Massive Nazi Armory of STG-44's found in Syria

...Is the STG-44 the ultimate? Is it better than the Thompson? ...

I have both, and they are both "awesome" but I consider my STG-44 to be the prize of my collection. The Thompson is a real niceold subgun (and probabel my favorite gun to shoot". But in my opinion STG-44 has it beat, first successful true assualt rifle...and going over the gun itself, it is awesome to see how many features from the STG44 have been "stolen" in the design of subsequent "modern" guns, I swear if you took the best modern guns out there, and combined thier best features, you would end up with an STG-44. Only complaint I have is ammo, its roll your own or spend big $$$ on parvi ( I won't shoot suspect surplus ammo in my gun)...

old pic with a few of my other kraut guns...

at 15-20K a piece, that's a nice haul

Non of those are transferable, so not 15-20K but still probably $2500 parts kits...

They are pretty much useless to non-FFLs as anything other than parts if you could even import them without cutting them up.

I suspect, the parts are definitely worth something, but not anything close to what a transferrable gun is.
yep, not worth much of anything as guns unfortunately...
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Remember that american guy that got stopped by us troops trying to hunt down Osama by him self . If I remember right they just let him go....
I bet he was hunting for weapons jk.

Let's do a nes field trip over seas... :)
We should convince the rebels that the best thing to do is to sell all of these to collectors, which will enable them to buy much mo' bettah modern weapons, in greater quantity. Too bad our Russian friend (Lord of War) is still locked up.

We should charter a plane, fly in. Make a deal. [smile]

Are we talking about the movie LOW - or the NES LOW?
[laugh] Yep and the rifle will look like shit as well with a neutered magazine. This is one of the reasons why I dislike the hi cap law; the 10 round mag that came with my M&P15 looks awful when inserted. I couldn't buy a 30 round magazine fast enough.

I still can't believe this incredible find too, it is mind blowing.

as far as i know the 10 rd on the STG.44 looks identical to the 25 rd, all it has is a pin inserted to stop it similar to the 15-22, the mags will look identical (thank god)
Whoa!!! Hold the phone. The NRA needs to charter a plane to get those bad boys to a safe harbor like the Philipines immediately. How in the hell did Syria of all places acquire these, incredible. I mean, these guns were rare for the Germans to get in the field. I need answers!

The Germans were all over the Mideast and northern Africa during WW2. They even had some Arab military units in the Wehrmacht or the SS if I remember correctly. After WW2 all sorts of weapons went everywhere. I mean Europe was a chaotic cluster-f and I'm sure it was relatively easy to smuggle weapons out of the continent and send them whereever. The early groups that fought to establish Israel had all sorts of leftover WW2 weaponry that got smuggled out of Europe.
Guys, 5,000 of these rifles. Man alive what a find.
I'm still speechless from when I first found this thread this morning.
To me the German STG-44 is the most awesome gun ever.
Hell, the Springfield Armory has like 19 of them (all but like 4 or 5 are upstairs).
I can just look at that rifle and it's design for hours. I also like the FG-42 a bunch.
There are many other battle rifles from the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's but there is only one STG-44. No other rifle looks quite the same as it does.
I swear, I think that I'd consider selling an organ for one of those along with several magazines and plenty of ammo.


I keep hearing people refer to the UN getting hold of these things and cutting them up. Where were they found again? Who actually found them? I hadn't heard the UN was actually on the ground in Syria. If not - there's still hope. Hell - it's too bad the Israeli's probably have no pull over there - some enterprising Israeli businessman could buy those up - and take them apart for parts kits - and send them down the same supply pipeline that brought all the Izzy 1919a4 parts kits into the US.

5000 rifles would make it more than worthwhile for somebody to come up with a semi only brand new receiver to rebuild those parts kits.

Here's to hoping some enterprising businessman out there is already making phone calls.
I for one would love to know the back story on how the rifles came to be where they were found?
Were they used in trade by some Nazi to try and buy sanctuary inside Syria?

I for one would love to know the back story on how the rifles came to be where they were found?
Were they used in trade by some Nazi to try and buy sanctuary inside Syria?

Syria has been aligned with the Soviet Bloc for years. It wouldn't surprise me if the USSR sent them to Syria decades ago, from stock they captured in WWII.
Either the USSR or their former German satellite, GDR. The latter channeled a lot of arms in the interest of Big Brother in Moscow.

GDR would be my bet, that would make more sense. I don't know on which territories they were made, but I believe that some of them were used in GDR before replaced with AKs. Soviets periodically "gift" outdated shit to other countries, much like they were dumping planeloads of AK74 for free in Afghanistan, not too long ago. I'm pretty positive it would be a similar story with STGs.
Either the USSR or their former German satellite, GDR. The latter channeled a lot of arms in the interest of Big Brother in Moscow.

I think definitely the Soviets. They're always propping up countries against NATO and the Americans. Just look at how much aid Russia has been giving Syria lately. I still can't get over the fact that they are STG's though, the Ruskies must have really needed some cash to want to part with these trophies.
I still can't get over the fact that they are STG's though, the Ruskies must have really needed some cash to want to part with these trophies.

I don't think so. They were probably sent to Syria decades ago. How useful are STGs on the military market? Not much, I'd guess -- client states would rather have AKs.
Those StG44s are cool collector items but are out dated by today's battlefield assault rifles. Plus I'm sure the 7.92x33 ammo would be a lot harder to find than 7.62x 39 ammo. Still I would love to have one for my collection
he he, after working on Beemer cars and bikes I totally relate. Still love those damned things.

They're like beautiful, intelligent, fun women with really bad drug habits. So yeah, I agree.

Along those lines, I do love me some German firearms (and at least those are usually reliable).
For sure, as long as it's about the crappy ones they make in the U.S. or Mexico......
Cars actually wholly made in Germany are hard to come by nowadays, with a LOT outsourced to
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia etc. pp

With all due respect Juergen, I'm talking about the ones made wholly in Germany (I've owned a few). Also, at this point, the location of manufacture has little influence on quality. It's much more about the mechanical and industrial engineering that goes into the car and manufacturing process.

The Japanese can make cars in the US with no degradation in quality.
For sure, as long as it's about the crappy ones they make in the U.S. or Mexico......
Cars actually wholly made in Germany are hard to come by nowadays, with a LOT outsourced to
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia etc. pp

My 2000 GTI was built in Germany, not Brazil or Mexico. And it was a complete POS. Mrs. M1911's 2002 C240 was also built in Germany. It was also a POS. Her current C300, also built in Germany, has been far better.
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