lethal force; where would you aim

A lot to the everywhere.

Serious answer:
Center of 'available' mass... Unless there is a very specific reason not to. shooting center of available mass is not so much about choosing a specific Target to shoot, but it gives you the most room for error in terms of shots hitting.
Shoot them in the kneecaps, no person is ever going to forget who did that and will make them reevaluate their life decisions.

Probably end up thanking you when they relearn how to walk [rofl2]
this is arguably one of the dumbest NES posts of all time.

/thread in post #2.

When I first met my wife and talked to her about guns and all that goes along with it, she would ask "why don't you just shoot them in the leg?"

She understood after I took her to the range, and that the movies do not remotely approximate reality.....I told her to imagine a leg shot when rather than being at the range taking her time trying to aim she was freaking out fearing for her life and shaking with an adrenaline dump going on.

OP: go take a class.
Shit to the balls is below the bulletproof vest and should break the pelvis and drop the guy.

Unless a girl, then the crotch shot must have consent.

Or go offensive and use a ballistic knife to the kidney to dispatch the sentry silently.

Wait, what was the question?
Considering I’ve spent time in the SEALs, Delta Force, Army Rangers, MI-6, SWAT, and a handful of paramilitary/mercenary militias, I aim where I want depending on the situation.
Psssh...the sound of racking the slide does that. No need to waste ammo on a warning shot.
And always wear a ccw sash....
I don't even bother with ammo, I just use blanks. Criminals don't know the difference!

If the sash is too much of a statement, a quick flip the badge works just as well:
T-box, holster weapon, light Newport, nonchalantly stroll by nearest female, smack her on the ass and say, "That's how it's done darlin."
Several in the chest first. If the weapon is still in their hand, whether they are standing or not, 1 or 2 in the head. Then cite about a thousand vids online of officers shooting a downed suspect in the head because they still had their weapon. But I also live in a state that supports self defense.

If I still lived in MA, several in the chest then one in my own head because I'm going to jail for the rest of my life even if I caught them simultaneously raping my wife and mutilating my 11 mo old.
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