How old were you when you got your LTC?

37. I came to the US when I was 22-yr old grad student and it took me 14 years to become a naturalized citizen. 2A is one of the coolest things that comes with the US citizenship.
30, when I moved back to MA from New York. I got my FID when I was 16. Growing up, my mom was had an "anti" proclivity, but my dad recognized my interest. I wanted a pellet gun, and although I didn't need to (legally), we went to the PD, and I applied for an FID.

As objectionable as it may be, I thought it was a good lesson from my dad on the safe use of firearms and a step toward uderstanding the morass of firearms laws here.
I got my CT LTC right when I turned 21, but I was going to school in Mass so it was pretty useless. After I got out of school, I ended up staying it mass and just got my mass LTC at age 23. Restricted to sporting right now though.
FID at 19. LTC-A at 21. So PRM lifted $200 from me in two years. That was in 2005 and 2007 respectively.
I applied in Norwood on my 21st birthday, I got my license with a big red stamp "RESTRICTED" across it NINE months later. This run around inspired me to start the NRA Life payment program and join GOAL as soon as I found out about it.
55, Class A No restrictions I'm making up for lost time now. I'm at the range nearly every weekend.
Hey, we moved here at the same age...I miss living in our Country. It's great when I go back home where the state doesn't govern everyone's actions. People can still eat transfats. You can still smoke in bars that are over 21. I can buy beer at any Gas Station. And cops and citizens don't care if you own a gun.
Just think, some day those statements will seem as homie and far removed as Mayberry looks when we watch it on tv. :(

I missed the beer runs to the gas station for the 24 packs of sierra nevada. I didn't even know what a transfat was until moving here.
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