New folks check in and say, Hi!

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Hey folks,

I'm new to the forums here. I'm new to firearms, so new that I'm really just investigating training, licensing, and how to obtain a firearm. Recent events have convinced me that in order to protect my family in times of emergency, a firearm is a necessity. The kind folks at sent me this way, and from the information I've gathered so far, I don't live in a very gun friendly community. I live in Newton, Massachusetts, so if anyone has any experience owning a firearm in Newton, or obtaining a license there, I would appreciate it.
Welcome to the Family EA. We have a forum in here for just about every question you need to ask, don't be shy, and you will have them all answered.
Don't lose faith yet. You may have trouble getting an LTC-A, but the folks here can help you along, especially Lynne and Cross-X. I suggest PMing Cross-X and ask him how to proceed. He's one of your Mass rep's on

ABTW, welcome to the forum.
Gail, welcome and I hope you find this forum both enjoyable and full of useful knowledge.

I found out about the website by doing a Google Search.

I am a retired Army warrant officer and I work for our Great Commonwealth and have, in the past, dealt with one of the components of the LTC application process. I used to run your fingerprints ! Now I do something else for EOPS more related to my old military MOS.

This is a good forum, just remember that not everyone who works for the Commonwealth is a bad guy, especially those of us who work for EOPS. I think that our "may issue" licensing procedures are not the best way to do business.

I am a life member of the NRA. Politically, I am moderate to liberal according to the issues except when it comes to the Second Amendment, which means exactly what it says IMHO. I may not always agree with some of the other political views held by many forum members, but I'm one hundred percent behind the right of law abiding citizens of all classes and colors to keep and bear arms for their use for both sport and protection.

mark056 said:
I am moderate to liberal

Well, Not everyone is perfect! :D j/k

mark056 said:
I'm one hundred percent behind the right of law abiding citizens of all classes and colors to keep and bear arms for their use for both sport and protection.

Amen to that!

Welcome to the forum!
Good to have you here. Hope you enjoy yourself!

Welcome Mark, hope you find the forum informative and that occasionally you can answer others' questions as well as ask some yourself.

Check out the Oktoberfest thread and see if you can join us for the day on Saturday, Oct 15th in Merrimack NH for a greet & meet (and perhaps the Manchester gun show a few miles up the road before the restaurant).
Hey all, I was born-and-raised in Portland Maine, but now me and my growing gun collection are trapped in the People's republic of Mass.

Time at the MRA, reading Bruce's mASS BACKWARDS blog, and hopefully this forum will keep me sane!

A Licence for Pepper Spray? who thought of that??????


-Weer'd Beard
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