Kennedy is oblivious to Heller

Heller does allow for reasonable restriction of firearm ownership in federal districts like Washington, D.C. It has to be incorporated via Parker before it becomes meaningful.

A little ironic that the canned message comes from somebody who actually killed somebody, huh?

Excellent post. This never ceases to amaze me. Kennedy actually killed an inncocent girl yet he is lionized among his colleagues and the ridiculous sheeple of Mass. keep re-electing this has-been booze bag. If that is not an indicator of how far down the rabbit hole we have gone then nothing else is.
Since the past election I have been slapped in the face with the fact that I actually live without representation in government. Kerry , Kennedy , Frank, Patrick.

I have always known this , but it was easier to ignore when I kind of thought all of us felt like the State Gov was a bad thing. While I have been associating with a few friends who are Conservatives or Libertarians , the vast hordes of residents have turned into Socialists.

I do not write my .gov . They do not like me , care about me or support me. I avoid them and await Kerry and Patrick to leave for Washington - hopefully , Frank to go to prison for his part in the economic meltdown , and Kennedy to die.

But even when this crew of douchbags is gone I hold no hope for the future in MA. government. In a state where Question 1 lost by 70% and my neighbors invite me to Obama Celebration Parties I realize I am quite honestly behind enemy lines.
1) I don't wish cancer on anyone no matter who

2) Kennedy's an asshat. Pure and simple. He's got no cred with conservatives and per some of my moonbat relatives, he lost all credibility with the libs when he voted against Cape Wind. He's shown his true colors as an opportunist pure and simple.

3) Because of his last name the only way he's going out of the Senate's is on his own terms. The guy's teflon.
Heller does allow for reasonable restriction of firearm ownership in federal districts like Washington, D.C. It has to be incorporated via Parker before it becomes meaningful.

A little ironic that the canned message comes from somebody who actually killed somebody, huh?

You know, I would'nt have pegged you for an incorporationist.
WHO'S IN! we need to buy four cases of burbon and rent a fast car and enter Drunk Teddy in the new nascar race.... the Chappaquiddick 500.

Isn't it a shame John F. Kennedy shot, Bobby Kennedy shot... they must have said.... screw it Teddy will kill himself soon enough.
I got the same caned email today as well. I don't remember when I emailed him. It was probably around the Heller decision. Can't find anything in my sent mail so I must have sent it via a form on his senate site.

Sometimes I wonder what this guy's real goal is. I guess I just can't figure him out.
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