New revolutionary "holster" out now.

From the website:

If you carry a gun with a round in the chamber, respectfully this product is NOT for you. We understand the rationale and risks associated in carrying with and without a round in the chamber. Our belief is each individual should carry in a manner that appropriately balances their personal demands for protection and safety. As such, we personally choose to carry without a round in the chamber and have created the industries lowest profile and lightest weight holster to accommodate this carrying choice.
Chances are you've already tried this holster and loved it! If you have ever "carried" in the waist band of your pants, then you have effectively experienced this holster. As part of that experience, you probably appreciated how easy it was to access and conceal your weapon. And, you were probably quick to realize the downsides to this carry method. In our experience, the gun would work its way up and out of the waist band through normal lifestyle movements and fall to the ground. Even more embarrassing was the time we've all stood up to exit the restaurant scene and the weapon slipped down inside the leg of our pants and ended up on the floor.

The limitations of this convenient carry method have been overcome by strapping on a bungeeHOLSTER! The bungeeHOLSTER eliminates all of the up and down movement and absolutely secures your gun to your hip (or anywhere else on your belt)! Whether you jog, bike, trampoline jump, or do cartwheels, bungeeHOLSTER will keep your weapon secure and easily accessible.

Try it now by simply sliding your gun between your pants and belt and you are effectively experiencing how easy and comfortable it is to "carry" in the lowest profile manner possible. If you like that, you'll like bungeeHOLSTER! If you love America, you're going to LOVE bungeeHOLSTER.
That rubber band can be cut and used in survival situations. Imagine all the things you can do. Try doing that with your fancy leather holsters. /sarc
hanging on your belt and unloaded is just a decoration. I think that guy and his friends just carny their guns for decoration. makes them look guns aren't to make me look cool.

However it would have been really funny if when that elastic snapped it got him in the
Also, if he had established a proper grip when drawing, the "bungee holster" would have been trapped under his hand and increased the likelihood of a malfunction when chambering a "bullet".
His brother had a bicycle accident? I didn't know John Kerry had a brother.
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