I am going to Bass Pro Shop Today

I think if you said you have both, and handed them an FID, I think you'd have a bigger problem then buying ammo. Unless you felt it necessary to pay $100 to the Mass government for a lesser copy of your LTC.

Unless you're under the age of 21 and over the age of 18. You could be thinking that you were going to be shooting with your dad's .22 pistol as well as your rifle while you were both at the range.
Some would argue that the $100. for an FID card is like insurance. If for some reason a person had his/her LTC confiscated, the FID card would enable that person to retain some guns, ammunition and "pepper spray". In fact, several lawyers suggest strongly that gun owners have both.
Best Regards.

I don't think you can have both... An LTC A or B in MA is just a less restrictive FID. They just have a stupid, unclear naming structure.
You can have an FID and a LTC. I just find the FID totally useless, as most all of my guns don't "qualify" under the restrictions of an FID since 1998.
I'm very suspicious that this was an attempted sting, perhaps Coakley put him up to it? I wouldn't put it past either of them.

Not sure if the law makes it illegal to buy, but if he took possession without any MA LTC (NR), he definitely would be breaking the law. No way that a DA would prosecute. Politicians take care of their own, when they aren't eating their young (election time).

Then I have some good news for you: http://www.alphecca.com/?p=533
Here's an interesting question I submit for comment to the BP employees on this list:

What is the moral culpability of an employee who is basically told "do not think, do not accept info from customers, do not engage in arguments about the law***" but who, through their personal understanding of the firearms laws and AG's regulations realizes that they are participating in a sale that is either illegal (not on either list) or an unfair and deceptive trade practice (the AG's CMR) and still proceeds to assist in such sales, accept 4473's and FA10s, etc?

I am not saying that any of the BP employees necessarily knew about the AG's regulations and Glocks - I'm just asking a "what if" question that comes to mind.

*** - Particularly important when the shop's position is inconsistent with state law
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To take Rob's thoughts one step further.

Under MGLs, I wonder about the LEGAL culpability of the clerks who sold the guns that aren't on the EOPS List (criminal) or AG Regs compliant (civil)? If they could be prosecuted by the AG if she so desires?

"Just following orders" didn't fly with some other illegal acts in prior times, so I'm not so sure in this case.
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