Murphy and Cornyn seem to have agreed on some New Gun Control...

I’m trying to demonstrate that a process is in already in place and we don’t need red flag laws. If someone really wants to off themselves, they will find a way.
I agree, there's been a process in place for many, many decades.

The left wants red flag laws so they can use it as a method of constant harassment of and financial burden in defending one's self, for gun owners and anyone else they deem opposed to their commie agendas.
What we do not need is yet another pretext by which government officials can violate the Fourth Amendment at will under the guise of public health and safety.
Remember, this is the same government that uses the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

This is the same government whose agents are spinning a sticky spider-web of threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports using automated eyes and ears, social media, behavior sensing software, and citizen spies to identify potential threats.
This is what happens when you adopt red flag gun laws, painting anyone who might be in possession of a gun—legal or otherwise—as a threat that must be neutralized.

Therein lies the danger of these red flag laws, specifically, and pre-crime laws such as these generally where the burden of proof is reversed and you are guilty before you are given any chance to prove you are innocent.

Red flag gun laws merely push us that much closer towards a suspect society where everyone is potentially guilty of some crime or another and must be preemptively rendered harmless.


If making federal laws is difficult, handing out money to state to make laws is harder. No legislator wants to see their taxpayers give money to other states and get none themselves - that’s electoral suicide.

In this case, it’s about states who actually do have mental health services - should they get no Red Flag Law money if they don’t pass a law that includes gun confiscation? We’re all about treating symptoms and not diseases in politics, but this is a valid point. Gun grabbers want guns grabbed and nothing more. But many are wising up to realize that’s not treating the disease and doesn’t even really treat the symptoms either.

Yo just pass a law making murder and suicide illegal and the whole gun violence problem goes away. All that's left is a handful of acrodermatitis/negligent discharges or hunting accidents.

Obviously acrodermatitis was meant to be accidental before automangle ducked it up, but the mangling was so epic I left it alone 😂
According to the vision of the dumb ass Governor of PA half the posts on NES would be red flag material.

"Let's see this CatSnoutSoup character has posted photos of guns, and as far as cryptic messages go, well his name is CatSnoutSoup."



"It's temporary," says Wolf. Yeah but why would you give back guns to someone you foiled in a plot?

The mere fact that Gov. Wolf is emphasizing the "temporary" nature of the confiscations is because they know confiscation will come first due process and exoneration second.

They know now there will be countless false charges and confiscations.

I agree, there's been a process in place for many, many decades.

The left wants red flag laws so they can use it as a method of constant harassment of and financial burden in defending one's self, for gun owners and anyone else they deem opposed to their commie agendas.

The hope is that gun ownership would become more expensive because of the extra insurance people would have to pay and require more safety features if people want to get a lower bill, according to Skinner's team.

Leftists did us a favor when they doxxed the SCOTUS conservative Justices. Now the elite know that they and their families will have to work and live behind 8ft fences, protected by armed security, for the life term of their service.
It's the broadcast version of the Epoch Times.

South Korea's version of CNN International, only anti-Communist & with actual reporting of news.
This means very little to me, and nothing to most everyone else.

"Where did you hear THAT? Oh, the Internet? Yeah, OK. Must be true if it's on the Internet."
Call who. You? Should I get your fact-check validation ahead of time? Are Allen West's comments a no-go from your perspective?
It isn't him, it's your source. Find a source that people actually know of and see, or there is no audience. Best of luck there.

John Cornyn Gets Booed but Remains Upbeat on Gun Talks​

Republican senator says framework for a potential deal is pro-Second Amendment; ‘Boyfriend loophole’ remains sticking point in the talks​

From today's WSJ.

"The lead Republican negotiator in bipartisan gun-control talks told a skeptical crowd in Texas that the framework for a potential deal was pro-Second Amendment, as negotiators headed into the weekend still hung up on a provision denying guns to people who abuse their dating partners.

Speaking over loud boos from the audience, Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) ticked off gun proposals he had ruled out in the talks, such as bans on certain guns or high-capacity magazines. He recounted that he told negotiators that the goal was to better enforce existing law and keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.

“I will not under any circumstance support new restrictions for law-abiding gun owners,” he told state Republicans at their party convention in Houston. “Despite what some of you may have heard, the framework that we are working on is consistent with that red line,” he said."
"He just does not get it. OR, he gets it, but won't admit it. Either way, he is a fool."

OR Cocaine Mitch is pulling the strings by telling Cornyn to fake good faith negotiation's knowing the Dems will go too far and the Republicans can pull out and claim they tried to get "Common Sense" bipartisan gun control bill done. Never underestimate Mitch's long term strategies.

John Cornyn Gets Booed but Remains Upbeat on Gun Talks​

Republican senator says framework for a potential deal is pro-Second Amendment; ‘Boyfriend loophole’ remains sticking point in the talks​

From today's WSJ.

"The lead Republican negotiator in bipartisan gun-control talks told a skeptical crowd in Texas that the framework for a potential deal was pro-Second Amendment, as negotiators headed into the weekend still hung up on a provision denying guns to people who abuse their dating partners.

Speaking over loud boos from the audience, Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas) ticked off gun proposals he had ruled out in the talks, such as bans on certain guns or high-capacity magazines. He recounted that he told negotiators that the goal was to better enforce existing law and keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill.

“I will not under any circumstance support new restrictions for law-abiding gun owners,” he told state Republicans at their party convention in Houston. “Despite what some of you may have heard, the framework that we are working on is consistent with that red line,” he said."
How are red flag laws not a new "restriction" on law-abiding gun owners?

Why are these dumb f***s so bad at politics? They can't just ride the wave into November. Nope. Have to hand Democrats a win and piss off their own base.
No matter what is discussed for gun control once Maura Healey becomes governor of Mass she is going to make everyone in that state a felon that has a semi auto rifle or a standard magazine
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