If anyone missed this article. NY Times Op Ed April 27th

Aug 19, 2008
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The evolution in public policy concerning the manufacture, sale and possession of semiautomatic assault weapons like AK-47s, AR-15s and Uzis has been very disturbing. Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and I all supported a ban on these formidable firearms, and one was finally passed in 1994.

When the 10-year ban was set to expire, many police organizations — including 1,100 police chiefs and sheriffs from around the nation — called on Congress and President George W. Bush to renew and strengthen it. But with a wink from the White House, the gun lobby prevailed and the ban expired.

I have used weapons since I was big enough to carry one, and now own two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes. I use them carefully, for hunting game from our family woods and fields, and occasionally for hunting with my family and friends in other places. We cherish the right to own a gun and some of my hunting companions like to collect rare weapons. One of them is a superb craftsman who makes muzzle-loading rifles, one of which I displayed for four years in my private White House office.

But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives. That’s why the White House and Congress must not give up on trying to reinstate a ban on assault weapons, even if it may be politically difficult.

An overwhelming majority of Americans, including me and my hunting companions, believe in the right to own weapons, but surveys show that they also support modest restraints like background checks, mandatory registration and brief waiting periods before purchase.

A majority of Americans also support banning assault weapons. Many of us who hunt are dismayed by some of the more extreme policies of the National Rifle Association, the most prominent voice in opposition to a ban, and by the timidity of public officials who yield to the group’s unreasonable demands.

Heavily influenced and supported by the firearms industry, N.R.A. leaders have misled many gullible people into believing that our weapons are going to be taken away from us, and that homeowners will be deprived of the right to protect ourselves and our families. The N.R.A. would be justified in its efforts if there was a real threat to our constitutional right to bear arms. But that is not the case.

Instead, the N.R.A. is defending criminals’ access to assault weapons and use of ammunition that can penetrate protective clothing worn by police officers on duty. In addition, while the N.R.A. seems to have reluctantly accepted current law restricting sales by licensed gun dealers to convicted felons, it claims that only “law-abiding people” obey such restrictions — and it opposes applying them to private gun dealers or those who sell all kinds of weapons from the back of a van or pickup truck at gun shows.

What are the results of this profligate ownership and use of guns designed to kill people? In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 30,000 people died from firearms, accounting for nearly 20 percent of all injury deaths. In 2005, every nine hours a child or teenager in the United States was killed in a firearm-related accident or suicide.

Across our border, Mexican drug cartels are being armed with advanced weaponry imported from the United States — a reality only the N.R.A. seems to dispute.

The gun lobby and the firearms industry should reassess their policies concerning safety and accountability — at least on assault weapons — and ease their pressure on acquiescent politicians who fear N.R.A. disapproval at election time. We can’t let the N.R.A.’s political blackmail prevent the banning of assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, is the winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.
if only there was someone spending this much effort making sure that the US peanut supply was clean of salmonella
Don't worry, we have a Jimmy Carter PLUS in the White House now, and left-proof both houses. They will try, for sure.
poorest president

Jimmy Carter was arguably the most incompetent President in history of our country.
I can't stand people that claim to support a right but then want to tell everyone else how they are allowed to exercise it.

Exactly, this moron has to first show how he cherishes his firearms and the 2nd amendment, then goes straight into a line of BS right out of the Brady campaign playbook.
Jimmy Carter said:
The gun lobby and the firearms industry should reassess their policies concerning safety and accountability — at least on assault weapons — and ease their pressure on acquiescent politicians who fear N.R.A. disapproval at election time.

This one bugs me. You see this repeated over and over. I had a liberal throw the "financed by the powerful gun industry" myth at me in an argument. I asked him if he knew how big "the gun industry" really is. He admitted that he didn't, and promised to do some research. He determined (this is a lib remember) that the entire combined gun industry (arms manufacturers) has smaller annual sales than Home Depot - and many times smaller than the company that I work for.

I asked him if I'd sound like an idiot if I ran around arguing that Home Depot has a major influence on government policy. He reluctantly agreed that it would sound foolish. Then he started in on the NRA.

I said, "The NRA only represents its members - Americans - and gives its members a voice. Are you advocating against the First Amendment now too?"
This one bugs me. You see this repeated over and over. I had a liberal throw the "financed by the powerful gun industry" myth at me in an argument. I asked him if he knew how big "the gun industry" really is. He admitted that he didn't, and promised to do some research. He determined (this is a lib remember) that the entire combined gun industry (arms manufacturers) has smaller annual sales than Home Depot - and many times smaller than the company that I work for.

I asked him if I'd sound like an idiot if I ran around arguing that Home Depot has a major influence on government policy. He reluctantly agreed that it would sound foolish. Then he started in on the NRA.

I said, "The NRA only represents its members - Americans - and gives its members a voice. Are you advocating against the First Amendment now too?"

This is one of my most FAVORITE arguments to rebut. I use roughly the same logic you did. Sheeple boggle but they don't ever learn(weebles wobble blah blah blah)
I think we need a ban on reproduction, it is where ALL of the police and baby killers come from!
Jimmy Carter was arguably the most incompetent President in history of our country.

Not satisfied with merely being the most incompetent President in history, he now seems well on his way to becoming the most incompetent former President as well.
Unfortunately, I know MANY hunters that feel the exact same way. When I try to argue with them about the idiocy of banning "assault weapons" and how allowing politicians to violate the 2nd Amendment now will eventually affect them and their bolt action 30-06's. They usually respond with something to the effect of "Nah, no one will ever take away HUNTING rifles, What do I care if they ban gangbangers from buying Uzis?"

Unfortunately, I know MANY hunters that feel the exact same way. When I try to argue with them about the idiocy of banning "assault weapons" and how allowing politicians to violate the 2nd Amendment now will eventually affect them and their bolt action 30-06's. They usually respond with something to the effect of "Nah, no one will ever take away HUNTING rifles, What do I care if they ban gangbangers from buying Uzis?"


I really wish I could disagree with you, but I have seen that as well. I try to explain to people that gangbangers cannot legally buy or possess Uzis right now, but that doesn't stop them.

Like death from 1,000 razor cuts, people just don't get it that "assault" weapons would be first, then any semiauto rifles, then anything "designed to pierce a bullet proof vest", ie that cop killer bolt action .308 you had.
I actually avoided reading this thread earlier today because I didn't want to become pissed off early in the day. Well, now its the night and I clicked on it for shits and giggles and low and behold it made me peeved. I honestly don't know why some people are so obsessed with "assault weapons." I especially like the part that tells how often a kid is killed or commits suicide by firearm. My guess is that this statistic is greatly inflated due to the suicide numbers. The fact of the matter is that is people are crazy enough to kill themselves then they're crazy enough to do it in a number of different ways and a inanimate object should not be held responsible for their insanity.

Sorry for the incoherent rant. I just freakin hate stupid people.
while the N.R.A. seems to have reluctantly accepted current law restricting sales by licensed gun dealers to convicted felons, it claims that only “law-abiding people” obey such restrictions —

When was the NRA ever opposed to laws banning gun sales to convicted felons?

What friggin' planet is this moron living on?

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, is the winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.

Says it all right there. Worst . president . ever .

Didn't Yasser Arafat also win the Nobel Peace Prize?
How well did that work out.......
Unfortunately, I know MANY hunters that feel the exact same way. When I try to argue with them about the idiocy of banning "assault weapons" and how allowing politicians to violate the 2nd Amendment now will eventually affect them and their bolt action 30-06's. They usually respond with something to the effect of "Nah, no one will ever take away HUNTING rifles, What do I care if they ban gangbangers from buying Uzis?"


If the SHTF, I am not going to reach for my Browning O/U.

EBR [mg]
Jimmy Carter, the 39th president, is the winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize.
He's also an oath-breaker, since he is patently trying to destroy the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Or is the proper descriptor "Traitor"?

I know I'm somewhat new to firearms, but arent all guns designed to kill?

Gotta love the sheeple provoking statements.

All firearms are designed to project small pieces of metal, usually lead, copper, steel or bismuth, in a repeatable trajectory, propelled by gunpowder of some sort (either smokeless or black powder).

However, like knives, (bows &) arrows, (crossbows &) quarrels, slingshots, baseball bats, lead pipes, brass knuckles and rocks, they can be USED to kill.

Stop asking sheeple-provoking questions.

I have long held the opinion that Jimmy Cater in another era would have been tried as a traitor to his country....
I cannot possible argue with this. I'd love to see what Andrew Jackson would do to Mr Peanut if he ever met him FTF.

Not satisfied with merely being the most incompetent President in history, he now seems well on his way to becoming the most incompetent former President as well.
Another cogent observation I can't argue with, either. [thinking]
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Wonderful, we have another person spreading Hilary Clinton's lies about the involvment of legal US firearms sales in the Mexican Cartels.

90% of Firearms traces submitted by the Mexican Government to the FBI turned out to be sourced from the US, but only weapons bearing US markings were even submitted, and no one has been able to determine how many of these weapons were traced to US Government Contract Sales to Mexican Law Enforcement and Military units (The US is the larest supplier of arms to the Mexican Police and Military)

Based on a comparison of the number of traces submitted and the number of weapons siezed by the Mexican Government, approximately 17% have been traces to the US - The majority of which are most likely Government Contract Sales of military grade weapons that are already illegal to purchase in the US.

The Assault Weapons Ban had no measurable impact on criminal activity in the US. During the 10 year study of the effect of the AWB (required by the law) only 30% of homicides are perpetrated with firearms and of those, approximately 3-4% are perpetrated by weapons affected by the assault weapons ban.

AWB supporters have long claimed that these kinds of "high power" firearms have "no legal sporting purpose" yet the 7.62x39 is a very effective short to medium range medium game hunting round with comparable uses to a .30-30 Winchester and the 5.56x45 is one of the most common small preditor rounds. AR-15 style weapons are frequently used for varmint and preditor hunting.

The democrats have no political desire right now to push a renewal of the AWB because they strongly believe their losses in Congress during the 1994 and 1996 elections are tied to the passage and support of the 1994 AWB. Instead they will push "back-door" or "babystep" bands, registration programs etc.

As they push for National Firearms Registration remind everyone, shooter and non-shooter alike. We have seen nations advocate and implement "Firearm Registration" because "We just need to know who has what and law abidding citizens have nothing to fear" And look at where Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany took that.
As they push for National Firearms Registration remind everyone, shooter and non-shooter alike. We have seen nations advocate and implement "Firearm Registration" because "We just need to know who has what and law abidding citizens have nothing to fear" And look at where Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany took that.

I wanted to avoid reading the Jimmy Carter Op Ed for several reason, one of which is my blood pressure. But, reading it has just made me more convinced that left leaning politicians are doing all they can to start a process where by law abiding citizens have the right to own a firearm eroded to the point of confiscation. They start slow - like national registration, then before you know it all the government agencies and police forces know exactly what firearms you have. Just look at the UK, where licence holders had to have each firearm added to their licence. When it came time to confiscate ( and they did) all the law had to do was say "bring them in by Sunday etc, as we know what you've got and where you've got it..." Bingo,, no more pistols in the UK and try if you may for a center fire rifle.

So go ahead, ban "assault weapons" if you like. My FN FAL, for example, is not an assault weapon. It is a semi automatic rifle.

Still, Jimmy boy may wish he had an "assault weapon" if the UFO he claimed to have seen comes back for him [grin]
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