Meltdown at ACLU

I was going to join the ACLU this year...but no fracking way will I join it now!
This is great!

They can no longer play the "holier-than-thou-we're-only-supporting-the-Bill-Of-Rights" card when they defend some heinous left-wing cause.

NAMBLA is OK, but I can't have a gun. Gotcha.
Wow... I have donated to the ACLU in the past, but never again. That really is ridiculous! I love the outpouring of displeasure in the comments though, over 590 comments and 90+% of the are critical of the stance.

Looks like this decision of theirs will free up some of my money to go to the NRA and GOAL!

The responses to ACLU's position are amazing. I would not have expected such an outpouring of displeasure.

I did.[wink] I am an ex-member as of a little over a year ago. As a result of their continued position in the face of the developing DC case.

It's very rare "we" find government forced to pull back its ever-growing reach. Any "civil rights" organization that disparages or works against citizens' rights is going to see me walk away.

Apparently I'm not alone.
Did anyone really expect anything different from them?


And I have no idea why ANYONE would give them one cent of support, over this or ANY other issue.

The ACLU is a socialist front exactly like CAIR is an islamic terrorist front. Only the willfully blind do not see this.

That's a new one for me! Translation?
Jumping the shark is a colloquialism used by U.S. TV critics and fans to denote the point in a TV or movie series at which the characters or plot veer into a ridiculous, out-of-the-ordinary storyline. Shows that have "jumped the shark" are typically deemed to have passed their peak, since they have undergone too many changes to retain their original appeal, and after this point critical fans often sense a noticeable decline in the show's quality.
interesting response from their own membership.......

Agreed. But I remain skeptical that most of them will defend the Second with the same level of ferocity they reserve for other rights. If they are intellectually honest, we may have far more allies on the left than I thought.
I simply amazes me that some of the posters on that blog are just now getting a hint that the ACLU is, was, and forever will be devoted to the utter and complete destruction of everything that makes the United States the great country that it is. They are domestic terrorists, plain and simple, and their purported mission to support what they define as civil liberties is really a classic fifth-column campaign to make a mockery of the Constitution. I think I've understood that since I turned 12 or so.
WOW, are they getting blasted! It's not just a meltdown, it's more like a thermonuclear strike. [smile]

I couldn't resist adding my own comment to their blog:

So, the ACLU won't be defending this individual right. What a surprise! I've been saying for years that you folks were more about political agendas then real support for civil liberties. Thanks for confirming this. You've actually made some money for me. I made bets with two of my friends that you would do exactly what you've done. You not only made me a few bucks but you've lost two rabid supporters. WAY TO GO!

With "friends" like you our Constitution doesn't need any enemies.

Hitler, Stalin, et al would be proud.

Sieg heil, ACLU!

I can envision some great FAIL pictures coming out of this....[rofl]
I can envision some great FAIL pictures coming out of this....[rofl]

I think this one is especially appropriate for blogs:

The majority of the commentary posted on that blog is inspiring; it brings a near tear to my eye to see so many Americans start to stand up for their rights -even those who are not gun owners.
Wow. I just had a chance to sit down and start reading thru some of the comments. So far I have not read one single comment that is applauding what the ACLU did. There is a lot of pissed off people there, many of them saying they will never support the ACLU again. This is just freakin awesome. Ever since I really started reading up on gun rights I have understood that the ACLU is just a damn leftist front organization - now it appears a lot of other people are waking up to that too.

Boy this Heller case just keeps getting better and better.
interesting response from their own membership.......personnally, i always thought they were left wing hacks

They are, but many of their members have been fooled into thinking that they defend everyone's rights. Which they don't and aren't interested in doing. I hope this hurts their membership substantially.
I posted and would NEVER give them a nickel. Jumping the shark originally started in reference to the show "HAPPY DAYS" where Fonzy uses motorcycle to jump over a swinning pool IIRC.
i put my 2 cents down too

JoefromMA Says:
July 5th, 2008 at 5:03 pm

The ACLU’s founder, Roger Baldwin, stated: “We are for SOCIALISM, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself… We seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the SOLE CONTROL of those who produce wealth. COMMUNISM is the goal.”
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Great start of the day reading and nice to see so many telling the ACLU what most of us knew they already were.
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