Newton Gun Shop getting pushback

Yet they don't and as a demographic keep voting along the Democrat, anti party line. I just don't get it.

Here's a few reasons:
Personal Insecurity among peers/public ( extremely afraid to be the odd man out no matter how wrong following the crowd is).

Virtue signaling and cognitive dissonance in the greatest EXTREME.

Narcissistic personality disorder ( look it up ).

Lol all of the Newton antis? You mean the entire city? (Minus about 10 people). I hope he succeeds but that's about the last place I'd think about a shop. Needs to be on 128 not inside the foul trash urban cup.
Dedham got a shop .... NEAR A PLAYGROUND, OMG!!! (It has been over a year now, no children have been shot by escaping guns).

So, it could happen
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With the heavily Jewish community in Newton and the rise of Islamists and BLM Marxists, if I were Jewish I’d be locking and loading too. Good for them.

“Never again”, right?

Because 6 million armed citizens don’t load them selves into boxcars.
Because they delude themselves into thinking it could never happen here.
Yet people like that Omar creature are actually getting elected into office.
They can kid themselves all they want.
Standing on the tracks with your eyes closed doesn't mean the train won't hit hit you.
It just means you won't see it coming.
Dedham got a shop .... NEAR A PLAYGROUND, OMG!!! (It has been over a year now, no children have been shot by escaping guns).

So, it could happen

The contention isn't whether it could happen or not, it's the fact that so many willfully ignorant, delusional, previously victimized people work so hard against the only thing that eventually saved them in the past......GUNS !!!!

If half the population of Newton picked up and looked at the pictures of their lost family ancestors who were victims of the holocaust, and were truthful, they'd realize that they were going against the only thing that might have turned the tide for many of their family members. They are overt hypocrites of the highest order.
Yet they don't and as a demographic keep voting along the Democrat, anti party line. I just don't get it.
Rabbi Aryeh Spero explains in his books how many congregations have been hijacked to destroy their own flocks from within. There's also the issue of self loathing apostates taking out their resentment on everyone else.

You can't fix stupid. And money and college degrees do not make someone smart.
People foolishly mistake credentials or tenure for wisdom or intelligence when none of those things are necessarily true. Dr. Fauci is a prime example.

Really ???
Where ??
My recollection was it was on a second floor of the Piccadilly Circus block and that the establishment was carriage trade Fuddy.
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Rabbi Aryeh Spero explains in his books how many congregations have been hijacked to destroy their own flocks from within. There's also the issue of self loathing apostates taking out their resentment on everyone else.

People foolishly mistake credentials or tenure for wisdom or intelligence when none of those things are necessarily true. Dr. Fauci is a prime example.
I believe there’s an answer here as to why today’s Jews vote against their own interest and are blind to the dangers around them:

There's not a scripture reason. Has more to do with the wealthy kids of 19th and 20th Century families resenting their second class treatment due to religious discrimination and persecution despite being successful in business. So they turned on their own heritage and hated the civilization that mistreated them. This lead to them leaving Judaism for the cult of Marx to tear down the 'unjust civilization' as they saw it and get revenge. This happened later with Protestants (WW1 broke the West's spirit), and now Catholics under Pope Frankie the Red (+liberation theology).

That toxic self loathing revenge centric mentality in entrenched everywhere now as wokeism and it is absolute poison.

We have these neurotic self loathing people not realizing they are sabotaging their world to hand it over to worse people (the CCP and Islamist fundamentalists).

Which cycling back to changing zoning for a gun shop, they are willing to change the laws on the fly to suppress people and things they dislike. That's only going to get worse. What's next? Can't open a store if you aren't woke enough? "Oh, you have to do your disfavored business in the designated ghetto"... can't they see the road to Hell they are laying brick by brick?
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... if I were Jewish I’d be locking and loading too. Good for them.
Yet they don't and as a demographic keep voting along the Democrat, anti party line. I just don't get it.
Remember Joel from Flushing, Queens in Northern Exposure?
  • Jewish.
    • -and-
  • Card-carrying Republican!
Believe it or not!
There's not a scripture reason. Has more to do with the wealthy kids of 19th and 20th Century families resenting their second class treatment due to religious discrimination and persecution despite being successful in business. So they turned on their own heritage and hated the civilization that mistreated them. This lead to them leaving Judaism for the cult of Marx to tear down the 'unjust civilization' as they saw it and get revenge. This happened later with Protestants (WW1 broke the West's spirit), and now Catholics under Pope Frankie the Red (+liberation theology).

That toxic self loathing revenge centric mentality in entrenched everywhere now as wokeism and it is absolute poison.

We have these neurotic self loathing people not realizing they are sabotaging their world to hand it over worse people (the CCP and Islamist fundamentalists).

Which cycling back to changing zoning for a gun shop, they are willing to change the laws on the fly to suppress people and things they dislike. That's only going to get worse. What's next? Can't open a store if you aren't woke enough? "Oh, you have to do your disfavored business in the designated ghetto"... can't they see the road to Hell they are laying brick by brick?

No, they can't see......and worse yet, they don't want to see.
You can't fix stupid. And money and college degrees do not make someone smart.
Ain't that the truth.

I believe there’s an answer here as to why today’s Jews vote against their own interest and are blind to the dangers around them:

View attachment 473630
Yeah, must have been because we didn't buy into the Charlatan from 2000 years ago. That's why the old rich folks in Newton don't like AR15s.

Not only can a college degree not necessarily make someone smarter, but it can make them brainwashed.
Only the dumb ones. As much as I love debate, even I grew tired of it towards the end of grad school. My wife is in a midwifery/NP program, and even she is exhausted by the social justice they get shoved down their throats. As a women's health NP/Midwife, the school still tries to teach them "birthing people" and "chest feeding" and devotes an inordinate amount of time to caring for trans women in their practice. She's doing vagina/baby stuff... My wife (and I) are all for people living their best life, but lets be realistic, if you are trans anything and having OB issues, you are going to be seeing an MD who specializes in that very specific thing, not a midwife -- yet they still devote an asinine amount of time to it, and do such in such a hostile way that she has decided to just shut-up and graduate. Being open minded isn't enough anymore, you need to swallow the fringes of the leftist agenda, even in the sciences apparently.
No, they can't see......and worse yet, they don't want to see.
If only we accepted Jesus we'd love guns. Duh.
I had an interesting discussion with a Rabbi - when the board (whatever they call it in the temple) found out he was into shooting, his next contract had a clause "the Rabbi will not carry a gun in the temple". A Jewish friend from another temple was asked to be discretely armed whenever he was at services.
Entryism: Once Upon A Time It Was A Thing Dept.​

It's too bad no one wants to spy on the opposition;
learn in advance about protests or legal moves.

That would require joining the Facebook group without posting anything.
A heavy lift, to be sure.
If only we accepted Jesus we'd love guns. Duh.

It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus, it has to do with accepting the facts of the recent past. A population allowed themselves to be disarmed and was nearly wiped from the face of the earth, yet their surviving offspring STILL take the same path of complete ignorance.

What the fvck is wrong with you??
What this world needs is a truly slick NESer who can troll the board
into putting a comment violative of civil rights into the official minutes.
To underscore: I mean trolling the Zoning Board - not the Facebook group.

Although if it's Settled Law that filed applications are grandfathered from
downstream zoning changes - even before the applications are granted -
then that might be overkill.
town by me just broke ground on a detox center in a residential neighborhood, people in the town tried using the same arguments as those posted in the link above to block it and failed...if the zoning allows for it might be a case of too bad so sad but you've gotta suck it up and deal with it.

From the mayor’s newsletter …
Thanks to the thoughtful collaboration of City Council President Susan Albright, the City’s Law, Planning, Inspectional Services, and Police Departments, today I and members of the City Council have jointly docketed an amendment to the City’s zoning ordinance that would only allow firearms sales related uses in certain zoning districts in the City. It will also require firearms sales uses to be approved by special permit by the City Council. Finally, it will create specific special permit criteria, including a buffer zone between a firearms dealer and residences and schools.
What is the process moving forward for the proposed zoning amendment?
The City Council will assign the proposed zoning amendments to the appropriate committees at its meeting on Tuesday, April 20 and also assign a public hearing date. It is likely that the matter will be assigned to the Zoning and Planning Committee (ZAP) for a public hearing on May 10, 2021. At the public hearing, the Council will hear input from the public. It will then discuss the draft language, potentially make revisions, and ultimately recommend that matter to the full City Council for a final vote to approve the zoning amendments.
In general, zoning is prospective and would not limit ongoing uses and businesses that are already operating.
However, the State Zoning Act, Chapter 40A, does state that any approved zoning amendment will apply to any use/business that has not commenced prior to the publication of notice of the public hearing for the zoning amendment.
It is expected that the City Council will provide notice of the public hearing in the newspaper on April 26 and May 3, 2021. Practically speaking, if there is a proposed firearm dealer use that has not started operating by those dates, it will be subject to the proposed zoning amendments whenever those amendments are passed.
Why are we not prohibiting gun stores everywhere in Newton?
The City Council has broad authority to regulate all land uses in Newton, including the location of firearms dealers. That said, in light of the nature of the issues and the implications of Constitutional protections, it may be reasonable to expect that the more restrictively firearm sales are regulated, the more likely such regulations will be subject to a court challenge.
yeah good luck to them with that, again they tried that with a detox center in Wilmington and the town and residents against it got owned....

According to the lawsuit, when Bettering purchased the site, zoning allowed a “hospital, community health center, sanitarium, rest or convalescent home” by special permit. That changed in December 2017 when Special Town Meeting voted to amend the by-law and limit certain medical centers, like detox facilities, to industrial parks. The move blocked those medical centers from the general business district where Bettering’s property is located.

if the zoning for which they applied allowed for it, at least in Wilmington they couldn't change it after the application and have it blocked....granted it is MA and you're talking about that which liberals want (as long as it isn't in a tony town) and that which they hate....

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I'm 50% Jewish, and 100% agree that many Jews vote against their own self interests!

Some of the most jaw dropping anti-semitic statements I have ever heard in my life have comes from white progressive liberals. It only leads me to believe with every passing day that they are the true racists of our society.
Some of the most jaw dropping anti-semitic statements I have ever heard in my life have comes from white progressive liberals. It only leads me to believe with every passing day that they are the true racists of our society.

don't forget authoritarians.....which is hilarious given their bleating on and on about the past four years, yet here were are in one of the most rule by fiat regimes we have seen in the history of the country.
It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus, it has to do with accepting the facts of the recent past. A population allowed themselves to be disarmed and was nearly wiped from the face of the earth, yet their surviving offspring STILL take the same path of complete ignorance.

What the fvck is wrong with you??

I dunno, I like guns.
Some of the most jaw dropping anti-semitic statements I have ever heard in my life have comes from white progressive liberals. It only leads me to believe with every passing day that they are the true racists of our society.
Same with jaw dropping racist statements in terms of parentalism/saviorism/allyship or disdain of minorities which disagree with their assertions. They totally blind in their cause whoring to notice they are the very worst of the people they supposedly dislike. Look at the people calling for segregation and not treating by the content of their character, it's all whacked out leftists now.
It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus, it has to do with accepting the facts of the recent past. A population allowed themselves to be disarmed and was nearly wiped from the face of the earth, yet their surviving offspring STILL take the same path of complete ignorance.

What the fvck is wrong with you??
I think you're not taking a world view. I've met some Israeli Jews that would show otherwise, and obviously some in the US as well. And there are plenty of liberal Christians who are lined up for the boxcars.
It's not a religion thing.
Used to live around the corner off of Adams Street in the Nonantum neighborhood (the Lake).

Not sure if that's the best spot for a gun shop, but if I still lived in that area would surely support it.
In addition to the Jewish population, I find it difficult to figure out where all the gun hate comes from with the Lutherans.

Anyhoo, what about this scenario? Imagine a small town like Millbury, Oxford, Charlton, etc. , with decent highway access; put in a "general store" that sells hardware, coffee, seasonal items, scratch tickets, cigarettes. Then decide to add in "sporting goods", such as knives, pepper spray, and ammunition when it becomes available. Is this still doable? Now, how about selling holsters, magazines, slings, and other accessories. So far, just the special license needed for ammunition, right? What are the Massachusetts conditions on that? Let's say, 2 years down the road, they want to drop some of the other stuff, and bring in gun sales. Is a gun shop considered the same as any other shop from a zoning standpoint? Obviously, there is the licensing (FFL) thing. But is there anything preventing the town from allowing this from a zoning standpoint?
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Same with jaw dropping racist statements in terms of parentalism/saviorism/allyship or disdain of minorities which disagree with their assertions. They totally blind in their cause whoring to notice they are the very worst of the people they supposedly dislike. Look at the people calling for segregation and not treating by the content of their character, it's all whacked out leftists now.

As woke as ma liberal politicians pretend to be, don’t think for a second they are ok with ceding the authority of their police chiefs to restrict firearms licenses from minorities. Even honest antis have a problem with discretionary licensing. Most aren’t honest though.
I think you're not taking a world view. I've met some Israeli Jews that would show otherwise, and obviously some in the US as well. And there are plenty of liberal Christians who are lined up for the boxcars.
It's not a religion thing.

I know it's not a religion thing. My point is/was, that Newton ( the city of subject in this thread ) is mostly a jewish community. Jews were almost wiped out last century, the only thing that finally saved them was guns.

And Please, do not compare Israeli jews with American jews, they are worlds apart on the gun issue and many others....and particularly "Will to survive".
I lived and worked in Newton for over 25 years, I think I have a very, very good grasp of the mindset of people in that city, jewish and otherwise.
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