I have been thinking about reloading for a little while now. The cost of ammo is going up, and up, and up. I recently got my 1911 and was surprised at how easy it was to put 200 rounds down range. So I was looking into setting up to do 45ACP and .40 S&W. I would be happy to at least start with one for now, and then the other. I would only like to reload practice/range ammo and only for pistol. My problem with reloading is that it seemed VERY time consuming and not worth it for me to make the investment and use up that amount of my time. So doing some investigation I found that a progressive press would best suit my needs. So, I found one at Midway that has everything ready to go for 45ACP take a look http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=351321 What do you think about a setup like this to get me started. Of course I will probably get into it more once I start doing it, but I like the price and efficiency of this one for what I will be using it for..
All input is appreciated.
All input is appreciated.