How to bug out

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do me a favor and only stab the left eye. i'm kind of partial to the right side of my face. it's the GQ photo op side. i had to drive a gay ass 1 1/2 hrs from my gay ass house to a gay assed McDonalds to feed a half dozen Big Macs to my dog this morning. i only did it for you, and I thought about you the whole time he slurped them up. [laugh]

When I get home I am going to drive all the way to your gayass Mcdonalds, pick up 15 of them, then drive to your gay ass house where I will force feed them to you. After which I am taking you to the zoo so you can be analy raped by an army of silverback gorillas for teasing me with such an avitar!
do me a favor and only stab the left eye. i'm kind of partial to the right side of my face. it's the GQ photo op side. i had to drive a gay ass 1 1/2 hrs from my gay ass house to a gay assed McDonalds to feed a half dozen Big Macs to my dog this morning. i only did it for you, and I thought about you the whole time he slurped them up. [laugh]

Make it 16, I want one too.

* get me one too. *drool* (Damn Micky D grease.)
Well, here is my problem... what happens if the SHTF when I'm at work, 45 miles from home? What happens if the world melts down when I'm on business in NYC?

I guess I'll deal with being at work, because that is the most likely scenario.

My office is in downtown Boston. Leaving during rush hour on a normal day is a disaster because traffic is bad. What happens in a SHTF situation? Roads would be clogged/impassable, public transit would likely be a mess too. How do I get out? Should I keep a bike in the office? Given that I'm close to South Station, do I RUN to the train and try to get any outbound train away from the city? Do I hold up in my office until cover of dark and hike out of the city?

Get to know your back roads, and not just the ones that everyone else knows, but the backup to that one, and to that backup... Have a copy of a good map book for your metro area handy, even if it's one that is a few years old - I like Universal - since you can't count on GPS working, and you may end up going a round about way to avoid the traffic. Bikes will always be a good option (unless you can afford horses) since fuel may become quickly inaccessible, or too dangerous to acquire, but the maps can still be useful then too.
How do you bug out in a Ferrari? There is no place for my gear. They put the fricken engines where the trunk should be, damn europeans get everything backwards.
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I hereby promise not to shoot anybody if the SHTF unless I really really have to. I have the hottest wife in the neighborhood so I won't be tying anyones wife up in the basement but maybe I'll get lucky and a hotty will move in.
oh god, another one [rolleyes][rolleyes]

I also think I misunderstood the forum. I thought we were talking about survival. You guys aren't really talking about end of the world, life or death stuff. You just trying to figure out what to do if the power goes out and your cappaccino machine doesn't work and you can't blow dry your hair.
I am new here so i did not realize that survival meant jumping in the car and heading to the Super8 motel. Boy am I relieved. All these years I have been worrying about what to do if the bombs fall and all I need to do is get together with my neighbors and politely figure out how we are going to divide my supplies so they have a fighting chance.

I always thought survival meant just that. Not "what to do if you don't have cable for a week" Ofcourse I wouldn't shoot people for no reason. Obviously deadly force would only be used as a last resort in a life or death situation, but what are you planning for?

I was mislead by the forum title that says "When you have to take matters into your own hands" It should say " Survival Forum: What to do if the pizza guy takes 45 minutes to arrive". You could starve after all.

Everyone can survive a blizzard that lasts a week or a power outage that last a week with just shelter and blankets. You might get cold and hungry but you will live. If a chlorine tanker overturns all you need are your car keys and a credit card.

When the Koreans nuke the East Coast or the terrorists unleash Bio weapons and no help is coming,that is survival.

the tone here tends to be more probable SHTF scenarios. last years ice storm for example. you say oh just put on a blanket and grab a snack....well for those that lost power for 13 days with temps in their house below 30*, i bet they wish they thought to grab a blanket while their pipes were bursting and they were running out of food and they couldnt keep their kids warm and properly fed/hydrated.

if you think we are more likely to get bombed then in a bad situation due to a nasty storm...i think you better stock up on the tinfoil
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