Moving to MA with AR15 and high caps

Feb 27, 2007
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Ok so here is my question...

If I have a few ARs, and high cap mags for all my I am able to bring them with me if/when I move to MA from out of state?

Am I going to have to make all my ARs "ban compliant" and toss all my high cap mags (none are pre-ban dated)?

High cap mags have to be pre-ban. Rifle will need to comply with the AWB, unless it is also pre-ban.
Well that pretty much sums it up, I'm going to do everything in my power to never move to MA.

I grew up in VT and moved down to southern NH for work out of college and am now looking to buy a place. I have been contemplating MA (I work in MA) but their gun laws are a huge deterrent. I guess I will be sticking with southern NH and dealing with the commute.

I didn't know if there was some out of state transfer loop hole which allows people moving into the state to keep their current firearms as is....guess not.

Thanks for confirming my anti MA position.

Sorry brother, but if you have the fun stuff, you're better off staying in NH. Besides, you can't have a suppressor, at all, in MA. I'd love to get one to go easy on my ears, but c'est la vie.
I didn't know if there was some out of state transfer loop hole which allows people moving into the state to keep their current firearms as is....guess not.

Thanks for confirming my anti MA position.


Unlike some of our handgun laws and regs. which control transfers, the AWB including the "high-cap" mags restrict possession. If your handguns are not "MA approved" you can still have them here and transfer them privately minus the "high-caps".
Besides, you can't have a suppressor, at all, in MA. I'd love to get one to go easy on my ears, but c'est la vie.

Not only can't you have one, but they're so evil that any illegal one found will be sent post haste to the state police for utter and complete destruction. It might otherwise creep away while nobody is looking and start committing crimes [rolleyes]
(none are pre-ban dated)
I'm curious exactly what you mean by this: Do you mean that you bought them all after the ban date, or that they do not have a pre-ban date on them?

The reason I ask is AFAIK, and I gladly accept correction on this, most (all?) pre-ban AR mags do not have dates on them thus expecting to find a mag with a pre-ban date on it would be a false hope.

p.s. Stay in NH if at all possible. If you must descend into this slough of despair then find a trusted friend to store your goodies for you.
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The reason I ask is AFAIK, and I gladly accept correction on this, most (all?) pre-ban AR mags do not have dates on them thus expecting to find a mag with a pre-ban date on it would be a false hope.

Well, at least some pre-ban AR mags are dated... I've got some Center Industries 30 rounders that are dated 91.
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