Man beaten to death with hammer in Brockton

Ban assault hammers and impose a strict licensing scheme to prevent their use! It's for the children!!!
Martha will draw up a list of hammers approved for the ownership and use of us lowly "civilians". Anything not on the list can only be sold to LE and military. I just hope that my Stanley and Craftsman hammers are on the list!
IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN! We need to start our group, People Against Illegal Hammers, PAIH, and let's vote for "common-sense reform" to keep these weapons of war off our streets....
If only this 74 year had followed MAIG director Mark Vance's advice of fighting back with his fists and running away he would have been fine. After all, its not like the guy was armed with anything dangerous like a gun.
I sure hope the perp didn't have a License to Hammer. It makes the rest of us lawful hammer holders look bad.

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No honest man needs more than a 10oz hammer. Nobody needs these high capacity assault hammers.
People don't kill Pastors, attack hammers kill Pastors.

I'll be rounding up all of my hammers when I get home.'s for the Pastors.

RIP 74-year-old Lee Harmon, RIP.
This just proves the point that guns don't kill people.
People kill people. There are many other things that can kill and we cant ban then all.
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Poor bastard. RIP
Make it to 74 and some F**cking animal kills you like that.
I'm sure when they catch him/them it will turn out to be another fine example of this states judicial system at work.
Thanks to all our wonderful elected officials
Nice work.
Breaking news from AG Martha Coakleys office for immediate release: It has come to the attention of my office that there are playschool hammer sets that depict a persons head under the guise of bedbugs and have led to children growing up and using real hammers to beat people to death. My office has decided to get in front of this issue. I have directed my office to send cease and desist letters to the maker of this horrible product and have banned it for sale in Mass. Effective immediately. Playskool_Pounding_Bed_Bugs.jpg
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