Jews Finally Waking UP?

That's because there is none. Anyone who is Jewish can immigrate under the "Right of Return." Which is why several years back Israel rescued several Ethiopians who had been discovered to be Jewish.

For those unclear on the concept, there are three Races. Caucasian (White), Negro (Black), Oriental (Asian). Those were the historical classifications, but the popular terms have been changed over the years.

Judaism is a religion, just as Catholicism, just at Hinduism, Buddhism, Protestantism, and Islam.

Children of friends immigrated to Israel as adults. I never heard any nonsense about DNA tests.
Are you saying that Jews aren't "white?" How does one claim NOT to be White?

I also notice that the DNA testing applies only to a small number of people who are from the Former Soviet Union (FSU). It applies under very narrow circumstances.

Genetic citizenship: DNA testing and the Israeli Law of Return DNA tests in some circumstances. While allowing for conversion there is a long history of who is and isn't via birthright. Thing is jewish people are certainly familiar with this, claiming otherwise sounds like gaslighting. No shortage of Jews claiming to be white and claiming not to be white when it suits them.
I've never fully understood why the majority of Jewish are anti. It defies logic, or at least my view of logic. I recently took a very liberal Jewish friend and his wife to the range. They enjoyed it very much and I can see them owning at some point, but they seem to be the exception.
I think quite a few people have difficulty distinguishing race from ethnicity. There are certain genetic markers that many people share from certain ethnicities.

For example a Japanese person and a Cambodian person are both considered to be of the Mongoloid race. However they share genetic differences specific to their own ethnicities that serve as subclassifications within the race as a whole. People of Norwegian ancestry, while part of the caucasoid race, share genetic similarities with other Norwegians that may be rare or absent from caucasoids of Arab descent.

Just a guess, but since traditionally those of Jewish ethnicity (Ashkenazi, Sephardi) have been rather nomadic over the last couple centurys, its been difficult to classify their ethnicity from a geographical perspective and easier to attach their ethnicity to their religion. I think this may be where the religion vs ethnic confusion starts.
Why do you think there is no logic to people hating each other?

This is the kind of stoopid shit that lefties say all the time.

If there was no logical sense to it - then why is it so prevalent?
Not logical EQUALS stoopid. Not "stupid"... Logical/not logical as in intellectually defensible, not as in "makes sense". It's just dumb to dislike an entire group based on demographics alone. Hence my statement that disliking "other" just cuz "other" is inherenntly illogical. It may be the reality or norm, but it's not logical.

I know at least one US senator who would disagree with you there, and one former NAACP official as well.
Insanity and logic are generally (not ALWAYS, just generally) incompatible. If society and culture allow insanity to be "normalized" or acceptable, that doesn't make it any more logical or sensible.

You gaslighting us bro? If Judaism isn't a race why does Israel require a DNA test to immigrate? As to Jews being woke they will ask for protections for themselves separate from rights and privileges afforded goys.
Not up on the DNA rules, but having read the rest of the thread since your post and mine and now, seems that it's a small isolated set of circumstances. Genetic characteristics and similarities do not, and SHOULD not, be the point. Hitler said 1/64 (I believe) was too much Jewish blood. Liawatha would disagree on that percentage. And again, Judais is a RELIGION, not a race. Also, see my response to H-minus for more...

I've never fully understood why the majority of Jewish are anti. It defies logic, or at least my view of logic. I recently took a very liberal Jewish friend and his wife to the range. They enjoyed it very much and I can see them owning at some point, but they seem to be the exception.
Stupid is as stupid does. I just recently offered 2 four hour range days for up to four including firearms, ammo, targets, etc to my former Temple as a donation to an auction-style fundraiser. The primary reason I was given for being rejected? Parkland and Pittsburgh. Feelings. Sensibilities. "Standing with victims". When I got the email responses I turned to Lady Radtekk and said "f***ing sheep..."

I think quite a few people have difficulty distinguishing race from ethnicity. There are certain genetic markers that many people share from certain ethnicities.

For example a Japanese person and a Cambodian person are both considered to be of the Mongoloid race. However they share genetic differences specific to their own ethnicities that serve as subclassifications within the race as a whole. People of Norwegian ancestry, while part of the caucasoid race, share genetic similarities with other Norwegians that may be rare or absent from caucasoids of Arab descent.

Just a guess, but since traditionally those of Jewish ethnicity (Ashkenazi, Sephardi) have been rather nomadic over the last couple centurys, its been difficult to classify their ethnicity from a geographical perspective and easier to attach their ethnicity to their religion. I think this may be where the religion vs ethnic confusion starts.

Italians, Greeks, Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians, Iraquis, and MOST Jews (remember, a Chinese Jew is just as "Jewish" as an Israeli Jew that can trace ancestry back 10 generations) are all RACIALLY similar, the subtype is "Semitic". Basically of Mediterranean descent. But since the Jews have been bouncing around the planet more, and longer, than any other RELIGIOUS group, there is probably more genetic difference than other cultures. Like the Asians/Mongoloids, Norwegians, etc. And be it a religion, an ethnic group, a race, a culture, whatever, stoopid knows no barriers or limitations. Bloomberg, Feinstein, Gates, Zuckerberg, Obama, Hillary and a host of others are arguably brilliant, but no less post-turtle dumb.
Italians, Greeks, Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iranians, Iraquis, and MOST Jews (remember, a Chinese Jew is just as "Jewish" as an Israeli Jew that can trace ancestry back 10 generations) are all RACIALLY similar, the subtype is "Semitic". Basically of Mediterranean descent. But since the Jews have been bouncing around the planet more, and longer, than any other RELIGIOUS group, there is probably more genetic difference than other cultures. Like the Asians/Mongoloids, Norwegians, etc. And be it a religion, an ethnic group, a race, a culture, whatever, stoopid knows no barriers or limitations. Bloomberg, Feinstein, Gates, Zuckerberg, Obama, Hillary and a host of others are arguably brilliant, but no less post-turtle dumb.

Exactly my point. I think many confuse this religion with ethnicity and believe them to be interchangeable somehow. Sort of like when a typical person imagines a Muslim they picture someone of Arabic ethnicity even though there are probably more Muslims of Southeast Asian descent than any other ethnicity combined. So in your opinion, what is the definition of Semitic? Descendants of Abraham/Isaac, those who are descendants of cultures that spoke Semitic languages (which Arabic surprisingly belongs to), or any culture that arose from the fertile crescent region?

My apologies for all the questions. I'm a bit of a nerd and find modern ties to ancient cultures fascinating.
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Exactly my point. I think many confuse this religion with ethnicity and believe them to be interchangeable somehow. Sort of like when a typical person imagines a Muslim they picture someone of Arabic ethnicity even though there are probably more Muslims of Southeast Asian descent than any other ethnicity combined. So in your opinion, what is the definition of Semitic? Descendants of Abraham/Isaac, those who are descendants of cultures that spoke Semitic languages (which Arabic surprisingly belongs to), or any culture that arose from the fertile crescent region?

My apologies for all the questions. I'm a bit of a nerd and find modern ties to ancient cultures fascinating.
I think Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country on the planet. Not exactly the "Middle East" so agreed, geography isn't necessarily deterministic of religion.

My understanding of "Semitic" is traits that include swarthy skin, dark curly hair, broader noses, "more" body hair. Stereotypical Italian/Jew/Arab/Egyptian/Greek/Sicilian, basically Mediterranean. I'm sure there's a more etymologic definition, but that's mine:)

And I think Arabic and Hebrew languages share more similarities than differences, although my linguistic skills are just as bad as my genetic and geographic ones.
Not to generalize or anything crazy like that, but most Jews are left wing idiots who have utterly forgotten history and are super anti-gun. You'd think people would learn a little bit about history, not that long ago no less. Do they think people have suddenly become enlightened around the world?
Not to generalize or anything crazy like that, but most Jews are left wing idiots who have utterly forgotten history and are super anti-gun. You'd think people would learn a little bit about history, not that long ago no less. Do they think people have suddenly become enlightened around the world?
Judging a person by the group they are part of is a leftist thing. Liberal northeast Jews do not represent the entirety of the country or the world, and even here there are many, such as myself, who live in reality. Don't confuse a loud minority with the many who just don't talk about it, while they quietly go about life armed.

Unfortunately, yes that loud group of anti-gun Jews does make the rest of us look bad.
Not to generalize or anything crazy like that, but most Jews are left wing idiots who have utterly forgotten history and are super anti-gun. You'd think people would learn a little bit about history, not that long ago no less. Do they think people have suddenly become enlightened around the world?
Unfortunately, the same could be said of those of Irish decent. Look at how many in Boston, NYC and the rest of the country are anti-gun (including a lot of my relatives). The just LOVE the gov, and want someone to protect them with more laws. Fortunately, I'm not Irish - I'm American. I'll take care of protecting myself, thank you very much.
Not to generalize or anything crazy like that, but most Jews are left wing idiots who have utterly forgotten history and are super anti-gun. You'd think people would learn a little bit about history, not that long ago no less. Do they think people have suddenly become enlightened around the world?

That's not generalizing or anything; in fact that's not even "stereotyping".
Why does anyone 'hate' Jewish people, anyway? What did they ever do to anyone to deserve e.g. Hitler's Nazis, or White Supremacist a-holes like in Pennsylvania? In particular, in the USA, I can't imagine anyone feeling 'wronged' by Jewish people.

I'm sure there's a lot of history there, but if anyone has a Cliff's Notes version, I'd appreciate it.
Forget the history. People nowadays just hate for no reason. They are just regurgitating a line of vanilla bullshit that was told to them by someone else. They can’t back it up with any sort of even semi intelligent reasoning. Look at politics for god sake. When someone says they dislike or hate a particular candidate, ask them why. “Because I just don’t like them!” ????? I’ve found the hatred for certain groups like the Jews to be no different. It baffles me because as a white catholic kid growing up I was surrounded by Jews. Some as I would call hard core and others not so much. Wonderful people. I can’t speak about their politics but they were the nicest kindest people you would ever meet. I don’t get it.
Look at politics for god sake. When someone says they dislike or hate a particular candidate, ask them why. “Because I just don’t like them!” ?????

I have quite the laundry list for why I hate Hillary Clinton. Surprisingly, none of them have anything to do with misogyny. I could write them all here but I would like to get to bed before 4 AM.
Judging a person by the group they are part of is a leftist thing. Liberal northeast Jews do not represent the entirety of the country or the world, and even here there are many, such as myself, who live in reality. Don't confuse a loud minority with the many who just don't talk about it, while they quietly go about life armed.

Unfortunately, yes that loud group of anti-gun Jews does make the rest of us look bad.

Sharing some of their ancestry myself, I have to agree that they do make us look bad, no question. I am scoffed at and looked upon with horror by my relatives if guns come up in the conversation (or most politics in general, actually). My arguments somehow don't compute with them, although they are very bright and generally perfectly capable of reasoning.
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Not to generalize or anything crazy like that, but most Jews are left wing idiots who have utterly forgotten history and are super anti-gun. You'd think people would learn a little bit about history, not that long ago no less. Do they think people have suddenly become enlightened around the world?
I read somewhere the Rabbi at the Pittsburgh synagogue rejected a suggestion of armed security.
NYC and NY State is launching essentially a pogrom against the Orthodox community on top of looking the other way after multiple serial assaults in various communities against the Orthodox community. So needless to say what had be a rock solid (D) vote is now rocking Trump flags. The Woke DNC treats its base worse than the RNC used to treat its base pre-Trump and it is finally catching up to them.
It's a matter of demographics. The Jewish vote is minuscule compared to other groups. The Democrats like the donations the Jewish voters give, but that's about it. If every Jew in America voted Republican, it wouldn't change even one major election.

NYC and NY State is launching essentially a pogrom against the Orthodox community on top of looking the other way after multiple serial assaults in various communities against the Orthodox community. So needless to say what had be a rock solid (D) vote is now rocking Trump flags. The Woke DNC treats its base worse than the RNC used to treat its base pre-Trump and it is finally catching up to them.
If Bari is just realizing this now, she's stupid. It's been going on for at least 15 years, if not more. NYU just settled a law suit by a student who charged them with blatant anti Semitism. A friend of mine's niece went to BU and the anti Semitism there was open to the extent that she was in fear of physical harm.

There has been NO President in US history that has been friendlier to Israel than President Trump.

Yet, most American Jews will vote for Joe Biden. The same sort of people who thought that Hitler was just talking and didn't mean what he said. The should remember that at the beginning of the 20th Century the most welcoming European country to the Jews was Germany. They were considered Germans that just happened to be Jews.

How did that work out for them?

Interesting article... She doesn't like Trump, but she does make many other interesting points. So will Jews still vote overwhelmingly for Democrats?

NYC and NY State is launching essentially a pogrom against the Orthodox community on top of looking the other way after multiple serial assaults in various communities against the Orthodox community. So needless to say what had be a rock solid (D) vote is now rocking Trump flags. The Woke DNC treats its base worse than the RNC used to treat its base pre-Trump and it is finally catching up to them.
There is such trend in existence and it’s been brewing since 2016 presidency.
It is extremely dumb for dems to underestimate power of orthodox Jewish community.
Orthodox Jews vote overwhelmingly for Republicans. The problem is that they are only a small portion of the total Jewish population. Right now, the Reform movement is the largest and it's very Leftist in it's nature. Lot's of anti conservative sermons coming from those alters. Lots of "woke" SJW activity as well. Not so much religion, though.

I've referred to just about every Reform synagogue I've ever been in as "Our Lady of Moses."

True but they will still vote Democrat. It's mind blowing.
Interesting article... She doesn't like Trump, but she does make many other interesting points. So will Jews still vote overwhelmingly for Democrats?

Yes. There are a lot of people who will vote for Democrats out of habit or what that party seemed to be 50 years ago or JFK nostalgia or TDS. They can't or won't see what their party has become, the political face of Antifa.
Tablet Mag and The Forward have been publishing pro-Trump articles lately. Jeremy Corbin, the Squad, Antifa on campus, and what's happening in NYS/NYC is causing them revaluate their political bedfellows.

Trump has figured how to make non-pandering plays for what have been safe identity group voter bases for the DNC which the DNC has taken for granted. It has the DNC in a panic, because if it continues they are going to have to compete in ways they aren't used to.
Orthodox Jews vote overwhelmingly for Republicans. The problem is that they are only a small portion of the total Jewish population. Right now, the Reform movement is the largest and it's very Leftist in it's nature. Lot's of anti conservative sermons coming from those alters. Lots of "woke" SJW activity as well. Not so much religion, though.

I've referred to just about every Reform synagogue I've ever been in as "Our Lady of Moses."

That is changing rapidly. Reform and liberal Jews often push intermarriage thus future generations get further and further outside of the Jewish fold. However, the identity as Jewish in these circles is seen more as a political and personal identity rather than a national/ethnic/religious one. Nonetheless the birthrates of Orthodox Jewish families are skyrocketing compared to more secular and reform families.
I get so angry when I see photos of what the Germans and other countries did during WWII to the Jewish people.
You think to yourself, how could anyone of Jewish faith ever conceive that being disarmed or helpless to defend yourself as being good for anyone?
Is it that they have forgotten or just don't want to admit that they were targeted for extermination?
Either is a sad day in these times where we protect history so that others won't forget man's capabilities.

When I hear of a politician say that we need more laws that either restrict or do away with the individual right of self protection.
I can't help but think of Luke 22:36, where Jesus tells his disciples, “And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.”
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