Is Trump becoming a Liberal? (Blaming race and video games for Mass Shootings)

Muscle cars are alive and well sir, the new Shelby GT500 is simply a sexy lady that I want to get to know ;). Lord all mighty.


Mustang's a pony car, not a muscle car
I said this in another thread but Trump has one main goal during his tenure and that is immigration reform. He'll move on anything else if he can get this across the line, including our gun rights. Every President has that one thing he strives to achieve. While I think his base is largely pro gun and he may not go full retard on gun control, I'm betting there is a certain tolerance for gun control he's willing to go with.

The one thing I like in his speech was the need for better mental health coverage in this country and specifically his statement that people pull the trigger, not the gun. Not sure if that has legs or not, but it's an interesting statement.

I think Trump is assuming that immigration reform can be bundled with gun control so he can have "a win". But here's where Trump made a math error. He is not counting on Nancy Pelosi would deliver. Do you think for a second that she is going to hand Trump his immigration win? It's going to be a watered down mess to make it through congress and in the end Trump's wall will be 5 miles long except for a new 10 lane highway specially built for human traffickers who will be able to cross the border unimpeded. In the final analysis Trumps decision to sign the new law will in retrospect be viewed extremely negatively.

Over the last few years I have evolved into a single issue voter and that's where I stand. If I can have this particular right kept safe from republicans then they don't deserve my vote and that includes Trump. If asked for advice from someone I would suggest to vote for someone else.

One last thing if Trump signs any new red flag laws and shows up to give his rah rah speech at the next NRA convention then I am done for life with the NRA. They can stick it where the sun doesn't shine. In fact I'll gladly give up my range membership if I have to and go find a new club to belong to that doesn't require NRA membership to join.
I think Trump is assuming that immigration reform can be bundled with gun control so he can have "a win". But here's where Trump made a math error. He is not counting on Nancy Pelosi would deliver. Do you think for a second that she is going to hand Trump his immigration win? It's going to be a watered down mess to make it through congress and in the end Trump's wall will be 5 miles long except for a new 10 lane highway specially built for human traffickers who will be able to cross the border unimpeded. In the final analysis Trumps decision to sign the new law will in retrospect be viewed extremely negatively.

Over the last few years I have evolved into a single issue voter and that's where I stand. If I can have this particular right kept safe from republicans then they don't deserve my vote and that includes Trump. If asked for advice from someone I would suggest to vote for someone else.

One last thing if Trump signs any new red flag laws and shows up to give his rah rah speech at the next NRA convention then I am done for life with the NRA. They can stick it where the sun doesn't shine. In fact I'll gladly give up my range membership if I have to and go find a new club to belong to that doesn't require NRA membership to join.
Finding a club w/o NRA membership requirements is easy but you might have to drive a little.
He's a democrat of the 90's who didn't keep marching left with the rest of the party. That he's supposed to be some rightwing extremist is both laughable and sad.
Oh,killy games. Rather spend my time and money on guns and ammo.
Trump is playing the game. His BS about red flag is more disturbing than some pimple poppers video war games. Maybe if he bans violent vid games well see real muscle cars again instead of roller skates with no exhaust.

We'd be so much better off for it. Lower teen pregnancy, lower drug use, who can afford those things when you have a muscle car as a teen?
99% of what Trump says is blathering. But the scary thing - even for a supporter - is you don't know which part is the 1%.
By the time Trump gets through adding all of the Mexican border and border jumper things that he wants into the mix, the dems wont agree and he'll blame the dems for shooting down his gun control proposal.
Blaming video games is not the same as trying to censor video games. I definitely believe certain video games help mass shooters perform their acts. This is mentioned in the book Generation Kill, how Marine Corp instructors said most WWII 18 year olds struggled to pull the trigger on other human beings and were shocked by the results when they did. They observed how games like Call of Duty allowed modern kids to pull the trigger without hesitation.

Games like GTA allow these kids to act out their mass murder in simulation with great detail, and gory games allow them to mentally prepare themselves for the resulting carnage.

The hard part is what to do about it. IMO the best thing is to shine a light on the issue. Government Censorship is not the answer. Unfortunately the news media won't mention video games in relation to mass shootings because they're owned by the same companies selling the games.

I think that's for the most part untrue. Media outlets have very heavily blamed video games for mass murder in the past, especially directly following Columbine if I remember correctly. Mothers against gaming bullshit went all the way to the supreme court and was laughed out because of the obvious and free speech was restored. Video games make you kill as much as Scarface makes you distribute cocaine. And it certainly doesn't make it any easier to kill. They pull the trigger with no hesitation because it's a video game and their are no consequences or morals to abide by with fictional digital people. Most soldiers have no hesitation in killing because you simply can't unless you want to die. Doesn't mean they don't feel morally bad for doing it. With mentally ill people this type of moral compass is skewed and maybe they can imitate the actions in real life with no sense of guilt. But thats a small sub set of the reality of people who do have common sense and morals. So you can't punish the many for the actions of the few. It's like taking away your guns because of the killers. Same wrong idealogy.

Charles Manson blamed the beatles for his bullshit, Bundy blamed porn. Then it was Kiss, then it was Marylyn Manson, Now it's video games and hip hop. Anything but taking self accountability in their actions. It's always blame the gun, blame that troubling hip hop music. Blame poverty. Blame a ghost. I say blame the actual causes. Like the liberals and their incessant need to spread propaganda to villainize one half of the population as these hateful bigots who hate spanish and blacks causing this divide and mind set in people that it's a fight or flight society where one side wants to kill the other in a society being overrun by a tyranny and politicians who rather divide further for votes then try to compromise in the least at the sake of their campaign. And secondly blame our broken educational and medical systems that let troubled mentally Ill people fall through the cracks and hand out adderall to kids like it's candy instead of fixing the underlying causes.

I mean Look at the Vegas Shooter for example, dude was some bald 50 year old man that looked like the guy from Pawn Stars that never played games a day in his life. But he could easily blame something like movies or porn. Doesn't mean it has any footing.

I agree with you that light should be shined on the issue so parents can govern what their children watch and play. But parents should know this already in 2019. I do think government censorship is the way of the communist.
Thank you everyone for sharing your thoughts :). What I have taken from the discussion is my main error was assuming Donald Trump was a staunch conservative in the first place. It seems he's in the middle and leans right. But he's not the 2nd loving, amendment protecting god I thought him to be. Which is fine. I assume he's still a better leader then Bernie Sandbag or especially Chief Lying Bitch from the Wompanoag tribe.
I think people need to realize that Trump probably doesn’t really care one way or another about MOST issues including guns. He is all about winning, whatever it takes. He’s not beyond lowering himself to win. As such, he’s subject to the whims of whoever is whispering in his ear at a given time if he thinks he can gain an advantage by it.

Yeah, I think you're right unfortunately. The man has such a immense competitive drive that I think the sole reason he even ran was to prove he could. And the sole reason he's trying to build the wall is because he seen 3 people fail in doing so and wants to just win. He's a winner in life. I give him that. But I do question how emotionally invested he actually is in some of the issues at hand or if he just says things to win at this point.

I honestly feel this was just a pander to try to swing left votes his way. He knows if he even gets 10 percent of the left on board he'll win by a landslide. But I think he needs to be careful that he doesn't lose a chunk of the right wingers in the proccess.
LOL that would be some epic trolling. Trump: "We should immediately confiscate, by force if necessary, every single firearm within our borders. Even black powder rifles are capable killing machines, so they must go too." Liberal heads would explode! Oh wait, conservative heads would explode too...

If it came to that, the heads of the poor bastards that would have to go around confiscating would explode too.
The point with the video games is those damn kids never left their house to see what reality was. So yes, addicted to video games is certainly a large reason of the pussy generation we have now, and the lack of parental guidance also contributes to the problems we now see
I don’t know WTF any of you or anyone else in the country expects him to say when he is facing live TV after 2 horrific deadly shootings, take it for what it is and that’s lip service to the nation, I promise you he has already forgotten about the gun control bullshit and like everything else that is said by him and other politicians it dont mean shit because half the country is out to get him and is going to try and stick it up his ass anyway they can. Stop getting excited and just vote for the guy next year.
Yeah, I think you're right unfortunately. The man has such a immense competitive drive that I think the sole reason he even ran was to prove he could. And the sole reason he's trying to build the wall is because he seen 3 people fail in doing so and wants to just win. He's a winner in life. I give him that. But I do question how emotionally invested he actually is in some of the issues at hand or if he just says things to win at this point.

I honestly feel this was just a pander to try to swing left votes his way. He knows if he even gets 10 percent of the left on board he'll win by a landslide. But I think he needs to be careful that he doesn't lose a chunk of the right wingers in the proccess.
I don’t care why he’s doing it. He’s turned this country around from what obama did to it. Damn right I’m voting for him again. No president will ever be elected if they lean to far left or right.
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