M1 Carbines in use in Israel


NES Life Member
NES Member
Dec 2, 2005
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You gotta love Israel - not only are they still using M1 Carbines, check the cell phone tucked into the sling. Israel is very resourceful - nothing seems to go to waste. They still have M14's in inventory and still use M3 half-tracks...

PS - I'd hit the girl in the purple...[wink]
Hell the M-1 is a awesome close quarter weapon. I dont blame them for still using them. I remember being in Isreal and seeing chicks all dressed up at the mall with UZI's strapped to there back, was awesome.
The M1 carbine is often assigned to teenagers who are chaperoning school
field trips. Active duty soldiers will typically carry their service M16 or M4 at all times.
It is quite a sight seeing a tourist site full of school kids with a contingent of
15 year-olds armed with M1 carbines keeping an eye on them. It says something
about the maturity of those kids, that's for sure.
I have found that Israeli women are some of the most beautiful on the planet. Put a rifle in their hands...how could one resist?
I wish I lived in a nation where a hot chick could walk down the street with a rifle on her back without getting assaulted by 100 cops after they received 1000 phonecalls about a 'terrorist on a rampage'.
I know she's not really Isreali but DAMN that Ziva David on NCIS

The one before her was hot too. Then again she was a spitting image of an ex so I may be a tad biased.

It's one of the reasons the terrorists have to resort to lobbing missiles over the fence to get at them

Please report to reeducation camp civilian ownership leads to death and destruction and does not increase the general welfare of the population at large. Got it now. [smile]
I would hit the one on the right is the first pic and the one in the second pic like the fist of an angry god. Always count on a woman to put accessories her rifle sling.[wink]
Part of me loves seeing ordinary folks carrying evil rifles unnoticed, and part of me thanks the Lord that I live in a country where it's not necessary - yet.

BTW with regard to the first picture, I'd wingman with the one on the left for anyone willing to buy drinks for the night.[wink][smile]
The M1 carbine is often assigned to teenagers who are chaperoning school
field trips. Active duty soldiers will typically carry their service M16 or M4 at all times.
It is quite a sight seeing a tourist site full of school kids with a contingent of
15 year-olds armed with M1 carbines keeping an eye on them. It says something
about the maturity of those kids, that's for sure.

Yep, and if there were terrorist attacks in the US, we could count on our teenagers to defend....oh, wait...local gun clubs are banning all children under 12 years old from even being at the range. Oh, well, I guess we would be screwed if we ever came under serious terror attack--screwed by ourselves that is.
As to the first two girls, both are hittable. It's not ALL about dress size, kids.

The cell phone chick is, however, on another level... Wow.

As to the ass-holster girl, well, she's not bad either [thinking]

We as a nation react strongly when threatened. Think back to the mood just after 9/11. Even in Kambridge, you could talk about killing the terrorists and not get nasty looks. Flags were flying for the first time in 50 years.

But then the terrorists folded and haven't struck locally since then. And most of us forgot.

When America is eventually targetted with casual and daily terrorism like Isreal is, the reaction will continue. And I think that is at least half the reason there hasn't been another major attack since then. They SAW what we will DO if provoked enough.

If pizza shop and bus bombings become common here, you WILL see hot chicks walking around in Cambridge with a AR-15 hanging from their ass. And there will probably be a little NES logo on the side [shocked]
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