NH alert: Constitutional Carry, SB116, TODAY!, 1pm NH House

See you there. I will be speaking, too

So come later. This hearing will take a while

Not a bad idea. Let me see if I can get out after. I would get up there around 4 is that too late?

Emailed and called my senator.
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I'm definitely emailing and calling. Contemplating going to Concord. What's the time commitment like? There from 1pm to say 3pm or later?

If you want to speak, arrive at the hearing for 12:30 or earlier to sign up. Otherwise you will be waiting awhile to speak.
I must not be firing on all cylinders tonight. If this were to pass what is the license for then? Is it just for folks to pre establish they are not prohibited in the event of question? Section III would seem to remove the need altogether.
I must not be firing on all cylinders tonight. If this were to pass what is the license for then? Is it just for folks to pre establish they are not prohibited in the event of question? Section III would seem to remove the need altogether.

For non-residents there isn't much reason for it (if this becomes law). For residents, it gets you the ability to have reciprocity with a decent number of states outside New England.
Does NH have NICS exemption with possession of a license? That and reciprocity are the only benefits I could see to still obtain a license if this passes. If it does pass, it would make NH Constitutional Carry more awesome than AZ Constitutional Carry
The state police object because they will lose revenue from out-of-state licenses.

They should limit non-resident constitutional carry to only residents of states where a NH resident could carry permitless. Start a constitutional carry reciprocity trend and still get revenue from mass folks. [devil]

Edit: Looks like Oklahoma already started this trend.
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There is a universal reciprocity bill that has been filed in the pass, we need to do again.

Sample letter and alert from GOA [Thank you GOA!]
New Hampshire Could Become the next Constitutional Carry State

Created: Friday, 23 January 2015
Written by Gun Owners of America

New Hampshire is a state where people care about their freedom, their individualism, and their constitutional rights.

So it is great news that Senators Jeb Bradley (R) and David Boutin (R) introduced Senate Bill 116, which would make New Hampshire the seventh “constitutional carry” state in the country.

The concept of “constitutional carry” is simple: An individual's ability to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights shouldn't depend on a “permit” from the government.

You don't need a government license to write a book. So why should you have to get the government's okay in order to carry a firearm to protect yourself and your family?

Currently, Americans in Vermont, Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona, Arkansas, and most of Montana can carry a firearm without a government license. Lest anyone fail to notice, these are not exactly high-crime areas as a result of their diligence for the constitutional rights of their citizens. In fact, these are some of the safest places in America.

Senate Bill 116 would add New Hampshire to that illustrious list of Constitution-loving states.

Make no mistake about it. Under Senate Bill 116, if a criminal carried a gun in connection with a crime, he has committed a crime and is going to prison.

But that's just the point: If law enforcement is allowed to focus on the “bad guys,” rather than the enforcement of silly counter-productive, unconstitutional nitpicking, crime will go down.

Crime will also go down if criminals have to consider the possibility that their victims could be armed and could shoot back. It's no surprise that the “dog that didn't bark” -- the mass murders that were planned but never occurred -- happened in places like the Appalachian School of Law or Pearl High School in Mississippi. In these places, citizens with guns stopped horrific crimes.

New Hamphsire could soon join them on the list of states where people are allowed to exercise their constitutional rights to protect themselves without asking “May I?” from the government.

ACTION: Urge your state senator to cosponsor and support Senate Bill 116.

After clicking on this link here, simply identify your state senator, click on their email address and then copy-n-paste the message below.
----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Senator:

Please cosponsor and support Senate Bill 116, introduced Senators Jeb Bradley (R) and David Boutin (R).

The concept of “constitutional carry” is simple: An individual's ability to exercise his or her Second Amendment rights shouldn't depend on a “permit” from the government.

You don't need a government license to write a book. So why should you have to get the government's okay in order to carry a firearm to protect yourself and your family?

Currently, Americans in Vermont, Alaska, Wyoming, Arizona, Arkansas, and most of Montana can carry a firearm without a government license. Lest anyone fail to notice, these are not exactly high-crime areas as a result of their diligence for the constitutional rights of their citizens. In fact, these are some of the safest places in America.

Senate Bill 116 would add New Hampshire to that illustrious list of Constitution-loving states.

Make no mistake about it. Under Senate Bill 116, if a criminal carried a gun in connection with a crime, he has committed a crime and is going to prison.

But that's just the point: If law enforcement is allowed to focus on the “bad guys,” rather than the enforcement of silly counter-productive, unconstitutional nitpicking, crime will go down.

Crime will also go down if criminals have to consider the possibility that their victims could be armed and could shoot back. It's no surprise that the “dog that didn't bark” -- the mass murders that were planned but never occurred -- happened in places like the Appalachian School of Law or Pearl High School in Mississippi. In these places, citizens with guns stopped horrific crimes.

New Hamphsire could soon join them on the list of states where people are allowed to exercise their constitutional rights to protect themselves without asking “May I?” from the government.

Again, please cosponsor SB 116.


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Heads up:
Written testimony, even if it is the same as the email stays with the permanent file, emails do not.
Please print out 5 copies of emails and hand them in at the hearing, even if you do not speak. It is hard to argue with a 4 inch thick folder of letters in support of this policy change.
If people cannot be there, please email the Senators and CC me: (please make sure SB116 is in the subject line. I will make sure the CMTE gets hard copies of the emails for the folder.

Sharon Carson (r), Chair of Judiciary, 271-1403: [email protected]
Susan Duncan, Senior Legislative Aide, 271-3076: [email protected]
Sam Cataldo (r), 271-4063: [email protected]
Gary Daniels (r), 271-2609: [email protected]
David Pierce (d), 271-3067: [email protected]
Bette Lasky (d), 271-3091: [email protected]

jr AT jrhoell.com
I will tentatively be down below on Thursday for a family event. If I am, I won't be speaking, but I will make sure that design and JR and others have a copy of my statement to provide to the committee members.

If the family event is rescheduled, I will make the drive by myself, sign up to speak, and also provide written copies.
If people cannot be there, please email the Senators and CC me: (please make sure SB116 is in the subject line. I will make sure the CMTE gets hard copies of the emails for the folder.

Sharon Carson (r), Chair of Judiciary, 271-1403: [email protected]
Susan Duncan, Senior Legislative Aide, 271-3076: [email protected]
Sam Cataldo (r), 271-4063: [email protected]
Gary Daniels (r), 271-2609: [email protected]
David Pierce (d), 271-3067: [email protected]
Bette Lasky (d), 271-3091: [email protected]

jr AT jrhoell.com


New Hampshire is an open carry state, meaning if you can buy a gun you can carry it in the open. But if you want to carry a concealed firearm, you need a license that is issued by the local police or officials. This bill, sponsored by Republican Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, would change that and effectively allow anyone who can legally own a gun to carry that firearm concealed.

“People have a Second Amendment right,” said Bradley, who does not own any guns. “We’re an open carry state already; I just don’t see why the distinction.”

“I expect the governor to sign it,” he said. “It protects women and the elderly.” - JR Hoell


If people cannot be there, please email the Senators and CC me: (please make sure SB116 is in the subject line. I will make sure the CMTE gets hard copies of the emails for the folder.

Sharon Carson (r), Chair of Judiciary, 271-1403: [email protected]
Susan Duncan, Senior Legislative Aide, 271-3076: [email protected]
Sam Cataldo (r), 271-4063: [email protected]
Gary Daniels (r), 271-2609: [email protected]
David Pierce (d), 271-3067: [email protected]
Bette Lasky (d), 271-3091: [email protected]

jr AT jrhoell.com

I will write something up over the next few days.
Thanks! I just passed this on to Women's Defense League of NH.

LOL silly me! The 2 women in the WDL in charge of legislative issues actually helped write this proposed bill!!!

We need people to show up. Look for the WDL and ask for a sticker to wear on your shirt, whether you are male or female it doesn't matter. This is a 2A issue but it is also a WOMENS RIGHTS ISSUE.

I have known women who were victims of domestic violence. Some of them have either been abused by law enforcement or their abuser has had VERY TIGHT connections with law enforcement. They have been too scared to go to the local PD for fear their abuser would either know that they had applied for a concealed carry permit OR their abuser would find out WHERE they were living after escaping their abuser!

The "left" preaches a woman's "right to choose" when it comes to abortion. We also have a right to CHOOSE to DEFEND ourselves!

If you cannot attend, send your friends, email/write your senators. Please support SB116!!!

You know the anti's will be trying to attack our rights. Let's take the fight to them!
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Is there any data avilable on how many "in-state" P&R Licenses have been issued or are active? I can make my argument without the data, but real numbers would also be helpful.
Heads up:
Written testimony, even if it is the same as the email stays with the permanent file, emails do not.
Please print out 5 copies of emails and hand them in at the hearing, even if you do not speak. It is hard to argue with a 4 inch thick folder of letters in support of this policy change.

Hi JR,

If we weren't available to go to the hearing, can we write and send a letter to which you could read/deliver on our behalf?

Again, still contemplating making the arrangements, time off, etc. to make it to Concord this Thursday.

- - - Updated - - -

If you want to speak, arrive at the hearing for 12:30 or earlier to sign up. Otherwise you will be waiting awhile to speak.

OK, what's the "drop off" time? Just trying to line stuff up to see if I can make it. Like everyone else, I have commitments on both ends of the hearing. So maybe 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM? 4:00 PM?
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