununu's office to pass the bills.

We need to still be calling on our end.

Gotta stay on it. This is now MY motivation to call, even though I am out of state. If they can do it, so can we. Are there any "generous donors" on our side like Bloomberg is for the other side?
So, what protection does our Governor have against some liberal whack job that might be pissed off enough about the vetoes to try the unthinkable? I'm pretty sure he's already been dealing with threats against his life.
If that doesn't work (because ACLU and stuff), then put this video on go fund me and see if you can get the money for a premium lawyer together. Then, sue the whole commy bunch.

I'd do it anyway...just because. The video shows it all.
While I have not seen the Veto message, I have been told these 3 remaining 2019 bills have been vetoed. Time to thank the Governor and to call your reps to sustain.
Our Governor is a man of his word.

Governor Sununu has vetoed all three anti-gun bills that have come to his desk this week despite relentless pressure from the Bloomberg-funded, radical, anti-gun groups in New Hampshire, including a rally/press conference at the State House to bully the Governor into signing three anti-gun bills.

HB 109, “Sell a gun to a friend and go to jail”;

HB 514, “Buy a gun, go home without it”,

HB 564, “Criminal safe schools”;


The lefty’s and anti-liberty folk were quick to exploit the tragedies in Ohio and Texas for their own political opportunism. Instead of focusing on real solutions, the left went right for the guns.

Governor Sununu held firm to his word and gave all three bills the BIG FAT RED VETO they deserve, however our work is not done. These bills are not dead until the Veto is sustained.

Your voice was heard, and your calls to the Governor's office let him know that he has your support when he takes a stand for our second amendment rights.

The fight is not over.

The bills are headed back to the legislature and the veto could be overturned by a 2/3 vote. You must make your voice heard again by calling and email your state representative and state senators TODAY. Welcome to the NH General Court | NH General Court

Remind your legislator that not one of the measures proposed by these bills would have stopped the hateful events in Ohio or Texas. CRIMINALS do not obey laws, so these changes will only disarm the law abiding citizens of NH. These potential changes would only make it harder for the law abiding to protect themselves and their families. Please remind your legislators that these bills are as logical as punishing all drivers for the actions of a few drunks and drug users who have killed people while
behind the wheel.

None of the bills will make New Hampshire a safer state.

Call to Action:

1. Call the Governor's office at 271-2121, Thank him for vetoing these
three anti-gun bills ( HB109, HB514, HB564).

2. Call or email your legislators.
Welcome to the NH General Court | NH General Court

3. Talk to your friends, ask them to call their representatives as well.

==>Talk to your Pro-Second Amendment friends, tell them you’ve called the Governor's office and why, then ask them to call him as well. I would also ask that you share this link so they can sign up for our alerts. NHFirearms.Org

In liberty,


Paul Marquis
Vice President - NHFC, Inc.
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