N.H. Dog shooting

While I disagree with him shooting the dog, it was legal.
I probably would've tried to get a hold of a dog that size and brought it back to the owners with a stern warning. Anything bigger, probably a different story.
There's a lot we don't know though. Maybe he already had warned them.
BUT DID HE HAVE TO USE A F******G AR-15! Gesus! We've got enough crap going on with those in the news.
I noticed the news made it a point to focus right on that part in the report.
It's a Britney. He could have done something else. He's a pussy. The barking could kill the rabbits.

I was tempted, as an owner and breeder of expensive livestock, to explain why it is necessary to aggressively defend the livestock from predators and said screw it.

My land. My property. My livestock. Keep your damn dog off it or else deal with the perfectly legal and necessary consequences.

This is a total out yourself thread. Because its a nice Britney suddenly property rights go out the window for some NES members? Really?

The socialist nanny state streak runs just below the surface in some...

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Must agree with most of you calling this guy an ass. I have a Brittany and while they are great hunters, these compact dogs and extremely easy going and not hostile to people. At worst the only thing this guy needed to do was go fetch the dog and bring it to the owner. Brittany's from experience don't have one aggressive bone towards people, but then again I could be bias. (Profile pic. says it all)

While walking my two dogs I've been ran up in by pitbulls, rottweilers and a black lab and not once did I think about shooting them. The worst case was with the black lab who tried to actively attack me because of my umbrella in either case one swift kick was sufficient with dealing with that.... The owner was another issue.
Must agree with most of you calling this guy an ass. I have a Brittany and while they are great hunters, these compact dogs and extremely easy going and not hostile to people. At worst the only thing this guy needed to do was go fetch the dog and bring it to the owner. Brittany's from experience don't have one aggressive bone towards people, but then again I could be bias. (Profile pic. says it all)

While walking my two dogs I've been ran up in by pitbulls, rottweilers and a black lab and not once did I think about shooting them. The worst case was with the black lab who tried to actively attack me because of my umbrella in either case one swift kick was sufficient with dealing with that.... The owner was another issue.

It's not about hostile to people, it's about the livestock. I lost my sons small dog to a people friendly Britney. Run, grab, shake, dead. Over in less than 10 seconds. Totally our fault in that case but indicative of what prey drive will do. Those rabbits were seconds from dead and the response was totally acceptable.

You could try the "but what's one rabbit compared to the family loved pet that sleeps with Suzy" argument but that would be crap. My property is more "valuable" so you lose your rights to protect/defend yours... In any case on my farm any given goat is worth in pure objective market value far more than any dog running loose. Period.

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This guy has issues.

How about taking a broom and smacking the dog a few times instead of killing it.

Owners need to keep their dogs on leashes but come on, its not like he had a goose laying golden eggs, just some scruffy rabbits in a cage.

Legally in the right, but common sense wise a fool.
Can you post a few pics of the goats ???
My g/f would love to have one of those!

I dont know Zapa, they look dangerous.

We had legislation to remove "worrying" from the law a few years back. "Worrying" is a legal term meaning to attempt to bite. If you wait until the dog wounds the animal, well, then you have two dead animals.

I thought worrying was the causing of distress and that the next term in the statement was the attempt to bite. Though, there might be a gap between my understanding and the intent of the law.
Is it legal to target shoot at night ????
I always heard that shooting at night was a no-no because of deer jacking.

In Ma it is only legal to "hunt" coyotes at night. You can shoot them during the day if they are being a nuisance animal but only "hunt" at night since they are nocturnal by nature. So I would have to say that, no it is not just flat out illegal to shoot at night.
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Dogs can legally, and should, be shot that are harassing farm animals. A single dog can take out a herd of chickens, etc, and cause financial devastation to a farmer.

Applying the law to domestic pets....maybe a stretch.

Unfortunately, even the best trained and docile pet dogs will go ape sh*t nutz around farm animals and try to get them. I know, I had a really sweet golden retriever once. then my kids wanted to keep some chickens one year.....
It's not about hostile to people, it's about the livestock. I lost my sons small dog to a people friendly Britney. Run, grab, shake, dead. Over in less than 10 seconds. Totally our fault in that case but indicative of what prey drive will do. Those rabbits were seconds from dead and the response was totally acceptable.

You could try the "but what's one rabbit compared to the family loved pet that sleeps with Suzy" argument but that would be crap. My property is more "valuable" so you lose your rights to protect/defend yours... In any case on my farm any given goat is worth in pure objective market value far more than any dog running loose. Period.

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All I am saying is if you had enough time to go get that reliable AR, you sure as hell have more than enough time to go over and get the dog away from that ENCLOSED pen.

But then again, barking kills, right?
All I am saying is if you had enough time to go get that reliable AR, you sure as hell have more than enough time to go over and get the dog away from that ENCLOSED pen.

But then again, barking kills, right?

Barking can cause harm. That's why you can shoot dogs worrying your livestock.

Keep your dog off my another's property. Pretty simple.
I have owned one...they are hunting dogs, but not in the least bit dangerous and are considered great family dogs. Who keeps rabbits these days anyway? Of course it's going to arouse a bird dog, my German Shorthairs would no doubt do the same thing, but those rabbits were in a pen and appeared to be protected...I mean c'mon. Guy had his Iraq hat on, looked like a nut, big tough guy couldn't go out there and handle the situation? Rabbits are here for eating anyway. What a coward.
I thought worrying was the causing of distress and that the next term in the statement was the attempt to bite. Though, there might be a gap between my understanding and the intent of the law.


Section 156. Any person may kill a dog which suddenly assaults him while he is peaceably standing, walking or riding outside the enclosure of its owner or keeper; and any person may kill a dog found out of the enclosure of its owner or keeper and not under his immediate care in the act of worrying, wounding or killing persons, live stock or fowls, and if any person shall kill or attempt to kill a dog so found, and in the act of worrying, wounding or killing persons, live stock or fowls, he shall not be held liable for cruelty to the dog unless it shall be shown that he intended to be cruel to the dog, or that he acted with a wanton and reckless disregard for the suffering of the dog. Prompt killing of a wounded dog, or a prompt report to the owner or to a dog officer of the wounding of the dog, shall be considered evidence of sufficient regard for the suffering of the dog.
In Ma it is only legal to "hunt" coyotes at night. You can shoot them during the day if they are being a nuisance animal but only "hunt" at night since they are nocturnal by nature. So I would have to say that, no it is not just flat out illegal to shoot at night.

This is not true! Please don't spout such nonsense.
The dog was turning its life around. I don't doubt the shooter was a douche motivated by a dislike of his neighbor. But he was well within his rights, nothing wrong with what he did. Jeezus you guys sound like the just retreat from a home invader crowd. Just a home invader you could be a big man and forget about your TV climb out a window. Just rabbits, hey it is only your TV. Just harmless barking, in the dogs nature/just harmless mugging give up your wallet, don't try and protect your stuff you'll be (mostly) OK(most of the time.)
Makes me sad to hear gun owners talk like liberals.
I just reread the statute and apparently it was the night time restriction on caliber I was thinking of

Indeed. Hunters are allowed to hunt coyotes during the daytime, and until midnight. During the day, you can use shotguns, centerfire rifles, and rimfire. After dark you're limited to rifles "chambered" in .22LR or less.
I thought worrying was the causing of distress and that the next term in the statement was the attempt to bite. Though, there might be a gap between my understanding and the intent of the law.

Yeah. Obviously, many legal terms are not always the same meaning as the plain English use, because plain use changes over time and legal terms need to remain consistent. So that's especially true of a legal term put into the RSAs over 100 years ago. Many states now read that term to mean doing what is "reasonably be expected to cause injury" and some places include chasing livestock in it (many list "chase" explicitly in the statute, which shows it's not part of the original term). The whole deal goes back to poaching laws of the 1600s in England. I don't think we have had a case make it to a high enough court in NH to explicitly adopt a modern definition (not sure, tho, and not an NH lawyer).
Not sure if it was mentioned but was the dog allowed to roam freely and repeatedly on the neighbors property barking at the rabbits or was this a first time thing. Either way the guy's a jerk for going the route he took. Bad Karma can only follow him now.
I sez if you gots a gun and needs to shoots a worrying animal, be my guest. Cuz after they ban guns we'll be a jabin' at 'em with sharp pointy sticks.[smile]
The dog was turning its life around. I don't doubt the shooter was a douche motivated by a dislike of his neighbor. But he was well within his rights, nothing wrong with what he did. Jeezus you guys sound like the just retreat from a home invader crowd. Just a home invader you could be a big man and forget about your TV climb out a window. Just rabbits, hey it is only your TV. Just harmless barking, in the dogs nature/just harmless mugging give up your wallet, don't try and protect your stuff you'll be (mostly) OK(most of the time.)
Makes me sad to hear gun owners talk like liberals.

I also think this is another type of out yourself thread. People who have never lived in the country and have NO damn clue the value, purpose and importance of livestock. Maybe you hunt and think that puts you in touch where you food comes from. [rofl]
Does it matter if the rabbits were a food source or pets? The shooter had them in an elevated rabbit cage and I was under the impression, at least according to the report, that he was protecting what he considered pets, not livestock. Regardless, unless the dog was actually going into the cage, there was a better way of handling the situation. I've got no problem shooting an animal that is causing harm to me or mine, but I'm pretty sure a good kick to the ribs would have sent that dog home.
This dude was well within the law however something tells me I wouldn't want him as a neighbor. We don't know what the relationship is with the neighbors but even if I had live stock I wouldn't shoot my neighbors dog.

Shooting your neighbors dog is bordering insane especially when your rabbits are caged up and a sane person wouldn't do that. Yes, I know "worrying" is a real thing for livestock but put all this in perspective. Its your neighbors dog!!! No a wolf or coyote!
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