Ma non-resident unrestricted LTC?

I've also heard it's worthwhile to speak with a firearms attorney like Jason Guida to help in getting an unrestricted nonresident LTC.
Can you make a compelling argument as to why you need one? Can you articulate the same during your appointment? Can you show up in Chelsea not dressed in shorts and sandles or anything camo? Is your background clean?

If the above answers are all “yes” you should be fine.
I am in MA a lot for various reasons, so for me it is totally worth it to have the non-resident, especially now I don't have to drive to chelsea every year.

An unrestricted LTC requires the applicant to "show good reason to fear injury to his person or property." So, specify one. Clearly.

I specified several. And they do not have to be specific, like "big tony is coming after me". They do have to be articulated clearly, so "Dot has lots of thugs 'n shit" probably wont work either.

Also, though not required, describe why you're a model citizen. You a deacon in your church? A business owner? A volunteer at the hospital? A father of three good kids who are on the honor roll, with a son who's an Eagle Scout? A 30 year resident of your town?
I mention I had a MA state LTC for X years, and then renewed for X years, etc

Finally, describe your knowledge of firearms and your dedication to training. How many training hours did you take this year? How about specific concealed carry training? How often do you practice at your club?
I also do this, but don't make yourself out to be a operator wannabe

Do not write about hunting or competition. This will only give them an excuse to give you a restriction.
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SENTENCE IN THIS THREAD! I walked into this trap for for two years

Look at the application from the perspective of a dedicated civil servant. That's who reviews and approves these things. They are not looking to deny people unrestricted LTCs. But you have to give them a reason to issue you one, according to the rules they've been given to follow. You have to make it seem like an easy decision, a low risk decision.
Above all, do not whine about your 2A rights, or write stupid shit like "what part of shall not be infringed don't you understand?!
Focus on the State's rules, the State's process. And give them good reasons to issue your LTC according to those rules.
if you do that, you'll be all set.
This is very accurate, based on my four years of this process.
I would appreciate very much anyone with any current information about wait-time for non-resident Class A ALP. I applied for and was notified by FRB 100 days ago that my packet was in hand and to call if I had not received my permit by then (I let my previous ALP expire in 2009; had it for the better part of 10 consecutive years - yeah, I know - DUMB). In any case, called as instructed to learn on two separate occasions "It'll be out by the end of the week." Right. and I have a bridge, etc. So, anyone with more current info, I'll be grateful.
Kind of surprised. I let mine lapse when I moved out west. Applied again when I was back in the area. 1st time was right after Newtown, and it took 6 months. I still mail it in about 6 months in advance, and get notified of an interview that's been scheduled for about 4 months out, and then receive it about 2 months later. Last few times, the interview has been scheduled for a few months out, and I've received it a few days before the current one expires.
Thanks much for your feedback. For whatever reason, I was advised by FRB that I would not need a interview. That was good. What hasn't been good, however, is the "it'll be out at the end of the week." If all goes well o_Owith national reciprocity, it may become irrelevant. Cynic that I am, that'll likely be a cold day in hell.

thanks again for your reply, Qwikdraw45

You won't need to go to FRB in Chelsea for an interview, fingerprinting, or photos for five years if you got your first LTC or renewed in 2017. For anyone who is seeking an unrestricted LTC, I don't think that getting a lawyer is going to be of much help if you don't have a "good reason" to carry. For non-residents seeking an unrestricted LTC, the FRB will only grant an LTC up to the privileges associated with your home state license (this is info that I received from FRB a couple of months ago).
UncleDuke, thanks for the info. PA has very few restrictions on our LTCF, and when I'm on active work w/ my PD, even fewer (even though not fully-sworn), so that's very good news. Yes, I was advised I would not need an interview until 2022. It just frosts my ass that I keep getting the equivalent response from them that "it'll be in the mail at the end of the week." Hell, they've had it in the hot little hands since 28Aug.

take care, and thanks again, TB605
TangoBravo 605:

I heard the same story from the FRB when I renewed two years ago. They told me that they would expedite my renewal because I'm a firearms instructor and have to maintain my license in order to teach the Basic Firearm and the LEOSA courses. B.S. I got my renewal two weeks after my LTC expired and I had to cancel two classes because I couldn't carry.
TangoBravo 605:

I heard the same story from the FRB when I renewed two years ago. They told me that they would expedite my renewal because I'm a firearms instructor and have to maintain my license in order to teach the Basic Firearm and the LEOSA courses. B.S. I got my renewal two weeks after my LTC expired and I had to cancel two classes because I couldn't carry.
. . . nor could you sign off on any BFS Certs legally. With the new certs you really can't do it.
Well, way it's looking here for me is still "it'll probably go out the end of the week." :mad::mad::mad: UncleDuke, how long did it take for you to get yours?

by way of update: Upon receipt last 28Aug17 of my application packet for my Class A ALP non-resident, I made contact with an FRB gentleman who advised me the packet had been received but I would NOT need an interview. As my previous posts here indicate, I had been told "it'll go out by the weekend." After several of those weekends had passed, today I learned that I would need an interview.

I found that out by calling and advising a different gentleman that I was concerned the permit may have been lost in the mail. He apologized for the incorrect information I had been given, stating that since my previous permit had expired in 2009 that I WOULD need an interview. So, let's see $100 for the application. $140 for roundtrip Amtrak fare. 13 hours of train time to and from, that makes the exercise of my 2A Right in MA a poll tax of at least $300, including cab and meals. Assuming of course I "pass" the interview.

So.... anybody with a non-resident Class A ALP care to share the content of the interview?

TIA, TangoBravo605
by way of update: Upon receipt last 28Aug17 of my application packet for my Class A ALP non-resident, I made contact with an FRB gentleman who advised me the packet had been received but I would NOT need an interview. As my previous posts here indicate, I had been told "it'll go out by the weekend." After several of those weekends had passed, today I learned that I would need an interview.

I found that out by calling and advising a different gentleman that I was concerned the permit may have been lost in the mail. He apologized for the incorrect information I had been given, stating that since my previous permit had expired in 2009 that I WOULD need an interview. So, let's see $100 for the application. $140 for roundtrip Amtrak fare. 13 hours of train time to and from, that makes the exercise of my 2A Right in MA a poll tax of at least $300, including cab and meals. Assuming of course I "pass" the interview.

So.... anybody with a non-resident Class A ALP care to share the content of the interview?

TIA, TangoBravo605

====> Interview: 1) Do you have any convictions that you did not disclose on your application? 2) Have you been charged, cited, arrested, etc. since your application? 3) You are stating that you want an Unrestricted license, and the reason that you stated is ...(insert reason here). Next: Photo taken with a webcam photo. Next: Fingerprints taken electronically in an AFIS machine. After this interview, you will only have to go every six years (since your last license was prior to the 2017 change, that's why you have to go this time). You enter the lobby through a secure door. Metal detector. All items from pocket in a tray through an X-ray machine. I find it easiest to leave everything in the car, except for a photo ID, and I double check my pockets. "Joe Security" at the door has always been polite and professional. They will ask you to write your name and license plate number on clip board log, and the purpose of the visit. IIRC, I just wrote "FRB interview" or something similar. They will give you a little stick on name tag. The wait is about 15-20 minutes.Parking is at the Mass. Tech. Center lot diagonally from the building. After interview, wait 3-6 months, depending on how busy they are. At least the license has been good from one year of first issuance (which included processing time), and renewals have made it prior to the next expiration, if mailed in soon enough. HTH!
QD45, thank you kindly for your detailed info. If I understand you correctly: after interview, assuming I "pass" it, I have still to wait another 3-6 months for the permit to be issued; and, further, that when issued, its date of issuance will be back-dated to include the processing time? I can see why some folks choose just to avoid MA.

thanks again, Sir. I appreciate your response. TB605
QD45, thank you kindly for your detailed info. If I understand you correctly: after interview, assuming I "pass" it, I have still to wait another 3-6 months for the permit to be issued; and, further, that when issued, its date of issuance will be back-dated to include the processing time? I can see why some folks choose just to avoid MA.

thanks again, Sir. I appreciate your response. TB605
It's not exactly backdated to when you applied. More like some date when they approved it, which would be weeks and perhaps a month prior to you receiving it.
It's not exactly backdated to when you applied. More like some date when they approved it, which would be weeks and perhaps a month prior to you receiving it.

Sorry, didn't mean back dated. Just meant that since I applied in July and received the first renewal in January, they didn't date it for when I applied, but for when it was issued.Later renewals have had the application sent in in July or August, with the LTC arriving at the end of December or early January, prior to the expiration date. Thanks for catching that!
thanks again for your helpful information, UncleDuke, QD45 and Len-2A et al. I really appreciate you both taking the time to do that. FRB has had my application since 28Aug17. At no time during the course of my follow-up calls to them was an interview ever mentioned. In fact, in the initial contact I had with one of the points of contacts, he explicitly advised me that "there would be no need for any interview." Gentleman yesterday apologized for the mistake and the inconvenience. Had I not called yesterday to find out the status of my application, it remains an open question as to whether or not I would ever have been told about the need for an interview. Oh, well, just another Monday morning.... :) I'll be sure to post a follow-up here as to outcome. Take care, TB605.
Keep your chin up! It'll happen. I'm surprised by the time to schedule. Initially, an email was sent (if you checked off "email me my appt. time); otherwise, I think they use the mail. I wondered on my wait time for the first (since coming back to NE) appointment. I called and they said "You were supposed to me here today". He said that they had sent an email. I realized then that the address from "massmail" was not spam, but their suffix. Ooops! I think he was able to squeeze me in the next day rather than having to re-schedule for a few months later. New suffix is "". You still have to be careful, since the email title still only says "Receipt of application". With that, and the fact that I didn't need an interview this year, it was about 3 months after they let me know that they had received my application. YMMV
Yes, you are correct, QD45, I checked through my email and it was indeed there, specifically stating that I would not (their emphasis) need to be interviewed. I called them today to reschedule because my consulting work precluded the earlier date they gave me. Now set up for mid-February. Thanks very much for your follow up. take care, TB605
I literally moved about a mile over the border to NH and I been toying with the idea about getting an out of state LTC for MA but honestly the laws are so ridiculous I don't think I will even bother. Think about it, you need to check your gear and make sure it's " OK" for the state and god forbid you ever had to use our gun for self defense regardless of how lawful you might be you will be guilty until proven innocent, yea I think I'm all set with MA and it's bullshit.

The "check your gear" thing is barely worth worrying about compared to not having a license. AWB bullshit etc is rarely, if ever, enforced, on the other hand, get caught without a license- pretty much the definition of
screwing, unless you intend to use your expired LTC as a "mulligan for the civil penalty thing" instead. Also, you shoot someone in self defense- and I don't care what state you're in- you're usually going to be in for a world of shit legally regardless, so basically the choice is always pretty much "save your ass, deal with the consequences" or "roll over and die, assuming you can't run away".

So you'd rather come to MA, not carry, and possibly maybe get killed or wounded rather than deal with the courts? lol. That's a sunny outlook.

Now if your argument is "I'm never entering MA ever again so I don't need it, so what's the point?" then I can understand (and certainly 100% respect) that viewpoint.

FWIW if you previously had an unrestricted license in MA you can use that as leverage against CJIS/FRB to push for an unrestricted license.

Basically the deal with CJIS is if you act meek and don't press them about it, they will give you a turd on a plate. If you come in with your shit together you will get the license you want, although the "waiting" part is still going to be absurd... ive never run into anyone that told me it took shorter than like 2-3 months...

Mike quoting my post from a year ago I guess what I was saying is easier said than done, I do travel into MA daily for work and for family. I do carry an out of state LTC however if I had no ties to MA I would probably do as I suggested in my post and not deal with the Bullshit.
Mike quoting my post from a year ago I guess what I was saying is easier said than done, I do travel into MA daily for work and for family. I do carry an out of state LTC however if I had no ties to MA I would probably do as I suggested in my post and not deal with the Bullshit.

Glad it worked out to you, apologies for the necropost, didn't mean to pull a Coyote33 on you, but that's what I get for reading a thread with not enough sleep... lol
I know this thread is a year old, but just in case anyone is searching for current info on timing for MA Non-Resident LTC,

Applied Dec '18, got an e-mail the next day to schedule an interview. Had to push off to 1st half Jan '19, went in, did the interview, permit was issued 100 days later and received last week of April 2019.
I had a couple of examples where I had close encounters with crime in the past (in Mass) which thankfully didn't escalate, plus owning a business where I am in Mass a bunch, and had held an FID 30 years ago...
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