Justice Kavanaugh

It's mostly a california thing. That verbal/linguistic cancer is pretty common there among women... although she's waaaaaaaaay outside the typical age demographic for that. [laugh] And hers is severe, which makes it that much weirder.


That is the hilarious thing,it's usually young college girls doing it,or NPR reporters.A woman in her 50's doing it just sounds ridiculous.
She uses the terms "the candidate" & "the nominee". This is very peculiar phrasing for a average person. There is a lot of coaching going on here.

There is so much horse sh*t here ..it'll need Heracles to clean it up!
That is the hilarious thing,it's usually young college girls doing it,or NPR reporters.A woman in her 50's doing it just sounds ridiculous.

little princesses never grow up

also ROFL "beach friends advising me ..."

where do I find "beach friends" to help me out with my PTSDs?

It's like she really tried to be a really dumb bimbo and smaht Dr professor at the same time.
She can fly tot Tahiti and Hawaii, but not to d.c ,because the former is for vacation. Uhhh,telling.

Also, French Polynesia....it might as well have been friggin Australia. It’s like a little kid saying “I can swim in a pool that’s 10ft deep, but not a pool that’s 15 feet deep.”
Kavanaugh seems to be getting a break. A very strange curve has appeared in this ongoing race to ruin Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Two men have stepped forward to say they may have been the ones who assaulted Christine Blasey Ford – not Brett Kavanaugh.


View: https://www.scribd.com/document/389533872/180926-Ltr-to-Davis#from_embed
Also, French Polynesia....it might as well have been friggin Australia. It’s like a little kid saying “I can swim in a pool that’s 10ft deep, but not a pool that’s 15 feet deep.”

no shit, I'd not even fly there, that's pretty much non-stop flight to Ausland

yeah, f***ing Dems are making it into a long lecture about sex assaults, not the case, not the facts of the case
little princesses never grow up

also ROFL "beach friends advising me ..."

where do I find "beach friends" to help me out with my PTSDs?

It's like she really tried to be a really dumb bimbo and smaht Dr professor at the same time.

definitely has lots of beach friends and spent a lot of time int he sun. She's only 51 and has the skin of a 70 year old...
She can’t remember how she went home at least 6 miles,

Cause if she got a ride, the driver would have remembered the “attempted rape”.
They should care because of the simple fact that after so many false accusations, people simply aren't going to believe actual victims anymore. When a woman legitimately gets assaulted and reports it, very few people are going to believe her. IMO, it's already started happening.
You think a Democrat actually cares if a woman gets assaulted [rofl]
She is claiming that she was felt up by a kid 35 years ago. If these are the snowflakes we are breeding now, we are soooo f***ed.

she CLEARLY has issues....serious mental issues.
She was not raped, but alleges being felt up. probably 98% of women in the world get "felt up", it does not become the one driving event in their entire lives...
she CLEARLY has issues....serious mental issues.
She was not raped, but alleges being felt up. probably 98% of women in the world get "felt up", it does not become the one driving event in their entire lives...

I get felt up in an airport against my will by TSA dude. Can I get a f***ing medal now?
So she flew to florida and NH, then back to california in the past month while claiming she's afraid of flying to washington.
you left out flying to maryland to take the lie detector test :)

also, i am pretty sure a polygraph is useless if you are testing someone who is batshit crazy!
"Do you hear voices telling you to cut yourself"
"Yes, I do" -- truthful
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