Is it time to Repeal The 2ND Amendment? Michael Moore says so

Anachro-communist??? So they want to do anything they want but you have to follow 5 billion rules? That’s socialism. Lol
Technically, Socialism is a fiscal system that leads to an ideal communism. Anarchism argues that there are no leaders because they'll implement a perfect democracy.

They all sound great to people who have the privilege of living in a world where they don't really have to work...
It's time to repeal shitty school designs (security-wise) and inadequate armed protection at schools. There should be standards for design, access, security/surveillance systems, etc. that are integrated into all school designs without making them prison-like, I firmly believe it can be done. This instead of individual committees/town/cities guiding architects/engineers on how pretty/unique they want their schools to look - they can still be unique but have the required design elements to make them secure.

I agree with you.. But judging by the level of pussy the police demonstrated failing to save the kids at the last horror show I have a little faith in anybody. But at the same time I’m pretty sure every officer in my local town wouldn’t even be that big of a c***.. And I don’t even like them.

In order to get a good armed security jobs at hospitals and schools your gonna be one of those guys who likes it in the butt, identifies as something other then what you are and takes their Covid shot..

At least 60% of these jobs require vaccination and other bullshit which is basically A 10O% hundred percent requirement that you’re a pussy.

We’d be better off arming the teachers and students depending on age.

I know the left will say “blood in the streets, blood in our schools”,; but that is already a fact of life, But it’s simple math if there is an accident discharge or a student shoots another student it’s not likely they’re still going to go on a warpath and kill 50 people.
Technically, Socialism is a fiscal system that leads to an ideal communism. Anarchism argues that there are no leaders because they'll implement a perfect democracy.

They all sound great to people who have the privilege of living in a world where they don't really have to work...

It sounds even better to three or four guys who make millions by having "fans" watch them play and buy their albums. All for me and none for thee! F them all.

Freakanomics was doing a 10-year-later interview of economists and their kids. Highlight are these two economists and their now 12yo petulant daughter. She's a capital-C for sure. I mean, a total douchecanoe. I can't imagine thinking, "this will be good for her - to act like a turd on one of the largest podcasts in America." ?????

She's not convinced capitalism works. That the market economy doesn't act fairly. (Same old Commie argument - if you take everything from the rich, the rich will STILL work hard b/c the $ is just an unintended byproduct of their enjoyment of work. Ergo, they'll still produce, but you'll have all of their wealth to redistribute. You know, that same thing that failed in country after country after country for the last 120 years?)

I'd kick her out on her sorry ass and have her figure out if the market economy works or not. LOL.

A few hundred people have died in the past hundred years due to mass shootings. Some of those were kids and all were tragic and senseless, but we're talking about a relative handful of sensationalized incidents.

Where's the love for the carnage caused by drunk drivers? Shouldn't we be banning automobiles to prevent drunks from killing our kids?
A few hundred people have died in the past hundred years due to mass shootings. Some of those were kids and all were tragic and senseless, but we're talking about a relative handful of sensationalized incidents.

Where's the love for the carnage caused by drunk drivers? Shouldn't we be banning automobiles to prevent drunks from killing our kids?
Nah, cars were designed for transportation. The Assault-Riffffle Fifteen was designed to murder children.
Nah, cars were designed for transportation. The Assault-Riffffle Fifteen was designed to murder children.

The AR-15 was designed by Armalite for 15 year old boys to be able to hunt varmints like squirrels or coyotes, bringing home food for the family table and providing safety for the family's chickens and livestock.

The design was essentially stolen from Armalite by the Army and modified to become an inexpensive, lightweight commie killer.

1,809 people have been killed in mass shootings since 1920, even classifying mass shootings by the libs interpretation.

We lose 10k-11k people to drunk drivers every year. That's perhaps one MILLION deaths over the same time span. That's more deaths due to drunk drivers than have occured in all wars in mankind's entire history. (source: here)
The AR-15 was designed by Armalite for 15 year old boys to be able to hunt varmints like squirrels or coyotes, bringing home food for the family table and providing safety for the family's chickens and livestock.

The design was essentially stolen from Armalite by the Army and modified to become an inexpensive, lightweight commie killer.

1,809 people have been killed in mass shootings since 1920, even classifying mass shootings by the libs interpretation.

We lose 10k-11k people to drunk drivers every year. That's perhaps one MILLION deaths over the same time span. That's more deaths due to drunk drivers than have occured in all wars in mankind's entire history. (source: here)

Just to be clear, that's an average of 18 dead annually from mass shootings compared to over TEN THOUSAND dead annually from drunk driving.

I think it's clear that guns are the real problem here...
Just to be clear, that's an average of 18 dead annually from mass shootings compared to over TEN THOUSAND dead annually from drunk driving.

I think it's clear that guns are the real problem here...
Well the government tried to ban drinking one time. They ended up banning tommy guns instead.
Well the government tried to ban drinking one time. They ended up banning tommy guns instead.

They regulated tommy guns, imposing a then unattainable tax burden ($200).

If they attempt an outright ban of guns they'll create an instant black market that will create millionaires, dealing guns to the public, just like they did with booze back then.

That would also probably spark off that revolution they claim to be so worried about.
It sounds even better to three or four guys who make millions by having "fans" watch them play and buy their albums. All for me and none for thee! F them all.

Freakanomics was doing a 10-year-later interview of economists and their kids. Highlight are these two economists and their now 12yo petulant daughter. She's a capital-C for sure. I mean, a total douchecanoe. I can't imagine thinking, "this will be good for her - to act like a turd on one of the largest podcasts in America." ?????

She's not convinced capitalism works. That the market economy doesn't act fairly. (Same old Commie argument - if you take everything from the rich, the rich will STILL work hard b/c the $ is just an unintended byproduct of their enjoyment of work. Ergo, they'll still produce, but you'll have all of their wealth to redistribute. You know, that same thing that failed in country after country after country for the last 120 years?)

I'd kick her out on her sorry ass and have her figure out if the market economy works or not. LOL.
1) I think we're agreed here.
2) to be fair, they forced their promoters to keep prices down for the first 20 years and refused to let them sell t-shirts above a certain price at shows. A little credit is due for trying to walk their talk. Of course, they've left all that behind by now.
3) SPOILERS!!! I was about to listen to that podcast today. Jerk. [rofl]
Sorry. I've had a hard time listening lately. Dubby is just letting his personal feelings through. And this kid - what a complete tool. I'm sure the parents think it's cute. But when she's 25 and commits suicide because she can't make friends, then what? (His 3-parter on Crypto - he SO wants Crypto to work. . . . but he's not sure why. Hence he downplayed the people explaining that it's all bigger-fool theory. I think I listened to 1.75 of the 3 episodes.)

RATM - So they were controlling prices so others couldn't make a buck? [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

Got it!

I liked the good old days when you'd go to the Garden to a show and buy the concert T from a dude on Causeway St. Sort of like buying a Sauzij'n'peppiz and a PAPER bag of peanuts outside of Fenway before a game. Now it's all centralized.
You laugh. I had a client very proudly tell me his dad turned in his guns to the police so no one would die. Ummmmm,whah????? I had to sit there with a straight face and nod at the right moments.
Should have turned it around and asked him to move on because he was making you very uncomfortable talking about guns like that.
Let him guess what you meant
Sorry. I've had a hard time listening lately. Dubby is just letting his personal feelings through. And this kid - what a complete tool. I'm sure the parents think it's cute. But when she's 25 and commits suicide because she can't make friends, then what? (His 3-parter on Crypto - he SO wants Crypto to work. . . . but he's not sure why. Hence he downplayed the people explaining that it's all bigger-fool theory. I think I listened to 1.75 of the 3 episodes.)
I half-listened to the crypto series, so it sounds like between the two of us we hear the whole thing. I have a similar read.
RATM - So they were controlling prices so others couldn't make a buck? [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
Basically. In effect, they applied price control to their own product in the theory it would be more available for their customers. It seems to have worked out for them well enough. The irony is that now their long-time fans are like "remember when they forced venues to keep ticket prices 'reasonable'? That was pretty cool; shame they stopped."

At least Maynard was honest: "I sold out long before you'd ever heard my name"
So tell me again why I should waste a single second of my limited time on earth listening to some has-been hack who rocks himself to sleep trying to get out of bed in the morning?
So tell me again why I should waste a single second of my limited time on earth listening to some has-been hack who rocks himself to sleep trying to get out of bed in the morning?
With everyone else dropping dead of heart attacks these days why is this fat, grotesque looking fuk still breathing?
Technically, Socialism is a fiscal system that leads to an ideal communism. Anarchism argues that there are no leaders because they'll implement a perfect democracy.

They all sound great to people who have the privilege of living in a world where they don't really have to work...
Anarchism is great when you’re young and seek to demolish all hierarchies and denounce all justifications for authority. It is not truly a push for a democracy in the modern understanding of it, as an elected hierarchy to represent electorate.

Anyway, an empty talk.
For shits and giggles.


The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection.

All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check.

Those who meet all the requirements for the restricted gun owners groups and successfully pass the background check must take a firearms safety class and pass a written test on an annual basis.

The minimum age for the restricted groups who can own a firearm is 25 years old. Renewal and review of the firearms license will occur on an annual basis.

Congress will stipulate and continually update the limited list of approved firearms for civilian use, including weapons in the future that are not yet invented. The following firearms are heretofore banned:

• All automatic and semi-automatic weapons and all devices which can enable a single-shot gun to fire automatically or semi-automatically;

• Any weapon that can hold more than six bullets or rounds at a time or any magazine that holds more than six bullets;

• All guns made of plastic or any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life.

Congress shall regulate all ammunition, capacity of ammunition, the storage of guns, gun locks, gun sights, body armor and the sale and distribution of such items. No weapons of any kind whose sole intention is the premeditated elimination of human life are considered legal. Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the “right” to own any weapon.

Police who are trained and vetted to use firearms shall be subject to comprehensive and continuous monitoring and shall be dismissed if found to exhibit any racist or violent behavior.

Persons already owning any of the above banned firearms, and who do not fall into the legal groups of restricted firearms owners, will have one month from the ratification of this Amendment to turn in their firearms for destruction by local law enforcement. These local authorities may organize a gun buy-back program to assist in this effort.
(The above constitutional amendment was written by Michael Moore of Michigan and presented to the 117th United States Congress on July 11, 2022)
For shits and giggles.


The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection.

All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check.

Those who meet all the requirements for the restricted gun owners groups and successfully pass the background check must take a firearms safety class and pass a written test on an annual basis.

The minimum age for the restricted groups who can own a firearm is 25 years old. Renewal and review of the firearms license will occur on an annual basis.

Congress will stipulate and continually update the limited list of approved firearms for civilian use, including weapons in the future that are not yet invented. The following firearms are heretofore banned:

• All automatic and semi-automatic weapons and all devices which can enable a single-shot gun to fire automatically or semi-automatically;

• Any weapon that can hold more than six bullets or rounds at a time or any magazine that holds more than six bullets;

• All guns made of plastic or any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life.

Congress shall regulate all ammunition, capacity of ammunition, the storage of guns, gun locks, gun sights, body armor and the sale and distribution of such items. No weapons of any kind whose sole intention is the premeditated elimination of human life are considered legal. Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the “right” to own any weapon.

Police who are trained and vetted to use firearms shall be subject to comprehensive and continuous monitoring and shall be dismissed if found to exhibit any racist or violent behavior.

Persons already owning any of the above banned firearms, and who do not fall into the legal groups of restricted firearms owners, will have one month from the ratification of this Amendment to turn in their firearms for destruction by local law enforcement. These local authorities may organize a gun buy-back program to assist in this effort.
(The above constitutional amendment was written by Michael Moore of Michigan and presented to the 117th United States Congress on July 11, 2022)
Seriously, f*** this dude. He can suck my just below average Portuguese choriço. Just move to Canada already you lard-ass.
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