IMPORTANT NOTICE for all gunowners House Bill H2259

Jim is literally going to compile a HUGE STACK of these to present at the State House.

Thanks in advance to all that write.
This is mind blowing. Are we in Texas right now? I could only skim it because I am working right now but check this section out:

Section 8A. It shall be an act of lawful defense if a person, who is an occupant of a dwelling or in any place that they have a right to be, used deadly force, or less than deadly force, if he or she acted in the reasonable belief that an assailant was about to inflict great bodily injury or death upon themselves or upon another person who also had a right to be in the location. There shall be no duty on a person to retreat from any place that they have a right to be. An act of lawful defense as outlined in this section shall not be cause for arrest or prosecution. Further, an act of lawful defense under this section shall not be cause for the revocation of a firearm identification card issued under Chapter 140.


Aside from writing a letter, what else can I do?
This may sound stupid but when writing this letter how should I start it? Should I write:
Dear ****
Honorary ****
Dear Mr. **** and Mr. ****
To whom in may concern?

Any suggestions?

BTW, if this bill passes it will completely revolutionize our gun laws. I am skeptical but hopeful.
Good Question, Please address it like so.

Use this address/salutation at the top of the page;

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA. 02133

Dear Chairmen and Committee Members,

Please make sure that you mail the letter to Jim Wallace here at the GOAL office.

Mike can said letter be emailed but a word document?

Also do we have a sample letter or shall we just tell it like it is?

Emails sent to the reps...letter will follow.

Have to love that out of office reply.
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When I get back from business, I'm going to be writing my first political letter for this, and will post an outlined version for anyone that's on the fence, and would like an example.

After skimming the bill, I think my main theme will be that for the law abiding, the bill unifies a set of common-sense laws out of a confusing thicket. For the law-breaking, it gives the thicket thorns. Those who want to follow the law should be able to understand what laws they're following. Those who intend to break the laws should know they'll get punished. Is this an accurate reading?

What's the timeframe on this? A few days? A week? Two?
Also do we have a sample letter or shall we just tell it like it is?

I'm totally new at this, but a quick look at the committee reveals (surprise!) most of your audience are Democrats. Playing up things that Democrats traditionally value, is probably going to be more effective. Arguments I'll use will include:

References to civil rights, fair punishments, equal standards throughout the state, clarifying piecemeal laws in favor of a unified structure.

Things I'm not going to mention are arguments about the Second Amendment protecting all other rights, armed populations being polite, anything about Obama, etc, etc. If I couldn't say it on MSNBC, I'm not going to say it here.

Your millage may vary.
Is there a deadline to get these letters in?

H. 2259 Needs your help!

GOAL needs your help in changing our ever restrictive gun legislation.

We are currently working on H. 2259 "An Act Relative To Civil Rights And Public Safety."

If passed this bill would dramatically change the landscape of our current gun laws in a way that would benefit all lawful gun owners.

We are asking all of you that read this email to take 5 minutes of your time and write a personal note in support of the passing of this bill. Please mention in this bill how our current restrictive laws are un-acceptable and have infringed upon your constitutional rights while doing NOTHING to reduce crime. (see stats here)

Please title the letter "In Support of H. 2259"
Please address the letter to:
The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA. 02133

Jim Wallace
Write for Reform
PO Box 567
Northboro, MA. 01532

Please note, the letter does not have to be hand written, it can be done on a word processor. Please if possible print it on home stationary, and also, most importantly, SIGN AND INCLUDE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS ON THE LETTER!
Can you guys tell me if this is ok?

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA. 02133

Dear: Chairmen and Committee Members,

I am a long-time resident of XXXXXXXXXXX, MA, and I am writing to express my full support of H. 2259 "An Act Relative To Civil Rights And Public Safety”.

I fully understand the public’s fear as it relates to citizens bearing arms. Fear is typically based on a lack of knowledge and I believe this case is no exception. Research will show that violent gun crime is committed by citizens who legally own firearms about .5% of the time (1 in 200). I applaud the efforts the state has made to reduce violent gun crime and I am in 100% agreement that more has to be done but statistics show that the state’s efforts thus far have fallen short of the desired results (see the statistics below) due mostly to the fact that only the law abiding citizens who own firearms will comply. Restrictions do not deter criminals, punishment does. The restrictions currently imposed on legal gun owners also have created an imbalance of power by disarming the law abiding citizen and not the perpetrators of these crimes. I believe that this bill addresses these issues as well as solidifies our constitutional rights guaranteed under the second amendment. To see this bill passed would reestablish my faith in the government of this state as it would be a tremendous step toward becoming what our founding fathers had envisioned us to be.

• The WRISS Report released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in March of 2007 shows a 78% INCREASE in firearm related assaults since 1998.
• ISP reports from 1998 to 2006 show a 67% INCREASE in homicide related firearm deaths since 1998.
• ISP reports from 1998 to 2006 show a 236% INCREASE in assault related firearm hospital discharges since 1998.
• ISP reports from 1999 to 2006 show a 331% INCREASE in assault related emergency room visits since 1999.
• ISP reports from 2001 to 2006 (the most recent report available) show a 590% INCREASE in assault outpatient observations since 2001.
Can you guys tell me if this is ok?


Again, I'm new at this, but I think using the statistics in that way is going to induce a "Firearms are bad!" reaction instead of an "ILLEGAL Firearms are bad" reaction. Adding a conclusion afterward that explains that unambiguously shows current MA regulations are doing a bad job regulating ILLEGAL arms might help prevent this.
Everyone, thanks for the response so far.

This bill will be presented at the state house at some point this fall.

It's great to email them to your reps, but PLEASE FOR FULL EFFECT SEND A SIGNED PAPER VERSION TO JIM AT THE ADDRESS IN THE OP!! [grin]

Please write these in your own words, make them personal, talk about how our laws are endangering you as a citizen and criminalizing us lawful gun owning citizens.

They don't have to be long, just state the facts that you will be voting for those that support this bill, let your voice be heard.

Thanks again!
Sorry for the total noob question but along with sending a hard copy who should we email? Here are my distric reps

District Representatives

BTW, I grew up with Mr. Falzone. We went to school together all through HS and he recently hit me up on Facebook. I don't think that will help my cause but its worth a shot.
A template if you need it:

September 24, 2009

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA 02133

To whom it may concern:
I am writing to ask you to support H 2259 “An Act Relative to Civil Rights and Public Safety.


Please support this bill.
Thank you for your support.

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Can you guys tell me if this is ok?

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA. 02133

Dear: Chairmen and Committee Members,

I am a long-time resident of XXXXXXXXXXX, MA, and I am writing to express my full support of H. 2259 "An Act Relative To Civil Rights And Public Safety”.

I fully understand the public’s fear as it relates to citizens bearing arms. Fear is typically based on a lack of knowledge and I believe this case is no exception. Research will show that violent gun crime is committed by citizens who legally own firearms about .5% of the time (1 in 200). I applaud the efforts the state has made to reduce violent gun crime and I am in 100% agreement that more has to be done but statistics show that the state’s efforts thus far have fallen short of the desired results (see the statistics below) due mostly to the fact that only the law abiding citizens who own firearms will comply. Restrictions do not deter criminals, punishment does. The restrictions currently imposed on legal gun owners also have created an imbalance of power by disarming the law abiding citizen and not the perpetrators of these crimes. I believe that this bill addresses these issues as well as solidifies our constitutional rights guaranteed under the second amendment. To see this bill passed would reestablish my faith in the government of this state as it would be a tremendous step toward becoming what our founding fathers had envisioned us to be.

• The WRISS Report released by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in March of 2007 shows a 78% INCREASE in firearm related assaults since 1998.
• ISP reports from 1998 to 2006 show a 67% INCREASE in homicide related firearm deaths since 1998.
• ISP reports from 1998 to 2006 show a 236% INCREASE in assault related firearm hospital discharges since 1998.
• ISP reports from 1999 to 2006 show a 331% INCREASE in assault related emergency room visits since 1999.
• ISP reports from 2001 to 2006 (the most recent report available) show a 590% INCREASE in assault outpatient observations since 2001.

I think that's great. When you take the time to write a real letter (as opposed to a form letter) you're already most of the way there in my opinion.

One minor nit:
Research will show that violent gun crime is committed by citizens who legally own firearms about .5% of the time (1 in 200).

This is confusing to me (I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but neither are many law makers.) Shouldn't it be "Research has shown..."? Also, the stats are confusing - are you saying that 1 in 200 legal gun owners will commit a violent gun crime? I'm guessing that you really mean that of all the violent gun crimes committed between (date) and (date) only one half of one percent were committed by legal permit holders.

Overall I think it's a good letter. Nice job.

Sorry for the total noob question but along with sending a hard copy who should we email? Here are my distric reps

District Representatives

BTW, I grew up with Mr. Falzone. We went to school together all through HS and he recently hit me up on Facebook. I don't think that will help my cause but its worth a shot.

No need to email it, just send us the hard copy. Jim is going to hand deliver them this fall on the House floor. THANK YOU!
This is confusing to me (I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but neither are many law makers.) Shouldn't it be "Research has shown..."? Also, the stats are confusing - are you saying that 1 in 200 legal gun owners will commit a violent gun crime? I'm guessing that you really mean that of all the violent gun crimes committed between (date) and (date) only one half of one percent were committed by legal permit holders.

Fixed it, thanks. I guess I read it so many times I missed that

Research has shown that only .5% (1 of 200) of all violent gun crime is committed by citizens who legally own firearms.
Here's another version of MXD's letter

September 24, 2009

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA. 02133

Dear Chairmen and Committee Members:

As a resident of XXXXXX, MA, I am writing to express my full support of H. 2259, “An Act Relative To Civil Rights And Public Safety.”

Although I applaud the efforts the state has made to reduce violent gun crime, the host of restrictions currently imposed on legal gun owners has only created an imbalance of power by disarming more law abiding citizens than criminals.

The many piecemeal laws and restrictions imposed by local towns and municipalities have also created a lot of confusion. I believe that this bill would clarify the law—for law enforcement officers and law abiding citizens alike—by creating a just and unified standard.

Passing this bill would reestablish my faith in the government of this state as it would protect my civil right to keep and bear arms for personal self-defense, a right upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States on June 26, 2008, in the case District of Columbia v. Heller.

Thank you for your support and for your service.


John Doe
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I have composed my letter and will be mailing it to GOAL tomorrow. Here is what I wrote:

September 24, 2009

The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Senator James Timilty and Representative Michael Costello
Room 167 State House
Boston, MA. 02133

Dear Chairmen and Committee Members,

I am writing to you in support of H. 2259, An Act Relative To Civil Rights And Public Safety.

As lifelong residents of Massachusetts and participants in the shooting sports, my family and I are well aware of the burden placed upon the citizens of Massachusetts by our existing firearm laws. These existing laws infringe upon areas of personal rights, and do little to combat the real problem of crime or safety in the Commonwealth.

I have carefully read the proposed legislation, as I am sure you have, and it is my belief that passage of H. 2259 would go a long way toward rectifying the current inequities in our laws. It seems patently unfair that an individual’s right to lawfully possess and carry firearms depends more on his geographic location in the Commonwealth than on his suitability to do so as an individual citizen, but that is the current system we are faced with in the Commonwealth. This is just one of the areas that H. 2259 seeks to address.

My family and I will be following the progress of this bill as it moves through the legislature, and I hope it will have your endorsement and support. Thank you for your attention in this matter.


Folks, if you're going to use anyone's letter as a template, personalize it. Pick one or two issues and mention those. A rant about all gun laws is fine on NES, but it doesn't do much in a letter to a legislator. Emails to legislators are rarely seen by the legislators themselves and are routinely ignored. A letter, snail-mailed, carries far more weight. The old rule used to be that for every mailed letter there were 5 to 10 other individuals who felt the same exact way but didn't bother to write it out, get an envelope, stamp and mail it.

My thanks to GOAL for continuing the struggle. We, the people, need to give them the ammunition to keep fighting. Dollars are always important, but words count too! [grin]
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