how are your post trump, color revolution, covid family relationships ?

Aug 3, 2013
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the hater machine always need an enemy to support their agendas; families have been destroyed over the last 5 yrs these issues. it has alway been shaky with mine who are flaming liberals mostly employed as teachers in the public school system. we are completely opposite in view on the political/social spectrum. they started a fight and that was it, all relationships, contact, holiday invites ceased. it has 4 yrs. my wife's side are mostly conservative, don't care and the liberals are accepting
Mine feel that white people are to blame for all of the problems in the world and that white people as a whole should be punished and forced out of positions of authority. And they also hate racism.

Think about that for a second.
that is critical race theory; they must be teachers, they push that crap
does anyone really think and care about this stuff in real life? i was under the impression it was talked about on news shows to gain a bigger audience and the hollywoods thought it put people in the seats when they jumped on the latest cause.
I don’t. It’s all talking heads bullshit.
does anyone really think and care about this stuff in real life? i was under the impression it was talked about on news shows to gain a bigger audience and the hollywoods thought it put people in the seats when they jumped on the latest cause.

They care in the sense that they are guilted into feeling a certain way that makes them want to do all that they can to display to the world that they support whatever it is they're supposed to. Its virtue signaling. Its the "Somebody needs to do something about this!!" crowd. They're not going to go out and actually do anything good to help the people they're claiming are victimized and marginalized. They'll just change their profile picture, maybe wear a t-shirt, pass some memes around, and go about their pathetic day. And they are most certainly not going to do anything to trade spots with someone they think deserves that spot but has been "marginalized".
Commie neighbors have the yard signs of their party. When a local election is coming, I snap a picture of signage so I know who to vote against. Haven't set foot in their yard in years. They did put a big fence around the property and I made the comment that it does keep out people who are not welcome. This was after being lectured on border wall and the 1% not paying their fair share. They hated mean tweets.
. My immediate family are all on the same page after the obomma shit show.
Our lone token liberal in the family died a couple years ago, and he isn't really missed.

Everyone caved about the vax though. Everyone was against it, and one by one each one caved to save their job - which I understand and accept, as I was close to caving as well. Now there's still a couple who are jealous but happy we're not vaxed, while the rest want us to go along so we're all miserable.

Either way - I'm 4 hours away from them, so I don't see them too much anymore.
does anyone really think and care about this stuff in real life? i was under the impression it was talked about on news shows to gain a bigger audience and the hollywoods thought it put people in the seats when they jumped on the latest cause.

Apparently OP does, quite often:

family members covid vax required?

Deranged Liberals

In the doghouse/ Christmas ruined/ AR build

And there's a ton more, but those are the ones about him bitching about poor family relations.
does anyone really think and care about this stuff in real life? i was under the impression it was talked about on news shows to gain a bigger audience and the hollywoods thought it put people in the seats when they jumped on the latest cause.
I don't but the problem is, many do and votes for like minded politicians
I have an elderly friend who has no children or spouse who was told by his sister that he couldn't see his grand nieces and nephews if he wasn't boosted. He was pretty bummed out about it but didn't want to get the booster.

It was the worst thing I had heard about the whole situation and how it has impacted people by creating isolation.
I don't let politics ruin family. We'll argue it out over some beers, but in the end we're the same blood, and if you can't be cordial to meet up with family, then YOU'RE the problem (not you on this forum of course those who aren't cordial with family)

I may be a problem, I'm ok with that. Family is accidental, I'm more concerned with those I choose to be with.
I f***in love President Donald Trump. I don't give a f*** what anyone thinks. I rub it in the libs faces all the time. The bottom line is our country was put first when he was in charge. We had $1.89 gas when he left office, no wars, a secured southern border, lowest black unemployment in history, an exposed fake media, exposed swamp, revived American spirit, etc. Within 14 months, this entire country has gone to shit under democrat rule. You can't argue any of that. The democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic, corrupt and evil. Its out there clear as day. If any family member wants to say otherwise, please bring it on and I'll show you the truth.
I f***in love President Donald Trump. I don't give a f*** what anyone thinks. I rub it in the libs faces all the time. The bottom line is our country was put first when he was in charge. We had $1.89 gas when he left office, no wars, a secured southern border, lowest black unemployment in history, an exposed fake media, exposed swamp, revived American spirit, etc. Within 14 months, this entire country has gone to shit under democrat rule. You can't argue any of that. The democrats are racist, sexist, homophobic, corrupt and evil. Its out there clear as day. If any family member wants to say otherwise, please bring it on and I'll show you the truth.
The only family thing is my brother and SIL avoid talking politics AT ALL. Only b/c my dad, a staunch Democrat, has said a lot of not-nice things about the current administration. ROFL!!!

As far as colorwheelies, wife was in Northampton last weekend for a class. She said the # of BLM signs were staggering. Saw zero black people her entire 2 days there. ROFL!!! "Black Lives Matter - In Matter-pan. Not Northampton."
Irish and Italians elected their commie state but those that came to America should be looking for less .gov 🙏
The Italians elected their commie state mainly due to the backlash from the Mussolini government and German occupation after Italy surrendered in 1943. That fed a lot of how their state runs today. Not very smart to swap one dictatorship for another, but that's what fed a lot of it.
My family is smart enough to not let politics, COVID, religion or other pointless things get in the way of family relationship.

You can't choose your family, I got lucky with mine.

You are more fortunate than I am.

My sister's a liberal, turning realist, we talk a couple times a week.
My brother's a realist, we talk about once a week.

My daughter is a flaming liberal. We're not talking at all.
I'm missing my grandchildren's childhood.
As far as my family and friends go, my philosophy is simple, if you don't love Trump, then you don't love me, so get out of my face!!!
heh, it is quite straightforward. my wife is more pro-trump than i am, as i generally hate all politicians of all colors. trump was less of an evil than current shithead, but, to say they are totaly different is not to understand the nature of that evil.
trump did not do a zilch to solidify any actual improvements for the causes that matter to people, he is same exact owner class member - was the one since he was born and will remain as such. and he had everything at his disposal, congress, house, and even most of scotus.

i am not an anarchist, but, tend sometimes toward it now as i have lost any hope to see anything good coming, ever. not here, nor abroad, all the same shit everywhere. it is all pointless.

yep, and a meme, to clarify:
I have strong beliefs - however, my time and mental well-being is too important for me to be debating/arguing with family and friends over politics etc., nobody's mind is likely to be changed one way or the other and everyone usually goes away mad and/or thinking how they can one up the other in the next "discussion". So my relationships with family and friends remain the same as before. Life is just way too short and I want to spend as much time and energy in doing things I enjoy.
My family is smart enough to not let politics, COVID, religion or other pointless things get in the way of family relationship.

You can't choose your family, I got lucky with mine.

I do choose my family. Just because some aunt had kids or whatever, why does that mean I’m linked to them for life. I choose friends and family. If you’re not a good person, I don’t care you’re my 2nd cousin, aunt etc.

The good ones I’m in contact with, the idiots (some are onto drugs and or alcoholics, others are just really shitty people regardless of politics) I don’t see or want to.
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