New Discovery Show "Sons of Guns"

But painting dragon symbols and attaching motorcycle handlebars to a machine gun?


Mossberg put a chainsaw handle on their 500

To each their own.

Admit it. If someone showed up at a shoot with that 1919 you would all cream your pants.

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I actually talked to Stephanie real quick on FB and told her that the show was to scripted and set up. She assured that it was not scripted that it was just bad editing [rolleyes] I also asked Vince about his ACAB tattoo. He informed me that it's stands for "always carry a bible" [rofl]

what caliber does that "bible" should come in?
3. Cool theme song - check

This. The theme song is awesome.

I guess I'm not in agreement with most people about last nights episode. I found it pretty entertaining. The production quality of the show (not the hardware) seems to be a little better this year. The 1 hour format seems to work better too. There are still some cheesy scripted moments and some glaring continuity errors, but overall I think they're hitting their stride as a tv show.
IAS? I dont know what that means.

I never said anything negative about the practice rounds. I was trying to connect the audio to the part of the video that showed the MK.19, which was in pieces on the table since I'm under the impression that most people on NES who were not in the military are not going to be able to recognize it immediately as a MK.19.

Also, I was a MK.19 gunner in the Army. 1,000 yards? Lets try 1,500 meters, professor.

[laugh2] Never fails to deliver.
The paint on the 1919 was awful. A dragon ? Next their are going to to have a pyrotechnic spittoon for the Red Jacket crew. They should hire Jr's wife for the show, she was the only good lookin thing on it.

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I have to admit that I thought the 1919 was probably a better idea for the show. At least it wasn't some stupid automated machine gun being controlled by a game controller. The gun being designed more as a piece of art rather than a gun needed by some fake mercenaries seems to interest me a whole hell of a lot more.
Anybody who does that to a 1919 sucks

Are they altering original 1919's or could they just be buying new semi-auto 1919's and the converting them to full auto under an FFL 07?

Because anyone who does such a thing to such a classic piece of John Browning genius deserves to be standing in front of it...

That speed shooting was pretty good, though: "That guy isn't human."
IAS? I dont know what that means.

I never said anything negative about the practice rounds. I was trying to connect the audio to the part of the video that showed the MK.19, which was in pieces on the table since I'm under the impression that most people on NES who were not in the military are not going to be able to recognize it immediately as a MK.19.

Also, I was a MK.19 gunner in the Army. 1,000 yards? Lets try 1,500 meters, professor.

IAS = In all seriousness, practice rounds are little bombs and can kill you.
[laugh2] Never fails to deliver.

That was by far my favorite weapon system to have on my Humvee. 1,500 meters? Try 2,212 meters with max range and max effective range the same because it ah, shoots grenades...

The only problem I ever encountered was the target suddenly becoming something you didn't want to shoot at during the 10-15 second hang time of the grenade rounds.
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That was by far my favorite weapon system to have on my Humvee. 1,500 meters? Try 2,212 meters with max range and max effective range the same because it ah, shoots grenades...

The only problem I ever encountered was the target suddenly becoming something you didn't want to shoot at during the 10-15 second hang time of the grenade rounds.

hottest thing i ever saw was a female MP in a humvee turret behind one of those things..... i just got shivers thinking about her....
hottest thing i ever saw was a female MP in a humvee turret behind one of those things..... i just got shivers thinking about her....

One of my Sergeants was with 10MTN in Somalia and had a story of a female MP who was tearing shit up during the whole "Black Hawk Down" engagement. According to him, she legit saved the lives of a few 11B's on the ground.
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IAS = In all seriousness, practice rounds are little bombs and can kill you.

Oh really? I thought when the practice grenades when off rose petals came out of them.

Also my MK.19 was better then yours for several reasons. Mainly because I was operating it. Secondly because it was a Special Forces version that shot a laser out of it.
Here's a photo of myself and a few fellow soldiers working in the Arctic practicing winter warfare
I thought this was one of the better ones of this season. And I think Stephanie is starting to like the stupid guy. So much drama I would have thought I was watching TNT or something.
Oh really? I thought when the practice grenades when off rose petals came out of them
Let's recap, because apparently you got lost on the way to this point.
They have a MK.19 on the table with practice rounds in that video where hes saying "it fires little bombs."
That was clearly a comment mocking him as an idiot for making an untrue or inaccurate comment. In response, I argued practice*rounds are excatly what he said they were. And then you saw fit to launch some sarcasm my way when I told you so.*

But...I guess up until that point, you thought they fired rose pedals, so I suppose I can understand your error.

No need to get snarky, but if you want to be an a**h***, fine--game on, good sir.

Friday, August 05, 2011

NRA members are rightfully concerned about the protection of gun rights and the longevity of the shooting sports. We know the successes we have enjoyed in the past are due in no small part to our strength in numbers. Furthermore, the key to maintaining and building on our past victories is not only to sustain, but to also grow the size of our organization. To that end, NRA tries to provide and promote opportunities for people to get involved in the shooting sports.

The media, anti-gun groups and the entertainment industry, however, have long portrayed the shooting community as archaic, extremist, and dangerously outside the mainstream of society. Consequently, we have received recent inquiries from members and non-members alike, who have expressed skepticism at several recent attempts by cable channels to showcase the shooting community via new gun-related reality programming. NRA has always sought to educate the public that the Second Amendment protects more than a hunter's deer rifle and now the media, of all people, appear to be helping us do that.

The History Chanel's Top Shot debuted last year and features teams of contestants who compete in various shooting challenges with the goal of winning a cash prize. The History Channel has additionally run the show Tales of the Gun and other firearm-related shows for years.

The Discovery Channel's Sons of Guns showcases custom gun manufacturer Red Jacket Firearms and its owner Will Hayden. The show has drawn a degree of criticism from some quarters of the shooting community who think the show focuses too much attention on "black rifles" and thus perpetuates what they consider a negative stereotype that alienates the non-shooting public, rather than win them over.

While we can understand the thought process leading some to suggest these shows do more harm than good, at the end of the day the anti-gun crowd doesn't care what type of gun it is or how it is used. If they see a .50 BMG Barrett rifle (Top Shot Season 2) they say it is too big and shoots too far. A semi-automatic AK-47 variant (frequently appearing on Sons of Guns) shoots too many rounds and frightens them. Even the more traditional hunting-themed shows are seen by the anti-gun crowd as "glorifying a violent gun culture."

These shows provide exposure to firearms and sporting activities that would otherwise be missed. Some gun owners are not necessarily interested in hunting or traditional target shooting. Instead, some are attracted to faster-paced competition shooting and tactical firearms. These programs allow those with little or no prior connection to the firearms community to see the variety of shooting sports and firearms that are available to them. They also provide a counter balance to shows like the National Geographic Channel's Wild Justice program, which often portrays gun owners as drug-addicted poachers.

No TV program will please everyone, but in the end, shows like Top Shot and Sons of Guns are presenting gun owners to the public as the legitimate competitive shooters and law-abiding businessmen, that in reality, they are.

One way to further the fight to protect our gun rights is to add new shooting enthusiasts and showcase the shooting sports. These programs are another way to do so.
this show sucks... [laugh]

but i agree with the others, it's entertainment.... [cheers] the fan boys in this thread are worse than mac owners.
Hey I resent that comment, I own a mac Lol. but the show does suck. I would like to reach through the TV every time Chris and snaggle tooth open their mouths and the king ding-a-ling that yells at everyone else and doesn't do a damn thing him self then takes all the credit. What a tool.
These shows provide exposure to firearms and sporting activities that would otherwise be missed. Some gun owners are not necessarily interested in hunting or traditional target shooting. Instead, some are attracted to faster-paced competition shooting and tactical firearms. These programs allow those with little or no prior connection to the firearms community to see the variety of shooting sports and firearms that are available to them. They also provide a counter balance to shows like the National Geographic Channel's Wild Justice program, which often portrays gun owners as drug-addicted poachers.

No TV program will please everyone, but in the end, shows like Top Shot and Sons of Guns are presenting gun owners to the public as the legitimate competitive shooters and law-abiding businessmen, that in reality, they are.
While I don't know how in the hell four MG42's is somehow a decent substitute for a .50 BMG anti-aircraft rig, that NRA commentary is spot on.
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