Ionia kindergartner suspended for making gun with hand


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Ionia kindergartner suspended for making gun with hand
By Brian McVicar The Grand Rapids Press
March 04, 2010, 10:39PM
IONIA -- To the little boy's mother, it was just a 6-year-old boy playing around.
But when Mason Jammer, a kindergarten student at Jefferson Elementary in Ionia, curled his fist into the shape of a gun Wednesday and pointed it at another student, school officials said it was no laughing matter.
They suspended Mason until Friday, saying the behavior made other students uncomfortable, said Erin Jammer, Mason's mother.
School officials allege Mason had displayed this kind of behavior for several months, despite numerous warnings.
"I do think it's too harsh for a six-year-old," said Jammer, who was previously warned that if Mason continued the practice he would be suspended. "He's six and he just likes to play."
Jammer says her son isn't violent, and there are other, more effective ways of teaching him not to make a gun with his hand.
"Maybe what you could do is take his recess away," suggested Jammer, adding her son doesn't have toy guns at home.
"He's only six and he doesn't understand any of this."

Next time don't use a handgun. Just give them the devil horns. You might get in double the trouble because that might be a double barrel.

Or, make up your own secret weapon. The "Death Pinky".
I am so F-ing sick of seeing threads like these. When is this "zero tolerance" shit going to stop.
If the kid had farted and made the other students "uncomfortable" would they suspend him for that too?
Easy solution, make the kid wear boxing gloves in school for a week, that'll make him stop.


A friend of mine made his own son wear boxing gloves for a week once, to break him of another bad habit.
Failure on so many levels. What they should do is create a backstop or have a field trip to a range, buy some single shot .22 marlins and teach the kids how to shoot safely. De-mystify guns.

Part 2 is to let the kid make a friggin gun with his hand, understanding that a kids fist is not capable of firing rounds and playing is how kids develop a sense of these things.
Zero tolerance is zero brain by school officials. It is led by the biggest pussies in the nation - the NEA. They pussify all students as they brainwash them with their liberal agenda - including anti-2A.
Yesterday one of my third graders sketched out a very detailed picture of a rifle on the back of his work sheet, and labled it "AK-47". It actually came out pretty nice.
I can sympathize with this kid. There were times when I was his age and I didn't have a toy gun, so I had to make do with the pointed finger and appropriate sound effects. Oh, wait, they punished the kid for being creative. I'm glad they nipped this in the bud. The next thing you know, the kid might have gone on to play war, or cops and robbers. God forbid that this little boy act like...a little boy. I hope they also give him some intensive instruction in saying "Baaa" so he won't upset the rest of the sheep. (/Sarcasm mode off/)
I am so F-ing sick of seeing threads like these. When is this "zero tolerance" shit going to stop.

When parents get sick of this crap and start suing the living s**t out of the brain-dead school officials who perpetuate this sort of idiocy. When the parents march into the schools EVERY TIME this happens and start raising holy hell. When the parents start getting onto the local school boards and make it very clear that they'll start firing superintendents and principals who support this behavior.

All you parents out there, repeat after me: "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any more!"

Yesterday one of my third graders sketched out a very detailed picture of a rifle on the back of his work sheet, and labled it "AK-47". It actually came out pretty nice.

Oh, lord... warn that kid that any other teacher will crucify him for drawings like that.

If kids would simply ... Visualize World Peace, there's be no problems at all.


Oh, lord... warn that kid that any other teacher will crucify him for drawings like that.

Actually, I told him, "That's pretty good. I have an AK-47". At that point I had to explain the difference between semi and full-auto, and point out that I didn't have a "real" AK-47. [sad2]

I've got a lot of kids that come from families that hunt, shoot and collect firearms. I think that fact may be holding at bay, in my district, the nonsense that leads to "zero tolerance" policies and the silliness that ensues. I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
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