Justice Kavanaugh

As much as it pains me to say it , the Republicans couldn't outmaneuver a tree.
There should have already been arrests.

Feinswine should be in a small windowless room being sweated by a couple of FBI agents.

As well as Ford , "Who approached you and how much money were you offered? The penalty for purgery alone is five years, consider your next words carefully."

If her lawyers did in fact withhold the fact the interview could have been done at her home from her, disbarment.
If they didn't , she lied under oath.

Waters should have already been centured or worst .

Booker should be under active investigation for sexual assault , a crime he freely confessed to.

Creepy porn lawyer should have already felt the hand of God land on him.

If we didn't have a f*cking coma patient for an AG, things would be happening.
I was just saying this today. Sessions is the biggest mistake that Trump has made. What a swamp rat.

Interesting video.

But I think she's got it all wrong. I don't think Mike Pence refuses to take dinner alone with women not his wife or go to parties where alcohol is served because he's respecting his wife. He IS respecting his wife - but I don't think that's the real reason.

He doesn't put himself in those situations because it's far too easy to get screwed over by an untrustworthy woman. THAT's why he made his statement IMHO.

The real problem here is that he couldn't tell the truth without getting eviscerated by the lunatic lefties. He got raked over the coals anyway - so he might as well have told the real reason IMHO.

I guess maybe we just weren't there yet as a society to hear a major politician say something like that. If there's anything we can thank Dr. Ford for - it's that she's pushed us that much closer to the day when men will just come out and say openly that many women are just completely untrustworthy.
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1) Can Trump retract a nomination and send another one if the confirmation hearings are going well?

I ask because he *could* retract BK, then nominate the leading Dem pick and let the Dem's savage their own best candidate. When the candidate is irreparably destroyed, Trump retracts the nomination and sends in the next best Dem candidate. Repeat and rinse on this Dems catch on and knock it off. Retract one last time and send in either BK (again) or the next on the real list. When the Dems retake the Presidency in either 10 or 18 years, they'll already have destroyed their best choices.

2) Can Trump send half a dozen nominations in one swoop? Don't no just because it's never been done. Does anything in law bar him from doing it? Let the congressional chowder heads duke it out with a field of contestants.
As much as it pains me to say it , the Republicans couldn't outmaneuver a tree.
There should have already been arrests.

Feinswine should be in a small windowless room being sweated by a couple of FBI agents.

As well as Ford , "Who approached you and how much money were you offered? The penalty for purgery alone is five years, consider your next words carefully."

If her lawyers did in fact withhold the fact the interview could have been done at her home from her, disbarment.
If they didn't , she lied under oath.

Waters should have already been centured or worst .

Booker should be under active investigation for sexual assault , a crime he freely confessed to.

Creepy porn lawyer should have already felt the hand of God land on him.

If we didn't have a f*cking coma patient for an AG, things would be happening.

You nailed it sir.
That poor woman is probably getting rip-shit pissed over all the D's bullshit because she wants more than anything to retire and is facing extreme pressure from them not to.
There's a point for everyone, and apparently the current debacle is past that point for her. That's really telling. It's not comforting to know the sad tide on the left that has been unleashed now horrifies her.
A new accuser has come forward

Completely disagree.

You HAVE TO blame these nutcases - otherwise you're just buying into the same shit they're peddling , which is:

- Not my fault because I'm black

- not my fault because I'm a woman

- not my fault because I'm a transgender

- not my fault because I'm Hispanic

People have free will. That means when they sign on to stupid bullshit - they ARE at least in part to blame.

Now you could be a lunatic leftist - and be employed by the academy - and just keep your mouth shut, deciding that better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. A person like that I MIGHT give a pass to.

But when you open your pie-hole and openly and in public start making statements like this nutbag has done - then you just threw off that cloak of invisibility and decided to throw your shield into the arena.

That means she ABSOLUTELY has to be held to account - and she ABSOLUTELY should be "blamed" for the position she is taking.

Stupid WHITE women like "Aunt Lydia" - need to pay the price for their world views.

I don't know why people still think this is somehow going to get fixed without getting dirty. It's well past the time when we should have stopped being nice to these people.
I haven’t looked at(tldr) such a filthy rant of rambling since the first chapter of the unibombers never ending manifesto.
To the bottom of that MEME add "and I will burn this whole country down on the way out, because I hate Trump". Flake is a total scumbag.

This may help:

View: https://youtu.be/VKud6-Auw6I

View: https://youtu.be/EDkwaFMffYg

He would like to take on Our Emperor in 2020! He can cry on demand!

'Where Is Our Party? This Isn't Us.' -- Senator Jeff Flake At Under 30 Summit
Flake, who last week paused the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court by calling for a weeklong F.B.I. investigation, dove immediately into the subject: “I’d been troubled for a while, and I felt we weren’t doing due diligence.”
Flake said he would not vote to advance the nomination process without an FBI investigation taking place, forcing the hand of party leaders and forging a compromise with Senator Chris Coons (D- Delaware). “We ought to have more information, not less,” Flake said on stage, recounting the recent events to the audience. “It was that experience as well as a lot of others—I got calls and emails and texts from women who I never thought I’d hear from in this regard, saying ‘Here’s what happened to me when I was young’ and ‘Here’s what happened to me 30 years ago.’ ”

Flake added: “I’m that eleventh Republican, and I had leverage there. My friend Chris Coons had just made an impassioned plea for a short, limited FBI investigation, and I thought there was reason to accept that. We don’t do bipartisan things in the Senate anymore.”
Onstage, Flake pointed to the fact that two women will square off to take over his seat in the upcoming midterm elections: “My seat, which I am not running again for, will have a woman replacing me. It will be the first woman senator in Arizona history.”
View attachment 248871
Wow what a nut job

1. Claims to know Brett Kavanaugh, can't prove that they've ever met
2. Claims to have attended parties w/ young teenagers as an adult
3. Claims to have witnessed repeated gang rapes of young teenagers an adult - didn't report it
4. Claims to have witnessed these rapes then kept attending the parties
5. Claims to have been the victim of one of these rapes (adult raped by child?) - didn't report it
6. Claims to have continued to attend underage rape parties as an adult after being raped

Wow what a nut job

View: https://youtu.be/MpirRs3Izrs

Is this the kind of THING, one might find on Match.com? Asking for a friend..

And she is now saying she can't be sure it was Kavenaugh. She belongs in prison, she committed a felony when she lied to Congress. FBI should be investigating all who made false claims and put them in the clink, best way to shut down this Marxist smear tactic.
And she is now saying she can't be sure it was Kavenaugh. She belongs in prison, she committed a felony when she lied to Congress. FBI should be investigating all who made false claims and put them in the clink, best way to shut down this Marxist smear tactic.

Next up, it was a Russian who raped me, and while doing so he was on the on computer hacking our elections and voting for Trump....
There's a point for everyone, and apparently the current debacle is past that point for her. That's really telling. It's not comforting to know the sad tide on the left that has been unleashed now horrifies her.

I wonder, if the stupid party keeps power (or even expands) whether she'll announce her retirement at the end of this year. Dims don't want her to, but if she's as disgusted by them as strangenh (along with all other decent, normal people) and I'd like to think she is - whether she'll to do it to send them a message. Stop being stupid/crazy... OR does she hate Trump even more. Just thinking out loud.
Commies are now fully committed to riding the beer wagon all the way, as I have told you already:
Police questioned Brett Kavanaugh over a bar fight he got into in his Yale years: report

I liked Clarence Thomas because he was PREPARED and had no stupid illusions about how low these bastards can go. His hearing was like a Radetzky March! Clarence Thomas stayed away from emotions and DEFENDED THE LAW! Since then our country has become an emotional basket case in which any clueless actor or figure skater can demand changes to our existing laws and Republicans will make it happen for them. Any nasty kid a la Hogg can $ht all over our republic and instead of somebody giving him lessons about our basic rights Republicans can't wait to implement his stupid ideas and get some "younger voters".

I want somebody who would not be surprised by the piles of $ht these commies can generate. I want a battle instead of pleasing the enemy and playing bipartisan poker. No more games! If Republicans will show us that they can't handle being a majority we need to create a new party. Nothing else will do it for us.
I wonder, if the stupid party keeps power (or even expands) whether she'll announce her retirement at the end of this year. Dims don't want her to, but if she's as disgusted by them as strangenh (along with all other decent, normal people) and I'd like to think she is - whether she'll to do it to send them a message. Stop being stupid/crazy... OR does she hate Trump even more. Just thinking out loud.

Democrats showed you how disgusting they are. Mind you, these are moderate Democrats, wait on commies marching in November. I do not see any plan, any strategy and any desire from Republicans to take them on and kick them back in the history bin.

I have stopped all money donations. I was pumping money into Republicans. They are begging me everyday to send them something. I filled and mailed all their surveys and I have wrote them numerous letters explaining why they will not see a dime from me. NO RESPONSE FROM THEM! So, no money and no tips on the table!
I wonder, if the stupid party keeps power (or even expands) whether she'll announce her retirement at the end of this year. Dims don't want her to, but if she's as disgusted by them as strangenh (along with all other decent, normal people) and I'd like to think she is - whether she'll to do it to send them a message. Stop being stupid/crazy... OR does she hate Trump even more. Just thinking out loud.
WAPO was getting nervous while Gorsuch was nominated and aptly titled the article ‘Can she eat more kale?’ Hordes of people want reassurance RBG’s health is good.
Democrats showed you how disgusting they are. Mind you, these are moderate Democrats, wait on commies marching in November. I do not see any plan, any strategy and any desire from Republicans to take them on and kick them back in the history bin.

I have stopped all money donations. I was pumping money into Republicans. They are begging me everyday to send them something. I filled and mailed all their surveys and I have wrote them numerous letters explaining why they will not see a dime from me. NO RESPONSE FROM THEM! So, no money and no tips on the table!
There are no moderate Democrats. Its like saying there are moderate serial killers.
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