More dumb comments from anti's on Facebook

I walked away from FB about a year ago. Yeah, I miss out on some funny cat videos from time to time, but it's worth it.

This doesn't have anything to do with faceplant. If you see someone retarded, unfollow, place in "trash class" if needed, done.

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience. (Not my quote it's been around for a while)
I just tell people like that...."I'm just going to ignore that idiotic comment."

Then I ignore whatever they post after really pisses off liberals when you ignore them.[smile]
Heroin. Not heroine.

As for suicide, strict gun laws don't seem to tame suicide rates in Japan and South Korea (much higher than the U.S.). But suicide is the latest gun grabbing excuse from the Brady Bunch, so get used to misinformation.
In Massachusetts in 2011, out of 624:

148 killed themselves with guns.
194 killed themselves by "poisoning" ie drug overdoses.
285 killed themselves by hanging.
4,258 tried to commit suicide (mostly drug overdoses) and survived.
Don't argue with an anti. I used reason and logic once and then was told my penis is small. I didn't give her the response she wanted but nobody likes that.

Most gun owners just like guns because they are pretty sweet/are the reason we are free. But to antis we are just insecure people with small genitalia.

Don't get told your penis is small. Just leave her alone.

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Don't argue with an anti. I used reason and logic once and then was told my penis is small. I didn't give her the response she wanted but nobody likes that.

Most gun owners just like guns because they are pretty sweet/are the reason we are free. But to antis we are just insecure people with small genitalia.

Don't get told your penis is small. Just leave her alone.
Next time a libtard female starts whining about guns, I'm just going to ask if guns scare her because she has an unusually large vagina? Thanks for the idea. Right to the thermonuclear option.
I agree with the others here, don't bother arguing with an anti. You can spend time coming up with a thoughtful argument supported with facts and statistics, and they won't read any of it. They'll just say you're wrong, and throw in some ad hominem insults to boot. Last year, somebody on Facebook posted that Everytown "School Shootings Since Sandy Hook" article and map (the one where they include any shooting within x miles of a school at any time, whether students were involved or not), and I refuted the bogus statistics claimed in the article. She responded that "it's not the facts or numbers that are important here--it's the overall message!" [rolleyes]

Another thing I've noticed is that most antis are also your typical progressive social justice warrior types (Black Lives Matter, Refugees Welcome, I Stand With Ahmed, or whatever the racism/sexism/homophobia/Islamophobia grievance bandwagon hashtag of the week is). Since I'm young and of Asian decent, and don't fit their idea of a typical "evil gun owner" (older, white, conservative, male), they try to tell me that "gun owners are racist" and that I, being Asian, couldn't "possibly fit in or be friends with THEM". When I tell them that 1) the pro-2A community is actually very diverse nowadays with people of different races, women, gays, etc. and 2) those "evil white men" they keep telling me about that I've met at the range or gun shop have been nothing but welcoming and accepting of me, they tell me that I'm full of shit, and in a couple cases, have started calling me racial slurs, only to justify it by saying they were "being ironic" or, my personal favorite, "you're not a real minority so it's okay."[rofl]
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Next time a libtard female starts whining about guns, I'm just going to ask if guns scare her because she has an unusually large vagina? Thanks for the idea. Right to the thermonuclear option.

That works too!

The "coexist" bumper sticker is about tolerance (even if they have to fake it) but you aren't included in that especially if you are a Christian gun toting white male.

The equal sign at its core is about equal rights, but only the rights they want people to have.

The Black Lives Matter movement is supposed to be about racism abuse of police power, yet only the police should have guns and the first gun control law was originally a Jim Crow law.

Women's rights is so important yet they would rather the ideal of women being entitled to safety and live in a "rape-culture" free world while taking their right of defense away.

They say America doesn't need the 2nd Amendment because we are an evolved race in the 21st century yet we should be intervening in other countries where their defenseless people are going through the same crap we went through 200 some odd years ago. Did they not evolve? So much for equality.

They are all about being the voice of the people yet your speech should be muffled especially if it hurts someone's feelings.

They think their rent and train fare should be lowered when they are the ones increasing demand because they can't live without All their creature comforts and like minded friends being within their grasp.

Then they complain about gentrification pushing out poor people but when poor neighborhoods can't get a corporate business to open up shop and sell goods, they complain about that too.

If you sell expensive goods to the poor you're ripping them off but if you're selling nearly expired foods and broken cookies for cheaper you're holding them down.

You tell me which part you think you can fix. Or you can help the people that are on the fence and the youth cause some people are too far gone.

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Don't argue with an anti. I used reason and logic once and then was told my penis is small. I didn't give her the response she wanted but nobody likes that.
I posted once that gun homicides had increased in Boston since passage of all the restrictions (quoting a Globe article) and was called a "gun fetishist." [laugh] There is nothing less liberal than a liberal.

"A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."
Brian Tracy
What if the higher murder rate in the US relative to Western Europe is due to guns? (I don't think it is, because the US has a higher non-gun murder rate than many Western European countries total murder rate, which indicates that the US is simply more violent). You know that saying, freedom isn't free? Maybe the payment for the freedom to have and carry weapons is a higher gun death rate. Certainly, our accidental gun death rate is always going to be higher, because we have way more guns and way more people interacting with them. That's just statistics. As to whether our suicide rate is influenced by guns, people point at the drop in suicides after coal gas stoves went away as being proof that if a method of suicide is taken away, another method doesn't necessarily replace it. I say there isn't yet enough evidence. Look at the UK - similar culture to the US, similar suicide rate, way less guns. Japan, very different culture, way less murders, way more suicide. I think that points to suicide being a cultural thing.
I deleted Facebook from my iPad and iPhone about two months ago. Stopped checking it, but kept my account active. Life is much better not seeing the turd nuggets posted by some of my friends. God bless them.
There are types of anti's. If an anti is open minded and willing to listen and learn, I will talk to them, offer to take them to the range and work on converting them. They are likely anti because of ignorance, influence from others, etc.

If an anti is a nut, not open minded, etc. I don't waste my time. If they are a follower of mine on social media, they will be dispatched from my account soon after.
If she thinks guns and gun laws have anything to do with suicide then she really doesn't have a clue about either guns or more importantly, suicide. If someone is seriously considering suicide whether they have or don't have a gun has NOTHING to do with it. Nothing. At all.
If she thinks that lax gun laws and violent crime (notice how I DIDN'T fall into the "Gun Violence" propaganda trap), ask her why MA (strict gun laws) has a violent crime rate 4X that of NH and VT ("loose" gun laws)??

Then ask her WHICH laws she thinks should be passed (that already aren't in existence in MA) and what effect that will have to deter VIOLENT CRIME

If she can't answer any of this, then unfriend her and stop wasting your time. My $.02
there was this libtard nut job who was a friend of a good friend of mine he would try to argue with me about 2A all the time. i would just ignore him typical big mouth wimp. finally one night i had it with him i grabbed him by the shirt and told him he looses all 1A rights when i'm around if he even sneezes i'm dragging him outside and pounding him. He looked around for people to help but no one did. this was 5 years ago i have never seen him again he will not visit if i'm there. its funny how he doesn't like loosing his rights. there is no talking to these people they only want rights they agree with.
Wow. It doesn't get anymore transparent than that. Talk about saying what we all know.

The most telling part was the "WHEN that DOESN'T work we move on to..."

Yep. They know what they are pushing won't work. But they don't care. Because then they can push what is really their end game. Total ban. Classy. And criminal. Best hope the "gun" violence that they not only don't help lessen but actually help enable doesn't happen TO them. That would be ironic 'justice'.
Here's the ultimate response: I don't care. It doesn't matter. Suicide sucks, crime sucks. If you told me that NOT A SINGLE PERSON WOULD DIE if we confiscated all the guns, I still would argue that the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms is more important than managing society to keep people from harming each other.

Freedom is messy. Freedom is risky. Freedom is crazy. But Freedom is more important than any "public good" argument that can be made. Without Freedom, the inevitable end is Holocaust, and isn't that worse than all the suicides and all the murders a Free Society endures?
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