March for Our Lives 3/24 Boston plans

Grief stricken

3) If only five show up, the media will lie that it was "thousand". If necessary, the media will pull their cameras in so that the five people look like they are packed in the middle of thousands.

Totally. I was at the rally at the state house in January of '13, and remember the news reports saying there were a few dozen people in attendance, when in reality it was easily a thousand. A week later there was an anti gun rally with a few dozen people there, and the news reports said thousands. That was my wakeup call to the media straight up lying, because I saw it with my own eyes. I admit I was a little naive, but when I saw that with my own eyes I got the picture.
How is it that I've been on this planet for 40+ years, spending half that working in the city every day (and living in shithole areas for plenty of years as well), and the only time I ever saw a gun being used in anger was when some guy in the lane next to me brought his Sig Mosquito out for the first time?
How is it that I've been on this planet for 40+ years, spending half that working in the city every day (and living in shithole areas for plenty of years as well), and the only time I ever saw a gun being used in anger was when some guy in the lane next to me brought his Sig Mosquito out for the first time?

I've heard a gun being used in anger a total of one time. One site I work at in Roxbury once in a blue moon, last winter some guy decided to shoot up the front of the building I happened to be in. Thankfully the area they hit was unoccupied, closed barber shop. I think someone was "sending a message". Course when I work down there all the guys I work with have guns, and I have a gun, so nbd.

Yeah. But that's Ivana Hupalot from the AT&T commercials, so she gets a pass. I might make a second pass at her if I have time. LOL
How is it that I've been on this planet for 40+ years, spending half that working in the city every day (and living in shithole areas for plenty of years as well), and the only time I ever saw a gun being used in anger was when some guy in the lane next to me brought his Sig Mosquito out for the first time?

Apparently you've never shot skeet or sporting clays with me, then. f***ing orange birds must die.
Are they casting for the new "Mod Squad"?

Wow. Got to give it to the liberals. At least they throw everything they can at our gun rights. And the elected officials that are in office because they promised to protect our rights keep back peddling from getting jacked in the jaw from these libs and have no counter punch. I guess it's up to us and only us to hold down the fort but I for one am going to remember this come election day. The RINO no-show will be my no-show for them. Looks like Pee-Wee Herman is getting a lot more write in votes from this guy
I have 3 family member going to this thing. I told them for every dumbass rally you attend I buy another gun.

To update this: While I didn't buy a new gun (yet). I did help my uncle buy a pre-7/20 AR. His young son got behind it and is a natural. So now my little nephew is big into guns. The anti's in my family are PISSED and blame me for "corrupting his mind" I still cant stop smiling.

Additionally to comment on Admin's photo: is it just me or does David Hogg have the most punch-able face I've ever seen?
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In 5-10 years we'll be seeing the powers that be orchestrating young people to march and demanding tighter speech control in he name of white privilege, racism, sexism, and inequality.
In 5-10 years we'll be seeing the powers that be orchestrating young people to march and demanding tighter speech restrictions based on the damage that white privilege, racism, and inequality has caused.

Um they are already doing that with 'cultural appropriation', "'hate' speech isn't free speech", 'trigger warnings', and 'privilege'. Where the 'deciders' in power censor dissident thought.

They want everyone disarmed and so mentally imprisoned by jargon and peer pressure that resistance to the Agenda is impossible. Orwell would have a field day writing about 21st Century totalitarianism.
Um they are already doing that with 'cultural appropriation', "'hate' speech isn't free speech", 'trigger warnings', and 'privilege'. Where the 'deciders' in power censor dissident thought.

They want everyone disarmed and so mentally imprisoned by jargon and peer pressure that resistance to the Agenda is impossible. Orwell would have a field day writing about 21st Century totalitarianism.
Good points, I suspect they'll engineer it though to have next generation Tide podders actually asking the government to remove the 1st Amendment. Safe to say in the near future forums like this will be labeled as hate forums, or terrorist forums, or whatever label works in their justification for shutting down anything they dont like.
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It's interesting that the entire page posted in the OP provides zero specifics as to what they want to accomplish."We must end gun violence", "it's time to act", "enough is enough", blah blah blah - not a single actual policy proposal. These emotional children with intellects on par with hamsters can't even explain WTF they're doing.

According to a Brown University study published in July 2014, over a 30-year period from 1976 to 2007, filicide happens about 500 times/year. I don't see any marches for this.

Over the last three decades U.S. parents have committed filicide — the killing of one’s child — about 500 times every year. The horrifying instances are often poorly understood, but a recent study provides the first comprehensive statistical overview of the tragic phenomenon. The authors also suggest underlying hypotheses of motives with the hope of spurring research on filicide prevention.

Analysis: 32 years of U.S. filicide arrests
How amorality thrives on college campuses

“The Lottery” is a classic short story written by Shirley Jackson in 1948. It’s the tale of a rural, farming community in America of about three hundred residents. The town seems normal by all accounts as it prepares for a traditional, harvest-time event known as The Lottery.

Then in the 1990s, something started to change dramatically in how her students responded to the sobering tale. Rather than being horrified by it, some claimed they were bored by it, while others thought the ending was “neat.”

When Ms. Haugaard pressed them for more of their thoughts, she was appalled to discover that not one student in the class was willing to say the practice of human sacrifice was morally wrong! She describes one interaction with a student, whom she calls Beth:

“‘Are you asking me if I believe in human sacrifice?’ Beth responded thoughtfully, as though seriously considering all aspects of the question. ‘Well, yes,’ I managed to say. ‘Do you think that the author approved or disapproved of this ritual?’

“I was stunned: This was the [young] woman who wrote so passionately of saving the whales, of concern for the rain forests, of her rescue and tender care of a stray dog. ‘I really don’t know,’ said Beth; ‘If it was a religion of long standing, [who are we to judge]?’”

“For a moment, I couldn’t even respond,” reports Ms. Haugaard. “This woman actually couldn’t seem to bring herself to say plainly that she was against human sacrifice. My classes of a few years before would have burst into nervous giggles at the suggestion. This class was calmly considering it.”

At one point, a student explained she had been taught not to judge, and if this practice worked for them, who was she to argue differently.

Appalled by the student’s moral indifference, Ms. Haugaard concludes, “Today, for the first time in my thirty years of teaching, I looked my students in the eye and not one of them in my class could tell me that this society, this cultural behavior was a bad thing.”

The schools and media are churning out generations of immoral monsters in the mold of the New Soviet Man. This isn't going to lead anywhere good.
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