Is it too late to dump our guns?

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So you sell your ARs at exorbitant prices during 2A panics and then buy them back after the market price has gone down, all so you can wait until the next travesty and sell them again and repeat the process? Doing this with AKs would be a lot harder, but aside from that the whole act just seems exhausting...all to make like 50% back? I get it, capitalism and free market and all, but don’t you ever want to just stick to your guns and train hard with them and become adept enough to defend yourself, family and innocent samaritans in the event of an attack or other danger? Maybe you should buy a DSI fixed mag AR and leave the big guns for the real men and women who value 2A and are governed by principles beyond making a strange dollar.
OP is a clowm. He probably made $100 and thinks that is a good deal.

If he knew what he was doing, he would be doing it instead of posting some stupid question.
That's the question is it better now or wait till after? If I sell now an make a tidy profit an Trump wins I can replace at half the cost. If he loses then then the prices could go really sky high and who cares because they'll probably get banned.
Got here and can't read this cr@p from OP anymore. What a profiteering little bitch you are. Walesa must be turning in his grave at sharing your heritage. I bet the Polish cavalry that charged German WWII tanks on horses knowing they were going to die might have an opinion as well.

I wouldn't buy your guns from you if I had "Trump" money. You obviously have no concept of honor, therefore I feel no compulsion to treat you with anything approaching respect. I'd take a "vacation" for telling you what an worthless POS you are as a badge of honor.

"How should best I profiteer on people on a bad situation?" The level of scum-baggery required to even CONTEMPLATE that question makes one so beneath contempt you'd need a ladder to get high enough to stretch out and STILL miss scratching the underside of a snake. Jackass.

Oh, and an original meaning of "scumbag" was essentially "condom" as ejaculate was referred to as scum.
The trouble with trangressive contrarian posts
is that they get so long that, when events resolve
to show the OP's thesis was epically wrong,
it's too tedious to go back and savor the lossage.

Never too early! Liquor reveals the truth!
Be the ball; be the ball, Danny.
(Bet some of you thought I was gonna quote Mr. Lahey).

This time could be different. are you all gonna sit on all that money? If they all get banned ,are you gonna hide in your basement looking at them? I think not. The trick is when to sell.
You have plans for what you're gonna do when they get around to
taxing the assets in your bank account?

Please don't go with that " from my cold dead fingers" thing. Nobody is gonna die for their AR15.

Meh. Just ring your property with pallets and shopping carts, throw all your trash in the driveway and call it a CHAZ.

Anyone want to buy a WASR and a stack of preban Pmags? $2000 firm
I thought on first read that offered "... and a stack of protein bars".

Damned CVS cheater glasses.
I regret almost everything that I have sold... and a bunch of stuff that I have could bought that I didn’t that is now way more valuable or near impossible to get...
I will add my 2 cents, didn't read all the posts so someone may have beat me to it. Highly unlikely that you will see gun confiscation, last I checked this is America and most of us are not willing to give up without a fight. If you think that there would be another civil war, think again! Most military and law enforcement take an oath to uphold the constitution and it's amendments, unlike our two faced politicians who take the same oath and then go against it as it suits there needs and financial gains. Now let me ask you this, if you were in the military or in law enforcement. would you go to a fellow americans door to take away one of his freedoms that he may have fought for? To me that is SUICIDE. Those are just my thoughts, I am in my sixties now so I doubt I will ever see it. You younger folks better do something about it now if you want to keep them for future generations.
I find it interesting that nobody has a real opinion on when to sell, Most of you are from the New England area and have had your second amendment rights completely squashed and nobody even protest. but now tell themselves they will never sell their guns.

The reason MA has been screwed around is not because of presidents elected but the local politicians like MH and the rino gubbenor thats been elected as well as the prior turd in a suit Deval and not the president of the US.

These people have been running almost unopposed for years and continue to get re-elected regardless of how bad they are because even when they do have someone in their own party running against them they are just as bad or worse like Kennedy and Malarky. The state is full of opportunist along with places in the NE region. There is also a ton of liberal democratic money flowing into MA to make sure they keep the foothold especially because of NH, ME and to some degree even now VT.

At some point the state will bleed out with the gimme groups and falling taxes that are becoming unsustainable. I would suggest you also show support for your preferred candidates with green backs as you can like to other parties trough does.

As others have said, I almost never sold a pistol or rifle that I don't still miss to this day and I never considered rendering myself gunfenssless on purpose.
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You have a fundamental difference opinion than almost everyone else here. You believe guns are money, we believe guns are tools.

And while I have sold a few in these times at a nice profit, they were all duplicates or ones that were never used. So I have replacement tools... I will not sell my ammo though.
That's the same attitude that the Australians and British have. Oh well these guns were smashing to have but the gov. wants them back. If you want to sell them "back" then go ahead. I'm not going to make threats on a public forum but there not getting my stuff.

We were watching a British detective show, and a kid was murdered, and the mom wanted to see her son's body, but the cop is like "nope, we are investigating, come back in a week." Talk about a population that gave up all their rights.
At some point the state will bleed out with the gimme groups and falling taxes that are becoming unsustainable.
That is gonna hit Mass. way sooner than anyone can imagine.

It's a political monoculture
where the ruling party's pols pretends to give
Other Peoples' Money to the residents on the Teat,
but is more concerned with hiring friends and family into the hackorama.

How they gonna keep the Voters down on the Vote Plantation
when businesses fold, or flee to low-overhead flyover country,
and the pols run out of Other Peoples' Money?

Imagine a Boston Herald headline,
"Trump to Hub: Drop Dead".
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I find it interesting that nobody has a real opinion on when to sell,

Sell when the money you receive is more valuable than to you than your firearm. Simple as that. But here's something to think about -- when was the last time that the price of anything went DOWN after the government banned it?

This is a fundamental flaw and grave oversight of the otherwise brilliant plan of the founders.

For a law to be passed, prior to being signed by the POTUS it should have to be reviewed by the judiciary. Maybe each justice gets a few extra clerks and then all those clerks form a committee to review new laws or something.

Those same founders started passing unconstitutional laws almost immediately after putting that "brilliant plan" in place, and that plan ended in civil war after less than 75 years. But do you really want your government run by unelected clerks more than it is already?
Throw this into the mix on this clown's thinking process. This was sent to me.

Would you vote for COMMUNISUM?

Whether or not you realize it, you are being subjected to COMMUNISTS RULE right now under the untasteful leadership of Barrack OBAMA ever since President Trump won the election.

Obama has a task force in operation that is slowly destroying our AMERICA as we have loved it since we fought for it back in the 1700's.

Obama created the ISIS which rampaged through other Country's destroying its history and tearing down Historical Monuments and eliminating local LAW & Order. He has followed this same plan here in AMERICA and has gone almost unopposed. He has freed PRISONERS from the prisons to build his Army of destruction and is being guided and funded by no other than George Soros.
Corvid-19 is just part of his plan, as well as the disbanding of Law Enforcement, the disruption of the work force, the restraints put out on our Religious practice and most of all the disruption of our Government. You are living under OBAMA's COMMUNIST CONTROL master plan.

Even if President TRUMP wins this 2020 election, this pattern of destruction will continue unless WE THE PEOPLE rise up and put a STOP to OBAMA's PLAN.

Just listen to the many WARNINGS that are coming from the Citizens of VENEZEULA, hear their cries, feel their pain and their heart throbs. Venezuela is just one Country there are many others. Know that the same COMMUNIST PLAN is being carried out here in AMERICA by OBAMA.

Our MILITARY men and women are being killed in other Country's fighting for that Country's FREEDOM while we sit here at home with blindfolds on nice and comfy while our UNPATROITC SPORTS scum bags make a mockery of our AMERICAN FLAG and our NATIONAL ANTHEM.

We THE PEOPLE can do something just like we did back in the 1700's. We have the firearms now to do it. Is it worth the risks, the lives that will be lost? Only you can answer this question for yourself. I know where I stand, WITH AMERICA, and PRESIDENT TRUMP.
I don't necessarily disagree, but remember that the whole concept of judicial review only dates from Marbury v. Madison. The Constitution says nothing about it at all. It's been awhile since I read the Federalist Papers, but I don't think the Founders ever intended for SCOTUS to have any right to overturn laws, or even to consider them.

I think they thought that a Congress who passed an unconstitutional law would simply get voted out by our country's motivated and well-informed electorate...[rolleyes]

This was the plan. THE people, via ballot box and ammo can, are the law review.

What they missed, was providing a greater assurance that those in the three branches of government would be able to influence the power of the people to be the review on law.

We are the fourth branch of government. Not some shadow society behind the skirts.
Got here and can't read this cr@p from OP anymore. What a profiteering little bitch you are. Walesa must be turning in his grave at sharing your heritage. I bet the Polish cavalry that charged German WWII tanks on horses knowing they were going to die might have an opinion as well.

I wouldn't buy your guns from you if I had "Trump" money. You obviously have no concept of honor, therefore I feel no compulsion to treat you with anything approaching respect. I'd take a "vacation" for telling you what an worthless POS you are as a badge of honor.

"How should best I profiteer on people on a bad situation?" The level of scum-baggery required to even CONTEMPLATE that question makes one so beneath contempt you'd need a ladder to get high enough to stretch out and STILL miss scratching the underside of a snake. Jackass.

Oh, and an original meaning of "scumbag" was essentially "condom" as ejaculate was referred to as scum.


The marxist poison which attempts to push a false ethical narrative to capitalist behavior seeps into the thin-skinned, and this poison's effective transformation on capitalists' thought process is concerning. Consider putting some effort into identifying these evil marxist narratives, and refrain from applying a moral perspective to any sale of non-essential goods by default.
I find it interesting that nobody has a real opinion on when to sell, Most of you are from the New England area and have had your second amendment rights completely squashed and nobody even protest. but now tell themselves they will never sell their guns.

Thats because we won't.
The revolution started after England made gun ownership illegal. The colonists didn't bend over and take it, they said "yeah no, f*** you sir".

That philosophy still runs deep up here.
Now that it seems that Trump will lose the election ,should we sell our ARs and AKs and other semi autos for what seems like top dollar now or wait till Uncle Joe comes up with some half ass gun laws and they will be worth even more with the last great panick buy . Ammo is non existent now or at least unaffordable. Its only gonna get worst so will anybody even want to buy them. If he wants registration that only leads to future confiscation which means we get nothing for them. A gun buy back will only get us maybe 10 cents on the dollar. I'm not burying them in my backyard ,as that's just stupid, Nobody is going to start a civil war. as with recent history has shown. the balloon has already gone up and nobody accept BLM has any balls to do anything. So I ask. Dump them now or wait?

Based on the title, I thought you were looking for a canoe to borrow.

If you want realistic stats on what's going to happen, take a look at NY post full commie ban activity. Do the registration / dump numbers match prior ownership numbers? Nope. CA banned a laundry list of firearms. What happened there?

As far as BLM having balls go, you seem to be giving credence to what has become more a patsy surrogate for commies than a sincere movement. Sure there are some true believers, but mostly it's a collection of useful idiots who are funded and supported by deep-pocketed outside influences, internet stoked by foreign enemies, and coddled by cities and states already lost to commie influence. Balls my ass- more like a mindless jar of ants shaken until angry enough to destroy their own communities. If they have balls, why are we not seeing them engage the denizens of 'red' communities???

By the way, it's 'except' not 'accept'. You should have learned this last year in your 6th grade classes.
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