Legislative Alert - Sound Suppressor Bill Hearing July 14

I have been told that this is going nowhere but that certainly is not official. Best guess is this bill dies quietly in committee.

This is the most likely scenario. They don't have to explicitly come out and say "we are killing this bill", they just let it sit in committee and take no action on it until the legislative session ends.
This is the most likely scenario. They don't have to explicitly come out and say "we are killing this bill", they just let it sit in committee and take no action on it until the legislative session ends.
Maybe the Globe will print an editorial urging lawmakers to take action on this bill, and to approve it.

Judiciary Committee?

Legislating from the bench, are we?

Should be Public Safety or some other group, IMHO.

Joint Committee onThe Judiciary
Committee Contact Info

Senate Information
Room 504
State House
Boston, MA 02133

House Information
Room 136
State House
Boston, MA 02133
Tel:(617) 722-2396

It shall be the duty of the committee on Judiciary to consider all matters concerning crimes, penalties and sentencing, criminal offender record information, judiciary, including the recall of judges, the salaries of judges, court clerks and court officers of the various courts, probation officers, juries and jury duty, parole, registers of deeds, correction issues previously sent to Public Safety (but excluding the retirement of judges and all other court personnel) and such other matters as may be referred.
The Joint Judiciary Committee is dragging it's feet, not just on this bill, but on everything they heard that day.

SNAFU at the Steak House
"Good news out of the State House. The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has released our Suppressor bill, H.1305 (filed by Rep. Paul Frost) and our Non-Resident LTC bill, S.1287 (filed by Sen. Mike Moore) with a Favorable vote.
At this time we do not know the destination of these bills, we will update as soon as we know.
We would like to thank Rep. Frost, Sen. Moore and the Public Safety Committee Chairs, Sen. Timilty and Rep. Naughton for the progress on this important legislation.
Please take a moment to send them a note of thanks."

Posted on GOAL's facebook page
"Good news out of the State House. The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has released our Suppressor bill, H.1305 (filed by Rep. Paul Frost) and our Non-Resident LTC bill, S.1287 (filed by Sen. Mike Moore) with a Favorable vote.
At this time we do not know the destination of these bills, we will update as soon as we know.
We would like to thank Rep. Frost, Sen. Moore and the Public Safety Committee Chairs, Sen. Timilty and Rep. Naughton for the progress on this important legislation.
Please take a moment to send them a note of thanks."

Posted on GOAL's facebook page

Fer Seriousness? Wowza!
"Good news out of the State House. The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security has released our Suppressor bill, H.1305 (filed by Rep. Paul Frost) and our Non-Resident LTC bill, S.1287 (filed by Sen. Mike Moore) with a Favorable vote.
At this time we do not know the destination of these bills, we will update as soon as we know.
We would like to thank Rep. Frost, Sen. Moore and the Public Safety Committee Chairs, Sen. Timilty and Rep. Naughton for the progress on this important legislation.
Please take a moment to send them a note of thanks."

Posted on GOAL's facebook page

No ****ing way!

It's got to be a trap so they can bone us some other way while we're distracted.
Oh. How many committees before an actual vote?

I believe it could be anywhere from 0 to infinity. It all depends upon the Senate leadership. I believe that people who can read the tea leaves better than I will get a better idea of the leaderships plan based on where they send the bill next.

Before this could become law, it will need to get voted on at least a couple times in the Senate, sent to the House and pass votes there, then get sent to the Governor. In other words, while this is good news, don't hold your breath. There is a long way to go.
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Just a quick correction, the Suppressor bill that passed was actually the senate version S.1271 filed by Sen. Don Humason, it is identical to the house version. Thanks to Sen. Humason for everything!
Just a quick correction, the Suppressor bill that passed was actually the senate version S.1271 filed by Sen. Don Humason, it is identical to the house version. Thanks to Sen. Humason for everything!

It is very good news that they are both working on identical legislation -- no conference committee messiness required.

Has the house version been voted out of committee? I assume it has not come to the floor for a vote in either house, is that correct?
While I am personally hopeful, my wallet is cowering in fear at the prospect of suppressors being legalized in MA.
It is very good news that they are both working on identical legislation -- no conference committee messiness required.

Has the house version been voted out of committee? I assume it has not come to the floor for a vote in either house, is that correct?

Typically they distill the two separate bills into one, my guess is that they will do so here. I should mention, props again to both Rep. Frost and Rep. Humason, if you or anyone else is a constituent, (or even if you're not) please drop them a note of thanks, these guys were willing to file this bill for us because they fully understand the issue and what the legislation will do. Props to them for that. [cheers][cheers]
Why I think GOAL is far superior to the NRA if you have to choose which to support in MA.


ASA is posting updates also. Additionally is the latest on the NH hunting and suppressor legislation.


Massachusetts: Suppressor Legalization Bill Passes Committee

Written by ASA on March 10, 2016 - Comments

Yesterday was a big day for suppressor rights in Massachusetts, which passed Sen. Humason’s (R-Westfield) S. 1271, a bill that would legalize private suppressor ownership, out of the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security on a bipartisan vote. This vote marks the first time that a suppressor legalization bill has made it through any committee in Massachusetts, and represents a major step forward for suppressor rights in the most populous state in New England.

The ASA has been working hard in Mass alongside the Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) and Florence, MA-based Yankee Hill Machine to get this legislation moving forward, and we are deeply appreciative of all the assistance GOAL and YHM have provided on behalf of future suppressor owners in the Bay State. We would also like to thank the Massachusetts Legislative Sportsmen’s Caucus for their invaluable help in supporting S. 1271.

Now that S. 1271 has passed out of the Joint Committee on Public Safety, it must head to another committee before it can be voted on in the Senate. As soon as we learn which committee the bill will head to we will let you know.

Why I think GOAL is far superior to the NRA if you have to choose which to support in MA.

In any state where there is a state affiliate like GOAL, the NRA will take a back seat to their state affiliate. So I think you are being a bit unfair to the NRA on this.
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