News on Steve Foley (SwatGig)

A few of you may have heard but Steve Foley (SwatGig on NES and one of Comm2A's goto lawyers) passed away Monday morning from complications due to COVID-19.

Steve came to the law late in life. He worked in IT for the first half of his career and eventually decided to go to law school. He attended MASL in Andover and became a lawyer. Steve did a lot of work for Comm2A and we will be worse off in his absence. In my experience, lawyers develop specialities, not just in subject matter, but also what it is that drives them. I don't know if Steve ever truly appreciated he had found what got him going in law yet, but I know what I think it was. He was a fierce advocate for people who were getting screwed by the system. He came alive in cases when he saw something where a citizen was getting screwed by the system. More than one town was held to account because Steve was on the case due to that passion.

His family has posted this for his obituary.
Sad. I had couple of people I knew passed recently, they were also born in 60s. Parents are still alive, I guess our generation grew in shittier conditions
I met Steve a few years ago when he karma’d me an old tandem bike that needed a lot of work. It is one of my hobbies and I did restore it and do ride it. We got into a long conversation about old bikes, and our shared background in high tech, and law. For a while he was helping me later look into changing careers to go into law just as he did. I ultimately did not however.

Man he could talk about anything and make you feel like you’d known him forever. What a fine personable and helpful individual he was. I still can’t wrap my head around how young he was and how quickly he passed. A terrible loss for our community.
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So sad, so young and gone but never to far from memories of many he has affected in a positive ways.
Didn’t have a privilege to know the man personally but his posts on this platform is a good story on its own.
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