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MTV's True Life focusing on gun owners this week.

Dec 14, 2005
Lowell, MA
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I saw a commerical for that MTV show, "True Life, I'm a Gun Owner." Has anybody else seen this commerical? I didn't see what day it was airing, anybody know when and what time?
I'll have to record it too. Hopefully it's not some dumbass kid waving his gun around or some pimped out homie. Hopefullly they do it properly and have a responsible family and focus on the sentiments in my Ted Nugent quote below... Though it being MTV I seriously doubt it.
I saw the commercial and it looks VERY ANTI-GUN... There were a bunch of ghetto dudes waving UZI's around talking in slang. Hopefully the entire show isn't like this. My impression from the commercial is it is going to be great for the anti-gunners. I'm hoping that I'm totally wrong with this. Maybe it will also focus on sport shooters as well but I really don't think it will.

SiameseRat said:
I'll have to record it too. Hopefully it's not some dumbass kid waving his gun around or some pimped out homie. Hopefullly they do it properly and have a responsible family and focus on the sentiments in my Ted Nugent quote below... Though it being MTV I seriously doubt it.

My thoughts exactly. MTV is like the Liberal mouth piece to american kids. I mean, they endoursed a person who for the longest time tried to shut them down along with the music industry by attempted censorship (Gore).
theres no doubt in my mind that this will indeed be nothing more than a youth focused liberal soap box to push the anti-gun agenda.
its going to be like watching a car wreck.
SnakeEye said:
theres no doubt in my mind that this will indeed be nothing more than a youth focused liberal soap box to push the anti-gun agenda.
its going to be like watching a car wreck.

Yeah...that's my take too. [roll]
Well, whatever it is, I set it to record on the DVR.

I second that...I'll be recording it as well. I'm also sure that MTV has turned into a shit station since it stopped playing videos, and I'm not sure why it even exists anymore other than appealing to the late teens and 20's of our country that are for some reason compelled to watch "The Real World."...Real my ass.

Here's a fantastic website that they should post on their show:


I'm sure they'll have something to say about it, even though it is just oh so true.
If its going to be heavily anti-gun, why bother watching it? Its just going to be the same liberal garbage spewed to kids but in a "cool" way, or even worst, just another "Bowling for Columbine" knock-off (Michael Moore ::Shudder:: ). I wouldn't expect better from such a trashy station as a MTV (who only shows videos from 3-5:30 AM...) If Fox did this report, I might consider watching it....
Historical_Shooter said:
If its going to be heavily anti-gun, why bother watching it? Its just going to be the same liberal garbage spewed to kids but in a "cool" way, or even worst, just another "Bowling for Columbine" knock-off (Michael Moore ::Shudder:: ). I wouldn't expect better from such a trashy station as a MTV (who only shows videos from 3-5:30 AM...) If Fox did this report, I might consider watching it....

I dunno, I'm drawn to things like this for the whole "Know thy Enimy" thing. It's also the same reason why I've read most of the Brady's website.

Of course I don't have cable (why pay for somthing I don't watch)

I can't wait to hear what's talked about and shown here!

-Weer'd Beard
Historical_Shooter said:
If its going to be heavily anti-gun, why bother watching it? Its just going to be the same liberal garbage spewed to kids but in a "cool" way, or even worst, just another "Bowling for Columbine" knock-off (Michael Moore ::Shudder:: ). I wouldn't expect better from such a trashy station as a MTV (who only shows videos from 3-5:30 AM...) If Fox did this report, I might consider watching it....

I dunno, I'm drawn to things like this for the whole "Know thy Enimy" thing. It's also the same reason why I've read most of the Brady's website.

Of course I don't have cable (why pay for somthing I don't watch)

I can't wait to hear what's talked about and shown here!

-Weer'd Beard
Historical_Shooter said:
If its going to be heavily anti-gun, why bother watching it? Its just going to be the same liberal garbage spewed to kids but in a "cool" way, or even worst, just another "Bowling for Columbine" knock-off (Michael Moore ::Shudder:: ). I wouldn't expect better from such a trashy station as a MTV (who only shows videos from 3-5:30 AM...) If Fox did this report, I might consider watching it....

I dunno, I'm drawn to things like this for the whole "Know thy Enimy" thing. It's also the same reason why I've read most of the Brady's website.

Of course I don't have cable (why pay for somthing I don't watch)

I can't wait to hear what's talked about and shown here!

-Weer'd Beard
Data from the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics indicate that approximately two-tenths of 1 percent of firearms available in the U.S. are used annually in the commission of a crime.

define available [?]
Data from the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics indicate that approximately two-tenths of 1 percent of firearms available in the U.S. are used annually in the commission of a crime.

define available [?]
Data from the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics indicate that approximately two-tenths of 1 percent of firearms available in the U.S. are used annually in the commission of a crime.

define available [?]
Well I watched the program and it wasn't as bad as I expected. I definately have to admit the worst profile on the program was that of the girl Lenne. Showing a girl who was SEVERELY paranoid is not good for pro-gun votes. Plus, when she was shooting with her dad she wasn't wearing any safety glasses, she lazered or swept her hand, and her gun handling skills were absolutely HORRIFIC!!! Then to make matters worse she went out to a club with her gun and was even drinking alcohol. Way to go breaking the law on national tv. Over all I didn't think the show was as negative as I expected but it could have been done much better. They sould have profiled more NORMAL people that use guns as a hobby and as a means of stress relief. They could have visited different ranges and matches and interviewed some of the regulars. The program was watchable but not highly recommended by me.

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