How old were you when you got your LTC?

19 the old paper card for "protection of life and property" if I remember right, Think I still have it, somewhere...
Got mine at 21. Over the years I've had the following phrases:

Hunting & Target Practice
Personal Protection
Protection Of Life & Property
ALP (Restrictions: None)

I'm hoping to eventually get one that says "Displaying Of Godlike Powers." [laugh]
Had my FID when I was 18 when they were for life. Got my Ltc A unrestricted at 39.

Sent from my Photon using Tapatalk while sitting in the Burlington Mall parking lot.
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15 FID.
21 LTC. There was no a and b back then
But I always got All Lawful Purposes. So I got an A when they switched
I was 31, but that was only because I moved into MA when I was 31.

31, because I lived in America, and didn't need one until moving to the PRM.

Hey, we moved here at the same age...I miss living in our Country. It's great when I go back home where the state doesn't govern everyone's actions. People can still eat transfats. You can still smoke in bars that are over 21. I can buy beer at any Gas Station. And cops and citizens don't care if you own a gun.
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