New crazy gun laws. Don't lose your shit.


NES Member
Feb 19, 2008
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It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.

I know there is a natural response to hate the folks who are doing this stuff, and you want to hit them in the face with a banana cream pie, but we all need to keep our anger under control, and act like civil, law-abiding, calm people.

If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.

They are going to try to bait, infuriate, and enrage you. Don't take the bait. Smile, walk away, and put your effort into productive ways to undercut their efforts.
Dang it, Amazon is delivering the barrel of tar and the bundle of feathers today. What the heck am I supposed to do with that stuff now?

Agreed on keeping your cool and keeping your responses to legislators to the facts, it’s an extreme overreach contrary to the Constitution and will only harm lawful owners of firearms, who account for almost no crimes, and it does nothing to curtail criminals using firearms.
If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.
I would like to think most of us, especially the people who have been long time members, aren't the type to fly off the handle and start making crazy threats. We like to joke but we also know how to act like a civilized citizen, unlike our left leaning members of society.
I think what a lit of people forget is that forums like this are echo chambers and sounding boards.

We say things here we don't mean because there's an internal culture, slanguage, and inside jokes that active participants understand.

It's easy to use some of these, because other forum members understand the frustration.

As an example one could say "I'm going to drive a dump truck through the front door of the state house and lift the bed on their desks"

That's funny and understandable to all of us and we can all sympathize with the frustration and throw laughs and thumbs up. But if it's your desk or you don't get the frustration, I think *we* all understand nobody but the most autistic of us is going to actually even give that more of a seconds thought in planning, they dont.

Voicing that plan outside the confines of the forum is going to take on completely different context. It's no longer an amusing absurdity, it's a threat to someone who doesn't understand and therefore doesn't see the absurdity in it.

We all want to be less than polite at the absurdity that is this bill, but that is only going to entrench viewpoints because you're proving your the type of person this bill is meant to protect against.
So the answer to all of these violations to our constitutional rights is to be even bigger pussies? How’s that working for republicans so far?
I agree with the OP to a point. We shouldn’t mince words and shouldn’t be afraid to call them out. Be professional, but blunt. Don’t make threats.
It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.

I know there is a natural response to hate the folks who are doing this stuff, and you want to hit them in the face with a banana cream pie, but we all need to keep our anger under control, and act like civil, law-abiding, calm people.

If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.

They are going to try to bait, infuriate, and enrage you. Don't take the bait. Smile, walk away, and put your effort into productive ways to undercut their efforts.

Meh, I'd more consider handcuffing them to a pole and stuffing a hand grenade into their waistband.

Of course, this would only be done if I had access to a live grenade and the pole was around the corner of a stone building that could be used for cover. [rofl]

Yes, more productive efforts.....................................
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And here lies the issue. “We need to be polite, and firmly say no”. But it’s perfectly acceptable for people on the opposite end of the spectrum to vandalize anything within eyesight, take over and hold sections of a city hostage, savagely beat people, sometimes to death, etc etc. They are banking on us being pussies.

While I obviously don’t advocate for any of that idiocy, but acting like bitches isn’t gonna get us anywhere either.
It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.

I know there is a natural response to hate the folks who are doing this stuff, and you want to hit them in the face with a banana cream pie, but we all need to keep our anger under control, and act like civil, law-abiding, calm people.

If anyone sends a nasty email, threatens someone, or does something worse, it's only going to give the left more ammunition to push their gun control agenda even harder. And mark my words. The left wants nothing less than to ban all guns, and take every single one of them away from the citizenry. Every stupid response helps them to do this, so we have to be on our best behavior to avoid aiding them in their unamerican quest.

They are going to try to bait, infuriate, and enrage you. Don't take the bait. Smile, walk away, and put your effort into productive ways to undercut their efforts.
Why are you posting this junk like we are a bunch of children?
Ya people on the right are generally working class, leave me TF alone and just let me enjoy life and family without ass raping me with retard policies and taxes to feed and house the sick, lame and lazy. Each of them has their own line in the sand or breaking point and generally operate alone or in small, tight, familiar groups.

The Loony Left however, seems to have like some type of whale sonar communication where if one retard from Portland starts yelling at clouds somehow all of them are activated and wander outside to join the hoard.

Portland, OR:

5mins later in Portland, ME:
Activation Code Enacted

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It's important to understand and realize that the worst thing any of us can do in response to this nearly complete abrogation of our second amendment rights in the commonwealth is to lose control, and do anything that the left could use against us.
While it is possible to dissolve the second amendment (or even the Constitution!), it is not possible to remove the actual rights that the second amendment (currently) tries to protect.

In other words, we will eventually lose the protection of the constitution, but not the right itself.

Without 2a, exercising those rights might be dangerous or deadly, but that is a separate matter.
I think what you're failing to consider is that in the new language, many of the things they are looking to pass have already been deemed ILLEGAL and unconstitutional by the highest court in the land, and they don't f***ing care. Yet, while breaking the law, they are going to pass laws to make us (the most law abiding citizens) criminals overnight and threaten to ruin our lives. They've hit a point of no return. The courts have already said NO and yet, they are thumbing their noses at them. That's not rule of law, that's a boot on our necks.
I think what you're failing to consider is that in the new language, many of the things they are looking to pass have already been deemed ILLEGAL and unconstitutional by the highest court in the land, and they don't f***ing care. Yet, while breaking the law, they are going to pass laws to make us (the most law abiding citizens) criminals overnight and threaten to ruin our lives. They've hit a point of no return. The courts have already said NO and yet, they are thumbing their noses at them. That's not rule of law, that's a boot on our necks.
Don’t you take me by the hand.
Actually, it's
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