New Boston, NH Police Chief abuses power Update Post #704

Is someone going to record the meeting?

Well seeing how NH is a two party state, that would be illegal, unless the selectmen agree to it. There also may be an exemption for public meetings like this. I am not familiar with the recording conversation laws in NH.
Report on the New Boston meeting tonight

It was very clear that the NB Police Chief made calls to anyone and everyone that he could think of to come to this meeting. Many of those that supported him, still said that he had issues with his temper and the way he acts toward others. The Selectman did listen to the complaints - but started the meeting saying they supported what he did.

What they don't know, but got a little from me was: How the Chief told them half truths!

1. "I just did what the judge told me to do". Bullshit - the Judge told him to account for, and remove firearms from the defendant.
2. "I consulted with the County Attorney". Bullshit - the assistant County Attorney told my Lawyer that he was chasing his tail, because he was informed after the fact.

This man will do anything to include throwing the judge & county attorney under the bus to cover his ass.

The New Boston Bulletin reported that when Krajenka learned that nine firearms were at the Manchester Firing Line, and that I was giving him a hard time, he called Judge Lawrence and said: " I spoke with two BATF agents that McLoud had me call, they said the guns were secure & McLoud was a good guy, what should I do?" He then claimed that Judge Lawrence said that "it wasn't good enough,go there and take them".

Since this all went down at 5:30 in the afternoon, this sounds like the biggest crock of shit of the entire day. Too bad I couldn't get Judge Lawrence on the stand!!

Update on the Court date: The Superior Court date has been moved to a later date. This was done by my Lawyer to schedule my expert to testify. Trust me when I tell you that He's well worth waiting for [smile]
Jim - Maybe I'm old fashioned but I still believe that truth will win out over lies pretty much ever time. Sounds like he's well on his way to burying himself!

Best of luck with this. You'll be seeing me at your range soon.
Sorry I didn't get to say hi Jim, I was up front myself. There were more people there than I ever expected. The gym was packed to say the least. I did find it alarming when even the supporters all said something on the lines that the chief could work on his people skills, or how some folks even brought up "sensitivity" training, or the like. Even the supporters could not give him a clean bill of health.

What seemed to always make the selectmen nod was when $$$$ figures came up. The fact that they budgeted $8,000 for litigation purposes in 2008 and paid out $16,000.00 and then in 2009 still budgeted $8,000 and paid out $60,000.00

That hit a chord with the selectmen. Where will that stop? Of course, you're about to add to that tab for 2010, so that's something the selectmen really really should be taken into account.

The chiefs people skills might suck, and in some circumstances you might be able to get away with that, but with those sucky people skills cost the town money AND reputation, enough is enough.
What seemed to always make the selectmen nod was when $$$$ figures came up. The fact that they budgeted $8,000 for litigation purposes in 2008 and paid out $16,000.00 and then in 2009 still budgeted $8,000 and paid out $60,000.00

That hit a chord with the selectmen. Where will that stop? Of course, you're about to add to that tab for 2010, so that's something the selectmen really really should be taken into account.
Yes, this is about the only way to fight back these days - hit them in the wallet.
Well seeing how NH is a two party state, that would be illegal, unless the selectmen agree to it. There also may be an exemption for public meetings like this. I am not familiar with the recording conversation laws in NH.

RSA 91-A:2
II. Subject to the provisions of RSA 91-A:3, all meetings, whether held in person, by means of telephone or electronic communication, or in any other manner, shall be open to the public. Except for town meetings, school district meetings, and elections, no vote while in open session may be taken by secret ballot. Any person shall be permitted to use recording devices, including, but not limited to, tape recorders, cameras, and videotape equipment, at such meetings. ( . . . )
Well, that didnt take long. RP has already made his first appearance on the UL comments section.

Greg, do better.

Go back and check. Was this meeting recorded?

Didn't Beloin first announce he was under attack by organized crime? And play his boom box loudly and persistently? And inaudibly?

Until he had to be escorted by polite people to the place where he regrouped and started going around to everyone present and handing his manifesto of truth? Signed "Gerard." (JB?)

Did you get a copy? Everybody else did.

Did you report it?

Sorry, kid, but so far you get an "F".

I was there, but there is a record - not yours. Has nothing to do with me, too.

This "meeting" was about about a gathering of crazies.

And a few sane people trying to deal with it.

Were you there?

UL, you have a problem. Deal with it.
- RP, New Boston
I think the media attention, the call to action by townspeople, and the illuminating fact of his litigation costs have already begun to tack down the lid on this one. I don't think anyone will be happy with the time line, however. In the power struggle of politics, the selectmen will not want to appear to be doing what they are told- it will have to be their wise and independent decision.

The MFLR suit should be the icing- let's hope he's baked this time.

Obligatory miserable ma**h*** observation- no doubt he will come south and take over a green town..and there will be nothing we can do about it....
What seemed to always make the selectmen nod was when $$$$ figures came up. The fact that they budgeted $8,000 for litigation purposes in 2008 and paid out $16,000.00 and then in 2009 still budgeted $8,000 and paid out $60,000.00
Why did the town have to pay $60,000 for litigation last year?
New Boston Chief just got caught in his lie - with his own log!

Krajenka's house of cards is falling. I have in hand the NB Police Incident Report. The Chief has said from the start that "I sought advice/direction from the County Attorney and acted". The log clearly shows that this was a total lie, and the phone call was made after Kragenka took the firearms and returned to the NB police station.

It also states that he spoke with two BATF agents that said: FROM THE POLICE REPORT- " Manchester Firing Line Range is a secure facility, technically the weapons belong to the Manchester Firing Line. He advised that if a weapon is taken in by a gun dealer that a form 4473 (<Confused Police Chief) had to be completed and it be listed in the dealers log book. Once this is done it becomes inventory of the dealer and belongs to him. He went on to tell me that Jim McLoud was a good guy and that the weapons were secure in that facility. He then said that if I took the weapons that Mr. McLoud stood to loose a lot. I told him that this was not my concern; my concern was with the following of the order of the court and the protection of the victim. I told him I would be complying with the order of the court".

There you have it folks! Two Federal Agents said the same thing to him, but he didn't like the answers.

He clearly goes on throwing Judge Lawrence under the bus too - let's see how far he gets with that [rofl]

I smell a victory - and a job opening [smile]
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Relevent New Boston, NH Info found in BOLD:

Selectmen’s Agenda
Town Hall Conference Room, 7PM
March 15, 2010

1 Pledge of Allegiance​
2 Selection of Selectmen Chair​
7:00 John Riendeau Highway Department​
7:30 John Montgomery Footbridge​
8:00 Jestine Miller Building On Class VI Road​
1 Minutes of February 17, 2010​
2 Minutes of March 1, 2010​
1 MS-2 (Town Vote)​
2 Rules of Discussion​
3 Legal Fees Inquiry

4 Pistol Permit Submissions​
5 Representative to SNHPC​
6 Personnel Matter (non-public)​
G OTHER (announcements/items arising since posting of agenda that need prompt attention)
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In today's news:

Gun range owner claims firearms should be returned to him
Union Leader Correspondent

GOFFSTOWN – The owner of a Manchester firing range renewed his legal efforts against New Boston Police Chief Christopher L. Krajenka this week, asking a judge to return firearms the chief seized from his range while executing a temporary restraining order against a New Boston man.
Great article, and great timing, especially with the Selectman's meeting coming up on Monday.... Only thing better is if this makes the Channel 9 news over the weekend too!

Selectmen hate controversy, and the more light that's brought to this situation the more "ammo" (excuse the pun) in getting this chief out of office.

Keep it up Jim!! [thumbsup]
Great article, and great timing, especially with the Selectman's meeting coming up on Monday.... Only thing better is if this makes the Channel 9 news over the weekend too!

Selectmen hate controversy, and the more light that's brought to this situation the more "ammo" (excuse the pun) in getting this chief out of office.

Exactly! Try to get the NRA to list it on their news site. Also, call the local and state (city) news outlets. Then, maybe you can get the AP to pick it up as well. If that happens, it might help.
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