I don't know if you can help

I cannot offer any advice with regards to your gun predicament, however I can offer my condolences and prayers that your family will stay healthy and recover quickly from this sad, horrible situation.

:( Nothing like some salt in those horrible wounds! So sorry Grace! Sending strength your way! Take good care of yourself and those little boys!!! I am here if you need ANYTHING!!!

<3 Kathy
Please let us know if you need help with anything!! I wish you the best this winter and I hope your holidays are filled with laughter
I'm sorry for your loss. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Are you a member of a club down here on Cape? If you aren't and would like to take your boys shooting I'll host you as a guest at Cape Cod Fish & Game(or Barnstable if it ever reopens [rolleyes]).
Was shocked, but sadly happy? to see this bumped...thank you.

2 months today. We moved home a week ago. Nights are hard. Kinda just waiting for those day by days to get easier. Youngest son's birthday this week and you know what his wish is.

Thanks for thinking of us, it means a lot.
My condolences for your loss.

If you decide to sell, feel free to contact the hive at NES to get an idea of valuation. Steer clear of anyone who advertises that they buy estate guns and offers to come to your house - you will not get top dollar.

I would ask the counselor up front about confidentiality and under what circumstances it would be breached (in other words, under what circumstances, if any, they would need to share the conseling discussions with an outside party).
The counselor will probably say something like "only if something you say makes me feel you are a danger to yourself or others". You may then proceed directly to discussing your firearms ownership with the counselor :(.
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I wish you the strength and courage to get through the days ahead, and hope you can find comfort in friends, family, and the helping hands of NES.
This was our first foray into technology, buying the laptop and joining a forum a few months back. The kindness of people we have never met has been overwhelming. Really can't thank you all enough. I look forward to coming home and going online here. Keeps me from rattling around spinning my wheels.
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