Legislative Alert - Sound Suppressor Bill Hearing July 14

If I get time off, what does me going there accomplish?

Rebuttal time if public testimony is allowed. Made a big deal during last year's shitshow. The legislature got the point it was going to be politically costly to hop on the BANwagon.
Have a work meeting that prevents going. Called my reps (house and senate). Hopefully the positive work leads to something.

Please note, today's Judicial Committee Public Hearing has been moved within the State House, from room A2 to the Gardner Auditorium. Apparently then needed more seating for public attendance.
Contacted all on the committee.

Everyone, please note, whenever possible use the telephone as the primary means of communicating with your state and congressional reps/senators.

Email is getting so overused due to auto send type of plug ins that they are pretty much ignored.

Lighting up phone lines cannot be ignored.

This lesson was learned and used to great effect during the Chapter 284 battle.

Just a reminder. If possible, call them, don't email.
Everyone, please note, whenever possible use the telephone as the primary means of communicating with your state and congressional reps/senators.

Email is getting so overused due to auto send type of plug ins that they are pretty much ignored.

Lighting up phone lines cannot be ignored.

This lesson was learned and used to great effect during the Chapter 284 battle.

Just a reminder. If possible, call them, don't email.
This, with one exception - email can be used to submit written testimony. Send to both chairs of joint committee indicating that this what you are doing (i.e. give it a meaningful title: testimony in support of H.1305) or something to that effect.

You should get a response indicating that it was recorded as such.
Well, hopefully it's a rational discussion that starts off by re-calibrating what everybody's understanding of a suppressor really looks and sounds like. A little more of that and a little less of James Bond and Agent 47 would go a long way, perhaps.
Why is this not on the front page? It is a huge deal for MA residents, which I am pretty sure make up a majority of the members of this site! The m support the better!
If this does clear the committee as favorable, does it go to the legislature for a vote?

It will most likely bounce around to a few more committees before going to either floor for debate. No telling though as every piece of legislation takes it's own path to becoming law.
If this does clear the committee as favorable, does it go to the legislature for a vote?

If either the senate president or speaker of the house does NOT want to see it voted upon, they have the power (and use it) to prevent it ever being put on the floor for a vote. That is the way that the dictatorship in the statehouse works on anything.
If either the senate president or speaker of the house does NOT want to see it voted upon, they have the power (and use it) to prevent it ever being put on the floor for a vote. That is the way that the dictatorship in the statehouse works on anything.

Unfortunately this.

Should said president/speaker choose to kill it they will send it to a committee and instruct the committee members to kill it.
If either the senate president or speaker of the house does NOT want to see it voted upon, they have the power (and use it) to prevent it ever being put on the floor for a vote. That is the way that the dictatorship in the statehouse works on anything.

And the power is all bought with taxpayer money. Deleo promised chairmanships, etc to get the votes to be speaker and uses the chairs and other assignment ie assistant whip, assistant majority leader, etc which all come with pay bumps to control members and how they vote.

Deleo is as crooked as they come, he was an unindicted coconpirator in the probation scandal. Just a matter of time before he joins dimasi in prison.
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