just a reminder that this happens even in the nice neighborhoods.

Feb 10, 2008
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I posted this over on TFL but figured I would add it here too.

So last night my dogs started barking like madmen in the middle of the night (which they never do). I woke up and flipped on the lights I looked outside and saw nothing. I picked up the revolver I keep in the nightstand and walked downstairs. I checked all the doors and windows and they were all still locked. I looked outside through my front door and saw nothing or nobody around. I figured a skunk or possum had just scooted through the yard and that set the dogs off. I gave the dogs a treat and went back to bed.
This morning I got in my car to go to work and noticed the contents of my glovebox scattered all over the floor of the car. My navigation system was gone. I checked the back seat and noticed my gymbag with my Ipod and a few other little things was gone. Luckily my wallet, cell phone, and all my guns were in my house.
Now the value of the stolen items is less than $1000 but this happened in MY DRIVEWAY right under my nose. I moved here from Boston to get away from this kind of stuff. I guess there are desperate people everywhere.
Just another wake up call I thought I would share.
thats been happening alot around the Boston area latley..4 people i know in the last 3 months have come out to find the same scene
Sad but true. Nice neighborhooods are frequently targetted for better smash and grab/robbery items. The rats of society travel (in unregistered uninsured cars or those registered to their grandparents or girlfriends), do their business and return to their holes, then trade your stuff for pennies on the dollar of value to support their habits.

Sorry to hear you lost your stuff, glad you and your family are OK. Hope you reported it to the popo's so at the very least (your property loss being > $250 makes it a felony larceny) they at least can look for patterns for similar incidents and work on prevention strategy.
It's been reported to the police and tomorrow I am going to walk around the neighborhood warning the neighbors to garage and lock their cars instead of leaving them in the driveway like I did. My car was locked and I have a motion sensing light in my driveway but they still got away without being seen. I am guessing my dogs started barking when the theif shut the car door and left. They sometimes bark when they hear car doors close.
Sorry that happened to you [angry]

Good idea to tell your neighbors, it amazes me how many people keep so much crap in their garage and leave their car on the driveway, then they bitch and whine about clearing snow off or the car being really cold in the morning.
That sucks. I'm deep in the 'burbs; the guy across the street is a NE Reg manager for Verizon wireless...his car was broken into in the driveway last summer. We've all but established that it was an inside job, some kid who worked for him, etc. He keeps 20-30 new phones in his car.

That was all that was missing.
This used to happen to me almost nightly when I lived in Rochester, NY. The joke was on the perps though, I was just a poor college kid at the time and never had anything of any worth in my car. Still, I'd come out in the morning and often find the doors open and everything moved around. Occasionally they'd take my mix tape and I'd have to make another one. I would have locked my car doors, but the car was such a POS that the locks didn't work. I kept hoping they'd just take the car, so I could collect on the insurance. No dice, though.

Anyway, like you I moved out to the country to avoid that kind of nonsense. But your story is a good reminder that it can happen anywhere.
Those GPS that are mounted on the windshields are a major problem with theft right now. I have the habit of leaving it mounted throughout the day on construction sites in Boston. In Gloucester, being somewhat of a "mellow" town compared to Boston, I tend to leave it. The punks in Boston are also looking for the suction cup marks left when removing the mount off the windshield so they know something is there. Wish you luck in finding out who did this.

Oh, one more thing, those of you with satellie radio receivers mounted on your dash. They tend to think they're GPS's and will go after that also.
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Somethin like this once happened to me. But fortunately for myself, A: I wasn't there B: I have absolutely nothing of any significance in my car. Nothing. My car radio is a minimal as you can get. I was slightly offended that the perp didn't even want to take one thing from my vehicle...jeesh. [wink] oh well.
GPS mounting options:

Check out the mounting options at:

I have them in all the family cars and use it to mount the GPS without the suction cup mount. I worry that even the mark from the suction cup would be enough to trigger a break in.

We had teenagers braking into cars in our neighborhood just to get the spare change.
Sorry to hear about the breakin, Beansie_Time. Gives you a real sense of being violated, doesn't it? [angry]

There's a reason that I went looking for a house with a garage - ALL equipment gets locked up in it. I will not let it get too crowded for my car; I like it when I don't have to get into a cold car, covered with the snow I had to brush off of it.

From what I hear from my mother in NJ, Fair Lawn has about TWENTY GPS systems stolen per WEEK. [rolleyes]
That sucks....

I was at the 99s in Manchester last weekend and the restaurant had a sign on the door requesting that people take their GPS & Radios inside when they ate. A waitress said cars were being broken into while people had their dinner.... I've got a Console Vault, but will still loose a window if they go after mine.
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Sucks man sorry to hear that - ya motion lights as a deterant usually keeps the car burglers away.
A detective that I know in my area says that there are no GPS tracking devices left in XYZ city (Boston suburb).

They're stealing 'em all!!
Sorry to hear your car was broken into. I know what it is like - it really pisses you off when it happens.

I have had two of my cars broken into. The first time I was living in Lowell while going to school there. The car was parked on an inside lot at the condo complex I lived in. At the time I could for for days and not drive because I was at school. I walked out to dump the trash one day - and noticed that the passenger side door window was open, at first I thought I left it open. As I walked up to the car I noticed broken glass everywhere - and I saw that the glove box had been ripped open (not just opened but pried from the dash).

So here is the kicker - I kept a first aid kit in the glove box with $20 in it - that was my emergency money. The contents of the glove box were strewn all over the front seat - and the $20.00 was sitting on the floor. There was glass everywhere - and the car was unlocked.

There was nothing stolen from the car.

This is when I first started to realize that criminals are just f.....in morons. Break the window? Why don't you try the handle first stupid. Rip the glove box from the dash? Why don't you try turning the knob jackass. Leave $20 sitting on the front seat in plain view? Now that is just moronic.

The next time one of my cars was broken into was a week after I bought my first new car. I had gotten it without a radio because I intended on installing one myself. While I was at the gym in Woburn - somebody pulled the door handle and broke into the car - then they proceeded to rip the dashboard apart trying to steal the radio - which didn't exist.

Hello random criminal jackass - see the hole in the dashboard? That means this car has no stereo system. If you had actually been paying attention you would have noticed that the car didn't even have an antenna installed.

This was the day I became fully convinced that criminals are just morons.

When I was in CA I had a removable stereo installed in my car -- you pulled the whole unit out with you. I too had someone break into the car (busted the rear quarter window) to steal the stereo that was not in the car.

A few days later, someone broke into another car in the lot, setting off his alarm. I saw a suspicious car in the area at that time and gave a description of it to the officer who responded. They caught him later that night -- matched my description and they had 8-10 car stereos in the car...

When I was in CA I had a removable stereo installed in my car -- you pulled the whole unit out with you. I too had someone break into the car (busted the rear quarter window) to steal the stereo that was not in the car.

A few days later, someone broke into another car in the lot, setting off his alarm. I saw a suspicious car in the area at that time and gave a description of it to the officer who responded. They caught him later that night -- matched my description and they had 8-10 car stereos in the car...

That's the kind of stereo I finally installed in the car. At the time it was broken into there was nothing in the car - just a hole in the dashboard.
The sad thing is that I have motion sensing lights in my driveway. I have been stolen fom many times before, so I am used to the lousy feeling, but never in my own driveway.
You could leave a note taped to a window saying there are no radios or cd players in the car, but then they'd break in to leave you a note saying "Well, get one!"
This happened to my brother in Chelsea two weeks ago. Then again, I guess it's not too uncommon in Chelsea. Other damage to the car itself, nothing of significant value was taken from the car.
When I was at Tufts, I left my car in Lynnfield for storage. Since I wasn't driving it, we took it off the road and removed the battery so it wouldn't go dead. Some idiot smashed the window, ripped apart the dash and tried to hotwire it. I would have paid money to watch the moron trying to hotwire a car with no battery. I wonder how long he rubbed the wires together before he gave up in pure frustration.
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