Mass. Gov. Patrick outlines new gun control bill

I am curious if this goes into effect and all the people who ordered more than one stripped lower on GB's and such will they have to spread out pick up over several months.
I am curious if this goes into effect and all the people who ordered more than one stripped lower on GB's and such will they have to spread out pick up over several months.

That shouldn't be your thought process. Even if you manage to get your lowers what are you going to do with them? You can't build an AR and you can't use any commonly available magazine to feed it.
Posting people's addresses is not cool. We need unified political opposition, not to resort to harassment.

Its called " Public record " Ifin were gonna out Gun owners we might as well out all. I am sure Patrick has a hidden stash of evil 30 round Mags somewhere....All Tyrants have weapons.
That shouldn't be your thought process. Even if you manage to get your lowers what are you going to do with them? You can't build an AR and you can't use any commonly available magazine to feed it.

we can and we will, even if I have to hold my nose to do it, **** those a**h***s, we'll open a ****ing AR factory and crank out assload of ARs for everyone!
Stop projecting. Gun grabbers want our guns and/or magazines, I want something from them. Do you think we will just sit here and watch these retards rape our 2A? Seriously?!

dude it's not cool

the can harass us and treat us like shit, but we cant do the same to them it's not cool

**** them, **** the whole state of Massachusetts.
Something else here. If I missed it somewhere in this thread, I apologize. Many new semi automatic pistols come with two magazines and all come with at least one. According to this legislation, magazines are considered a separate transaction. You would have to purchase the pistol first, then pick up the mag for it the following month. It also appears that djis is supposed to flag you if you made a second purchase in the month. The way it looks, they aren't going to stop the transaction. So if you make a mistake, and buy a second gun 29 days after you purchased the first, they will let you do it, and come after you with a vengence at their convenience.
Here is the hidden agenda. even more so. Did you notice the punishments for this offense has a potential 2 1/2 year sentence. Now, you may never get 2 1/2 years, you will plead it down, however, two years potential sentence is the magic number to disqualify you for a MA LTC (see dwi after 1994) and make you a federally prohibited person. So, no moving out of state to regain your rights. Done for life. This turd needs to be flushed and PRONTO! I am referring to the legislation, however if you misinterpreted it to me calling Deval Patrick a turd, I am too upset and tired to argue with you.
Something else here. If I missed it somewhere in this thread, I apologize. Many new semi automatic pistols come with two magazines and all come with at least one. According to this legislation, magazines are considered a separate transaction. You would have to purchase the pistol first, then pick up the mag for it the following month. It also appears that djis is supposed to flag you if you made a second purchase in the month. The way it looks, they aren't going to stop the transaction. So if you make a mistake, and buy a second gun 29 days after you purchased the first, they will let you do it, and come after you with a vengence at their convenience.
Here is the hidden agenda. even more so. Did you notice the punishments for this offense has a potential 2 1/2 year sentence. Now, you may never get 2 1/2 years, you will plead it down, however, two years potential sentence is the magic number to disqualify you for a MA LTC (see dwi after 1994) and make you a federally prohibited person. So, no moving out of state to regain your rights. Done for life. This turd needs to be flushed and PRONTO! I am referring to the legislation, however if you misinterpreted it to me calling Deval Patrick a turd, I am too upset and tired to argue with you.

This. We need to tell our reps "no".
Looking into the future upon development of laser plasma futuristic weapons MA law requires no larger than AA batteries in these devices. Sorry just trying to lighten the mood.
Something else here. If I missed it somewhere in this thread, I apologize. Many new semi automatic pistols come with two magazines and all come with at least one. According to this legislation, magazines are considered a separate transaction. You would have to purchase the pistol first, then pick up the mag for it the following month. It also appears that djis is supposed to flag you if you made a second purchase in the month. The way it looks, they aren't going to stop the transaction. So if you make a mistake, and buy a second gun 29 days after you purchased the first, they will let you do it, and come after you with a vengence at their convenience.
Here is the hidden agenda. even more so. Did you notice the punishments for this offense has a potential 2 1/2 year sentence. Now, you may never get 2 1/2 years, you will plead it down, however, two years potential sentence is the magic number to disqualify you for a MA LTC (see dwi after 1994) and make you a federally prohibited person. So, no moving out of state to regain your rights. Done for life. This turd needs to be flushed and PRONTO! I am referring to the legislation, however if you misinterpreted it to me calling Deval Patrick a turd, I am too upset and tired to argue with you.

Overthinking. There is no way to make a mag a controlled item. The things don't even have serial numbers on them. This law is terrible but the reason you mentioned is a red herring.

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

My understand is that if they passed the law today and arrested you today for what you owned or did yesterday, it would be ex post facto. They get around this by either grandfathering or giving you a "reasonable" grace period to turn your shit in i.e. 10+ round mags.

Either way they are trying to get rid of semi-automatics, that's what this whole thing is about.
Section 32 - "Whoever, not being a law enforcement officer, knowingly possesses or knowingly has under control in a vehicle a dangerous weapon, or an air gun, so-called BB gun, paintball gun, air rifle or air pistol or other smoothbore arm capable of discharging a shot or pellet by whatever means or replica of a firearm, large capacity weapon, rifle, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, machine gun, assault weapon in any building or on the grounds of a public or private elementary or secondary school, college or university without the prior written authorization of the board or officer in charge of such elementary or secondary school, college or university shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment in the house of correction for not more than 1 year, or both, and may be arrested without a warrant."

they even want to make your children criminals
Over thinking is why i don't sleep at night lately! I'm letting the tyrants win. This law is terrible on every level! It must be stopped. I'll be on the phone first thing tomorrow morning. Doing my best to remain calm.
Overthinking. There is no way to make a mag a controlled item. The things don't even have serial numbers on them. This law is terrible but the reason you mentioned is a red herring.

This may be a sign for me... I just Got laid off... my Brother-in-Law has a house for rent in NC... The Rent on that house is about what I pay for rent here... I don't mean to be one of those "I'm running from the problem" types, but really, If this passes, what other choice will I have!
So... if this goes through, you won't be able to transfer anything non-MA compliant anymore, not even privately, as all private sales will have to go through a dealer now? Lovely... get your glocks and other non-ma compliant guns while you can!!

It all depends on how they do it. It appears that the bill says the transactions have to happen AT a dealer but it doesn't say THROUGH a dealer. It may just end up being that we have to do the transfer at the FFL, give them the FA10 and pay some trivial fee for them to turn in the FA10. Can't leave something serious like filing paperwork to us crazy gun people. As long as the transaction doesn't have to go THROUGH the FFL then it wouldn't limit what we can transfer. It is the fact that the FFL takes possession during a standard FFL transfer that would screw us.

It seems like, like most gun laws, it is just a bunch of feelgood bullshit so they can say "look what we did to make things safer" but really amounts to nothing. I don't care how many laws they make about "guns in crimes" since I don't go out committing crimes. Never mind while carrying a gun. Though I agree with the other poster who mentioned that if the enforced the laws they have already they wouldn't need new ones.

The only things that actually give me a moments pause are the 1 gun a month restriction and the ambiguous reference to "high power" ammo. That could easily snowball in to no guns that are capable of firing magnum rounds. Or no rifles that don't fire pistol caliber ammo. It is hard to say where that will go since they supposedly want to protect hunting. If that is true they couldn't just do an across the board ban on .30 cal since many states have minimum caliber restriction when hunting. It will most likely be restriction to how much you can buy per month, or at once, or how much ammo you can own or store in your house.

MA just wants to be able to say, "See we did something too..."
Does MA have a similar mechanism to NY where the whole committee and hearing process can be bypassed on the say so of the governor?
That shouldn't be your thought process. Even if you manage to get your lowers what are you going to do with them? You can't build an AR and you can't use any commonly available magazine to feed it.

I didn't think banning AR's/AK's was part of Deval's current plan...thought it was only 7/10 round mags.
So if you buy 2 magazines in a month under the new law, you will face a $1000 fine and up to 2.5 years in prison. Amazing.

2nd offense is up to 5 years in prison.

They are successfully turning lawful gun owners into criminals.
So if the legislation says the transfer has to take place at a dealer - does that mean you could just fill it out in the store. Dealers probably woudn't mind because people would be coming into their stores and maybe buying ammo or whatever
Section 32 - "Whoever, not being a law enforcement officer, knowingly possesses or knowingly has under control in a vehicle a dangerous weapon, or an air gun, so-called BB gun, paintball gun, air rifle or air pistol or other smoothbore arm capable of discharging a shot or pellet by whatever means or replica of a firearm, large capacity weapon, rifle, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, machine gun, assault weapon in any building or on the grounds of a public or private elementary or secondary school, college or university without the prior written authorization of the board or officer in charge of such elementary or secondary school, college or university shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment in the house of correction for not more than 1 year, or both, and may be arrested without a warrant."

they even want to make your children criminals

What is a replica of a firearm? The TSA considers miniature jewelry shaped like firearms 'replicas'. Would drawing a firearm on paper in school be a replica? Would pointing your finger and yelling 'bang' be a replica?
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